
Matthews Admits Media Show Trump Tape for ‘Fun,’ Bludgeon Him on Syria

April 12th, 2018 12:04 AM
On Tuesday’s zany edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews admitted during the A-block that the news media “love to play” the infamous Access Hollywood tape with President Trump over and over again because it’s “fun” and “everyone” will think the President would be “wagging the dog” to attack Syria to distract from the Mueller probe.

'Second Thoughts': Hollywood Cancels Two Clinton-Lewinsky TV Dramas

April 7th, 2018 5:46 PM
While the Kennedys didn't stop the Chappaquiddick movie, it looks like the Clintons can still create "second thoughts" in Hollywood. The Hollywood Reporter notes Glee creator Ryan Murphy "hit the brakes" on a season of his FX series American Crime Story centered on Monica Lewinsky. The History Channel also had "second thoughts" on a six-part drama series on the Clinton impeachment. 

NYT Beans John Bolton With Obsessive 'Hard-Liner' and 'Hawkish' Tags

March 23rd, 2018 11:26 AM
The sudden, if not unexpected, appointment of John Bolton as President Trump’s national security adviser led the New York Times on Friday and the paper packed a year’s worth of predictable “hard-line” and “hawkish” labels in one edition. (The Times has used “hard-line” to describe Soviet Communists and Iranians who support the continuing Islamic death sentence against author Salman Rushdie, so it…

NYT: 'Hard Right’ in Trump & Neo-Fascist Europe; ‘Trickle-Down' Insult

March 3rd, 2018 2:46 PM
The New York Times starkly revealed its disparate, biased, and hopelessly confused treatment of fascist and socialist ideologies on Saturday, with Trump indirectly lumped in with European fascist parties. Reporter Jason Horowitz was featured on Saturday’s front page, “In Italian Campaign, Gravity of Far Right Exerts Its Strongest Pull.” Horowitz threw out plenty of “far-right” and “hard right”…

NYT Poll: Tax Bill Approval Surges, Liberal Media Ignore, Minimize

February 28th, 2018 10:19 AM
A majority of Americans now support the tax reform package passed by Congress and signed into law by Donald Trump just over two months ago. Just don’t expect the media to tell you about it.

NYT's Duplicitious Hit on Trump's 'Unparalled War on Law Enforcement'

February 4th, 2018 5:55 PM
The media meltdown continues, in the wake of the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo detailing alleged misconduct by the FBI and the DOJ. In “Trump’s Unparalleled War,” on the front of Sunday’s New York Times, reporters Sharon LaFraniere, Katie Benner, and Peter Baker’s fancy they’ve uncovered a conspiracist in the White House who has launched “an unparalleled war on law enforcement…

NYT’s Petulant Take on SOTU: 'What Trump Calls 'Chain Migration''

January 31st, 2018 1:25 PM
Reporter Peter Baker’s front-page “news analysis” in Wednesday’s New York Times, written before President Trump’s first State of the Union speech, tried to frame the president as an unpopular, divisive, uncompassionate exaggerator: “The Salesman Most Still Aren’t Sold On.” And Helene Cooper’s live coverage provided this snarky bit: “All of the invited guests were used to show how foreigners are…

NYT’s Strange New Approval for Trump, Pondering Amnesty for Illegals

January 10th, 2018 4:34 PM
The New York Times may be at its most liberal on the immigration issue, and when President Trump seemed to warm to the idea of a path to citizenship for some illegals, reporters abruptly warmed to him, at least compared to the “hard-line anti-immigration activists” in his party. The lead story by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “Trump Receptive To Working Out Citizenship Path,"…

NY Times: Criticize ‘Fake News’? You’re Acting Like a Dictator

December 13th, 2017 11:48 AM
President Trump is attacking the media once again, and the New York Times is playing scared, and playing the “dictator” card. The front page of Wednesday’s Times featured Steven Erlanger in Brussels shaming Trump, and suggesting he’s somewhat responsible for foreign dictators acting like foreign dictators, in “Globe’s Autocrats Echo Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Cry.”

MSNBC: Trump Doesn’t Like Don Lemon Because He’s Black

December 11th, 2017 2:36 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, New York Times Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker was welcomed onto the panel to discuss his and his colleagues’ latest report about President Trump’s TV news-watching habits. In the course of discussing the piece, MSNBC National Affairs Analyst John Heilemann made a point of bringing up how Trump’s favorite nightly news show to hate-watch is, reportedly, CNN…

Gush for NY Times Obama Book: His Integrity 'Cannot Be Photoshopped'

December 4th, 2017 10:57 PM
The New York Times eventually came around to publishing a review of a book it published in June titled Obama: The Call of History, a photo book with text by Times reporter Peter Baker. The reviewer was Rutgers professor James Goodman, who gushed like a good liberal Democrat about how much his late mother would love this coffee-table valentine. "Integrity like his cannot be photoshopped or feigned…

NY Times in Denial on Liberal Bias: We Play ‘Straight Down the Middle'

October 14th, 2017 10:14 PM
White House correspondents Maggie Haberman and Peter Baker were joined in Washington, D.C., by executive editor Dean Baquet in a conversation on covering the Trump administration, moderated by media columnist Jim Rutenberg on October 12. About 33 minutes into the talk, the subject turned to liberal bias, and there were the usual evasions and denials. Baker played dumb by suggesting readers were…

NYT Cites Carville to Defend Mueller: He's Not a Prig Like Ken Starr

July 24th, 2017 10:57 PM
New York Times intelligence reporter Peter Baker did all he could to minimize the scandal that resulted in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, and maximize the danger President Trump is now in, in Sunday’s “Trump Turns to Familiar Playbook: Clintons’.” Baker attacked Clinton special prosecutor Ken Starr and cited Democratic attack-dog James Carville as an authority to defend the integrity…

NBC Reporter: ‘Did Susan Rice Do Anything Wrong?' (Of Course Not!)

April 5th, 2017 10:16 AM
Ken Dilanian, intelligence and national security reporter for NBC News, posted Tuesday on the emerging controversy over the “unmasking,” by President Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice, of the identities of Trump associates whose names were originally redacted in intelligence reports. The title to Dilanian’s piece, “What Is Unmasking, and Did Susan Rice Do Anything Wrong?”  made it safe…