Steven Brill

NewsGuard Advisor Agrees Executing Trump for Allegedly Having Nuke Doc
A former CIA director and NewsGuard advisor today seemingly promoted the execution of former President Donald Trump on Twitter.

NewsGuard Failing Fox News Because of ‘Standards’ Is a Pathetic Joke
Leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard is back to show the world why it’s a pathetic excuse for an internet traffic cop by giving a failing grade while completely undercutting its own complaint.

Will NewsGuard Keep WashPost’s 100/100 Score After Lorenz Scandal?
The Washington Post was caught stealth-editing a dishonest attack-the-right story by its in-house cry-bully Taylor Lorenz, yet the publication still enjoys a perfect score by leftist news ratings firm NewsGuard.

WHOA! NewsGuard FINALLY Downgrades Daily Beast for Hunter Biden Flub
Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard surprisingly put the left-wing Daily Beast in the doghouse by knocking its rating down 30.5 points for false reporting. NewsGuard downgraded The Daily Beast for discrediting the now widely confirmed Hunter Biden laptop scandal and for falsely smearing Kyle Rittenhouse.

Letter to Congress Cites MRC Study to Slam AFT-NewsGuard Partnership
Nineteen organizations demanded Congress investigate the Orwellian partnership between leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard and the anti-parent American Federation of Teachers.

NewsGuard Gives 100s to Outlets That Called Biden Laptop Disinfo
Internet traffic cop NewsGuard outed itself as a pathetic joke by giving perfect grades to outlets that tried to quash the Hunter Biden laptop story. Left-wing news organizations Politico, The Washington Post, Axios and USA Today all maligned the Biden bombshell by the New York Post as possibly part of a 2020 “disinformation” campaign.

FLASHBACK: NewsGuard CEO Calls Biden Laptop Story a Russian ‘Hoax’
NewsGuard CEO Steven Brill outed himself as completely biased before The New York Times’ confirmation of the existence of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop emails. The New York Times recently confirmed what conservatives already knew — the Hunter Biden laptop emails were legitimate. The Times reported on Hunter’s laptop, tying emails found on the computer to a…

NewsGuard CEO: Company Helps Advertisers Find ‘Legitimate’ Outlets
NewsGuard co-CEO Steven Brill claimed that NewsGuard’s goal is “not to block anything,” but “just [to] give people straight information.” However, in a recent interview, he revealed NewsGuard’s real game of demonetizing anything the “credibility” arbiter deems “misinformation.”
DENIED! MRC Question Refused as NewsGuard, AFT Heads Tout Credibility
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said she’s happy that NewsGuard highly rates some news outlets that have been critical of her. And her group’s new partner was right by her side.

NewsGuard CEO: Fox News, OANN Would Have Called Moon Landing ‘Fraud’
NewsGuard CEO Steven Brill this week painted his company as a white knight that can save impressionable dupes from repeating another Jan. 6 “insurrection,” and said Fox News and OANN traffic in conspiracy theories.

NewsGuard Offers Lame Rebuttal to MRC Study Exposing Left-Wing Bias
The leftist ratings firm NewsGuard criticized a Media Research Center study of the site’s ratings, calling it “fundamentally flawed.”

CNN's Brian Stelter Becomes Groupie for Leftist NewsGuard
CNN’s Reliable Sources anchor Brian Stelter slobbered over the leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard as some sort of paragon of journalistic virtue. Stelter fawned in a Jan. 16 blog how NewsGuard announced that its business was “reliable enough to turn a profit.” But here was the senseless part: “Although there are many quibbles with specific rulings about certain sites, the results…

Outlets SLAM NewsGuard for Biased Report Boosting Left-Wing News
The left-wing media’s Ministry of Truth — website ratings firm NewsGuard — is at it again, slamming conservative news outlets while promoting liberal rags. And conservative leaders are furious.

Microsoft Partner NewsGuard Slimes Limbaugh’s Facebook Page as ‘False’
COVID-19 is a phenomenon that even the most trusted sources have known almost nothing about since it began to spread in Wuhan, China. Outlets like CNN and organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have published material that later turned out to be untrue. Yet somehow, conservative media outlets get called out for “misinformation.”