NYT's Kristof Uses Anne Frank to Guilt US Into Refugees, Intervention
August 25th, 2016 8:06 PM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has gotten a lot of attention with his latest, “Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl.” Kristof, who fervently opposed intervention in Iraq during the Bush years, now wants to guilt America and Obama into taking sides in a Syrian civil war by comparing it to the war against Nazi Germany, as well as accepting thousands of Syrian refugees. That’s despite…
Helping Hillary Overcome Her Many Scandals
July 11th, 2016 9:26 AM
Today, Part Six of the eight-part NewsBusters’ special report, “Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club,” documenting how the media have helped fuel Clinton’s political campaign by showering her with fawning news coverage, even as they discredit her critics. This installment provides examples of journalists trying to wave away her many scandals — from Whitewater in the 1990s to current Benghazi and the…
NYT: Trump Is Racist, But No Mention of Bias Lawsuit Against Paper
June 11th, 2016 3:05 PM
The latest from the New York Times is exactly the kind of media double standard that the American people have become sick of, doubtless one of many reasons Americans don't trust the liberal media. While I was waiting to go, I watched New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof being interviewed. (He was not in my segment.) Here’s the headline and part of the story from the Mediaite account: "NY…
Say What? NYT Columnist Pens 'A Confession of Liberal Intolerance'
May 9th, 2016 1:40 PM
The Sunday Review section of The New York Times carried a surprise on the front page. It was a column by Nicholas Kristof titled “A Confession of Liberal Intolerance: We’re big on diversity, but not when it comes to conservatives in academia.”
Times deputy metro editor Michael Luo extended that thought on Twitter: “Newsrooms should grapple, too.”
NYT's Kristof Minimizes Terror: Brussels' Real Danger Climate Change?
March 26th, 2016 5:56 PM
Nicholas Kristof’s Thursday New York Times column is yet another grossly timed, tone-deaf, inappropriate attempt to minimize Islamic terrorism and change the subject, “Terrorists, Tubs and Snakes.” The text box: “Brussels just survived bombings, but it could fall to climate change.” Kristof has made a bad habit of such callous columns that go to ludicrous lengths to contextualize the terrorist…
NYDN Doubles Down; Compares ‘Terrorist’ NRA, LaPierre to Farook, Roof
December 4th, 2015 2:27 AM
Further displaying their ability to have no shame, the far-left, anti-religious New York Daily News emerged late Thursday to unveil the cover of its Friday paper that compares alleged San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook to the “terrorist” National Rifle Association (NRA) and long-time executive Wayne LaPierre plus four other perpetrators of mass killings over the past three years.
NYT's Sanctimonious Kristof Compares Refugees to Jesus
November 23rd, 2015 9:52 PM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof continued his sanctimony over Syrian refugees with "'The Statue of Liberty Must Be Crying With Shame,'" in the Sunday Review. He led with yet another liberal internet meme, comparing the refugee situation to Mary and Joseph's plight from the New Testament, and downplayed the terror threat with a classic "yes, but" evasion: "Sure, some Syrians are…
NYT's Kristof Pens Smug Refugee Screed as Editors Cry 'Xenophobia'
November 20th, 2015 1:03 PM
Nicholas Kristof's column for Thursday's New York Times was full of sanctimony and misinformation on the issue of the United States accepting Syrian refugees, in the wake of the atrocities committed by radical Islamists in Paris. Meanwhile the lead editorial accused the GOP of fostering "xenophobia" by calling for a pause in allowing refugees from Syria into the country. But a normally liberal…
Liberal Guests on CNN: U.S. Has Been 'Racist' To Refugees Since 1939
November 19th, 2015 3:20 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times and liberal analyst Rula Jebreal bewailed the latest poll that found that 53 percent are opposed to letting in 10,000 Syrian refugees. Kristof hyped that "this almost exactly matches up a poll in January 1939 of whether or not to admit 10,000 mostly Jewish children into the U.S.....in retrospect, we clearly acknowledge that was a…
Lib. Response to Debate: Fiorina Lies, Cruz Should 'Drive Carson Home'
October 28th, 2015 11:57 PM
The focus of the CNBC Republican presidential debate was supposed to be economic policy: taxes, trade, immigration and how to generate economic growth.
The two-part Oct. 28, debate, titled “Your Money, Your Vote,” focused on the broad categories of jobs, taxes and the deficit, the general health of the economy, and the financial freedom of Americans.
Kristof Admits Gun Control Probably Wouldn’t Have Stopped WDBJ Shooter
August 28th, 2015 2:56 PM
During a discussion on the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s The Last Word, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof briefly admitted that gun control would not have stopped the shooter who shot dead two local news reporters in Roanoke, Virginia on Wednesday, but continued to nonetheless argue that more gun restrictions are needed. He let slip that “you know, it may well be that no measure could have…
NYT Columnist Kristof Again Exploits Tragedy, Push for Gun Control
August 27th, 2015 9:56 AM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof quickly found something else to blame for the killing of two journalists besides the actual killer: America's gun culture, while glossing over the killer's mental disturbance. Kristof is notorious for using tragedies for political gain, like he did after the Boston Marathon bombing, and after the 2011 assassinations in Tuscon.
CNN's Christiane Amanpour Calls Charlie Hebdo Terrorists 'Activists'
January 10th, 2015 9:23 AM
The list of unhinged statements and rants coming from left-leaning journalists in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris is getting miles long.
Among them all, one especially sticks out. In one of the earliest retreats to twisted, gutless characterizations of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, who is also ABC's global affairs anchor, called them "activists." Greg…
NBC's Andrea Mitchell Frets Over Muslims 'Under Fire' in Europe
January 9th, 2015 10:47 AM
One day after a brutal terrorist attack in Paris by Islamic radicals, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell spent much of her Thursday show wringing her hands over Muslims in France and Europe being "under fire." Talking to Muslim Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, Mitchell worried: "This is a challenge for France, which has had a lot of negative legal actions and restrictive laws and a large Muslim…