Melissa Block

NPR Lauds ‘Gender-Affirming Care' for Kids, Fears ‘Chilling' Fla. Ban
“Florida bans gender-affirming care for transgender youth. Parents raise concerns,” by Melissa Block, “an NPR special correspondent covering gender issues,” appeared on taxpayer-funded National Public Radio’s Morning Edition Monday. Block’s long, utterly one-sided profile included a portrait of teenager Liz Bostock, “[a]ssigned male at birth.” With a soft, celebratory focus on…

NPR Cheerleads for New 'All-Trimester Abortion Clinic' in DC Area
National Public Radio takes your tax dollars and puts on completely one-sided propaganda. On Friday's Morning Edition, former NPR morning anchor Melissa Block narrated a completely one-sided seven-minute story they titled "An all-trimester abortion clinic prepares to open in Maryland, one of few nationally". This is, for NPR, a good-news story.

NPR's Sunday Propaganda Celebrating First Transgender Lutheran Bishop
On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR celebrated the Lord's Day with the happy LGBTQ publicity of the day: "Lutherans Elect First Openly Transgender Bishop Megan Rohrer." The story, by former Morning Edition anchor Melissa Block, was more of an advertisement than a news story. You could tell from the opening words of anchor Lulu Garcia-Navarro: "The Reverend Megan Rohrer has made…

NPR Morning Host Makes a Half-Million for Hosting on Saturdays

NPR Anchor Roasts Sen. Flake With Biden's Critique of GOP Iran Letter

NPR Uses Child Reporter as 'Torchbearer of Gender Fluidity'

NPR Boosts British Group Blaming UK Govt. For ISIS's 'Jihadi John'

NPR Frets ‘Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Both Underway

Actual NPR Headline: 'Healthcare.Gov Could've Been Worse

NPR Pushes Leftist Author Charging JFK Was Actually Killed by 'Swirlin
NPR Story on Choosing Your Own Gender Pronouns? 'Most of Your Comments

Trans Posing: NPR Explores The Need to 'Loosen the Reins of Gender Exp

Civility Succumbs on NPR: Connecticut Gov Slams Gun Makers and NRA 'Mo