Nicholas Kristof
Frightened NYT Reporter: Trump’s Budget Ushering in 'the Dark Ages’
March 17th, 2017 9:28 AM
After the Trump Administration released a budget proposal for 2018 early Thursday, the media threw a fit at the suggested cuts to programs like the Environmental Protection Agency and National Institute of Health. ABC and NBC’s evening news programs Thursday even hyped that the poor and those suffering from cancer would be hurt the most by the proposed cuts. Journalists also took to Twitter to…
NYT's Kristof Solicits a Felony in Tweet Begging for Trump Tax Return
March 6th, 2017 12:22 PM
It all started with an ignorant tweet by Vox's Matt Yglesias, who falsely claimed that "It's impressive that the IRS never leaks." The New York Times's Nick Kristof, apparently unaware or indifferent to the fact that he was simultaneously engaging in breathtaking hypocrisy and playing with fire, saw an opportunity to advertise his paper's law-subverting services, and tweeted the paper's physical…
Kristof Talks How to 'Get Rid of' Trump, 'Very Nervous' on Deportation
February 22nd, 2017 9:07 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's CNN Tonight, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof declared that he feels "very nervous" about the Trump administration's recent efforts to increase deportation of illegal immigrants, and ended up discussing his latest column, titled, "How Can We Get Rid of Trump?" which describes how the 25th Amendment could be used to remove President Donald Trump from…
NYT Says Remove Racist Trump; Wonder If Nasty Liberals Hurt Cause
February 20th, 2017 4:33 PM
Remove him from office or just call him a racist? That was the dilemma faced by two New York Times columnists this weekend. First, the prickly Charles Blow ventured into the Midwest to rant against Donald Trump at the Cleveland Public Library, while his colleague Nicholas Kristof put odds on Trump's removal.
NYT’s Kristof's Latest Pathetic Attempt to Explain Away Islamic Terror
February 13th, 2017 1:01 PM
Why don’t people think the media are sufficiently concerned about Islamic terrorism? Well there’s this, for one. And the New York Times Sunday Review brought another exhibit from columnist Nicholas Kristof, who has an obsession with trying to shrink the threat of Islamic terrorism to the size of a bathtub -- or at least, to the threat posed by bathtubs. And stairs. And husbands, as in his latest…
NYT Weeps: Americans ‘Craving That Obama Cool’ Already
January 20th, 2017 11:34 AM
After standing by their discredited story on Rick Perry, the journalists at the most (arguably) liberal paper in the country again showed their arrogance by claiming the country and world, would be begging for Obama to come back. In an article from Thursday’s New York Times, opinion writer Nicholas Kristof predicted that “America and the world will soon be craving that Obama Cool again.”
Brinkley: 'Unimpeachable' Obama 'Like Eisenhower,' 'Highest' Ethics
January 20th, 2017 1:58 AM
On Thursday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of President Barack Obama allegedly being "scandal-free" for eight years, CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley went furthest over the top as he gushed over Obama being "almost unimpeachable" like President Dwight Eisenhower. He also predicted that, in contrast with Donald Trump presiding over a "bog," Obama will go down in history as having…
NB Year-in-Review: The Dopiest Media Quotes of 2016
December 29th, 2016 9:59 AM
All this week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2016. Today, brace yourself for some the dopiest news media quotes of 2016 — everything from claims that Melania Trump’s white outfit at the Republican Convention was proof of her husband’s racist agenda, to a journalist committed to raising her cats as “gender neutral,” to Brian Williams’s expert commentary telling…
Lib Professor: Kristof Is Enabling Right’s ‘Anti-Intellectualism’
December 26th, 2016 1:30 PM
Aaron Hanlon thinks anti-conservative bias at colleges and universities is a molehill that a lot of people try to make into a mountain. To the dismay of Hanlon, a professor of English at Colby College, some of his fellow liberals are among those who, in his opinion, exaggerate the problem and thereby bolster the right’s case. Last Thursday in The New Republic, Hanlon went after New York Times…
Geraldo: Castro Not 'All Awful,' 'Will Be Remembered Fondly'
November 26th, 2016 6:01 PM
In a Saturday morning appearance on Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera, who interviewed Fidel Castro in 1977 when he worked at ABC News, mostly defended the Cuban dictator whose death was announced Friday night.
Rivera, while admitting earlier in the five-minute segment that "Communism stinks, we all know that," and that "Communism cannot compete with capitalism," nevertheless insisted in the…
Climate-Change Hypocrisy at the 'Luxury-Peddling New York Times'
November 16th, 2016 8:33 AM
Journalists at newspapers insist there is a wall of separation between the news reporters and the editorial writers. At The New York Times, it appears there is a yawning chasm between the "climate change" doomsayers in the newsroom and the newspaper's "Times Journeys" tour operators. Heather MacDonald blew the whistle on this corporate hypocrisy for National Review:
NYT’s Kristof: Media’s ‘Lack of Religious Diversity’ A ‘Weakness’
October 13th, 2016 9:42 AM
It’s rare, but sometimes liberal and conservative journalists do agree on the problematic nature of media bias. On Tuesday evening, New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof voiced his concern on Twitter about the “lack of religious diversity” in the media. His tweet came in response to the disturbing revelation of emails from Clinton staffers that denigrated Catholicism and evangelical…
Kristof Savages Lauer's Forum; Grilling Hillary Was an 'Embarrassment'
September 9th, 2016 1:37 PM
By midday Friday, the liberal media’s primal instinct to defend Hillary Clinton and attack NBC’s Today co-host Matt Lauer dragged on past the 36 hours mark in smearing Lauer for simply asking her about the e-mail scandal on Wednesday night was on full display with Wednesday’s CNN Tonight excoriating Lauer’s questioning as an “embarrassment to journalism.”
NYT Columnist Blames America for Holocaust, Syrian Genocide
August 30th, 2016 4:30 PM
In an attempt to guilt the United States into accepting Syrian refugees, in an August 24 article, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof compared their plight to that of Jews during the Holocaust and claimed “Anne Frank Today is a Syrian Girl." Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, the liberal journalist claimed America had blood on its hands.