Maureen Dowd

Dowd: 'Feminism Died A Little' When Hillary Rushed to Defend Bill
October 3rd, 2016 4:36 PM
On Monday morning’s Yahoo! News, Katie Couric interviewed New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd about how Hillary Clinton’s involvement in destroying the reputations of Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and others hurt feminism. In a surprising admission, Couric reveals that she had “a sleepless night” after reading in the New York Times about how Hillary “systematically” went after the women who…

Working the Refs: Journalists Push Moderators to Be Tougher on Trump
September 22nd, 2016 9:00 AM
In the weeks leading up to Monday night’s first one-on-one clash between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the liberal media have set the stage for NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt and his fellow presidential debate moderators to be rougher with the GOP nominee. Journalists from the New York Times to CNN have openly declared that Trump is so intolerably “polarizing,” “racist and sexist” that…

NYT's Dowd: My Lefty Pals Want to Censor Trump, Anti-Hillary Stories
September 18th, 2016 11:43 PM
On Sunday's Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd asked New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd to explain "Upper West Siders panicking" over the latest polls. Dowd said liberal friends won't read any interviews she does with Trump, that "they would like to censor any stories about Trump and also censor any negative stories about Hillary. They think she should have a total free pass."

NYT Shows Sanders the Door With Suspicious Concern Over His 'Legacy'
May 23rd, 2016 6:20 PM
In columns, blogs, and front-page stories, the New York Times continues to edge left-wing firebrand Bernie Sanders out the door, apparently to clear a path for Hillary Clinton to gain the Democratic nomination as painlessly as possible. Columnist Paul Krugman is a reliably partisan hater of Republicans and cheerleader for Democrats, and he’s been enraging “Bernie Bros” for quite a while on his…

Scarborough, Harold Ford Scrap Over Hillary's Bullying Of Bill's Women
January 11th, 2016 8:49 AM
Is the Hillary camp sensing mortal political danger over her role as "bully" [to use Maureen Dowd's term] toward Bill's women? The question arises given the agitation, defensiveness and anger displayed by the normally mild-mannered Harold Ford, Jr., a Hillary fan, on today's Morning Joe.
Ford warning Joe Scarborough not to raise his voice to him? Ford defensively rejecting comparisons between…

Press Ignores Gold Star Mom Demanding, Getting General's Apology
April 21st, 2015 11:13 PM
A decade ago, a Gold Star Mom who had lost her son in Iraq gained national attention when she staged a protest against the Iraq War near George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Leftist PR flaks took control of Cindy Sheehan's every move, keeping her in the headlines for months on end as a symbol of supposedly strong opposition to the war which toppled Saddam Hussein. In August 2005, New York…

Maureen Dowd Disses Obama: 'a Feminized Man'
April 18th, 2015 9:53 PM
Maureen Dowd's Sunday column ostensibly centers on the problem of Hillary's persona being alternatively too masculine or too Chipolte-granny feminine.
But in passing, Dowd discharges a major diss in the direction of President Obama. Analyzing lessons learned from 2008, Maureen writes [emphasis added] that "Hillary saw the foolishness of acting like a masculine woman defending the Iraq invasion…

Maureen Dowd: Hillary Exploits Fear of 'the Anarchists' in Congress
March 14th, 2015 7:39 PM
"Anarchists?" If only! Let's stipulate that Maureen Dowd's current column is absolutely brutal about Hillary. Riffing off the Republicans' letter to the ayatollah, Dowd deigns to send a letter from "America" explaining the Constitution to Clinton. Dowd denounces Hillary for being "willing to cite your mother's funeral to get sympathy for ill-advisedly deleting 30,000 emails," and describes her…
NYT Offered Advance Approval for Fawning Liberal Column
December 12th, 2014 11:26 AM
The ongoing scandal involving a hack attack on a major Hollywood studio has ensnared liberal columnist Maureen Dowd. Dowd's March 4, 2014 column praised Sony co-chair Amy Pascal as a trailblazer for women in film. As reported by BuzzFeed, the writer at the prestigious newspaper "promised to show Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal’s husband, Bernard Weinraub, — a former Times reporter — a version…

'So Help Me Golf'; New York Times Columnist Mocks Obama For Golf Obses
August 24th, 2014 11:15 AM
Even the New York Times has directed criticism at President Obama for being hopelessly out of touch. Following his announcement of American journalist James Foley’s brutal death at the hands of ISIS, the President immediately headed out to the links for a quick round of golf, a move panned in an often bipartisan fashion. Liberal Times columnist Maureen Dowd mocked the President in a piece that…
Leak-Probed NYT Reporter On Obama: 'The Greatest Enemy to Press Freedo
August 18th, 2014 10:03 AM
Not every reporter in Obama's Washington likes to be seen as a soft touch. Take James Risen of The New York Times, the subject of a leak probe over his CIA reporting in a 2006 book. In a positive column by his Times colleague Maureen Dowd, she touted how at a pickup basketball game, "Risen got in a fight with a lobbyist about the rules for being out of bounds."
Carl Hulse, The Times’s chief…

NY Times Columnist Slams Chelsea's Buckraking for 'The Rapacious, Gapi
July 14th, 2014 6:19 AM
Team Hillary is staring daggers at New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, the one journalist who actually won a Pulitzer (for commentary) on a Clinton scandal (Lewinsky).
Dowd had the audacity to knock Chelsea Clinton for giving speeches for $75,000 a pop, even if it went to the Clinton Foundation, which is designed for the further aggrandizement of the Clinton reputation. It began:
How Can You Tell? Maureen Dowd Writes Column About Her Crazy Pot-Candy
June 4th, 2014 11:30 AM
Dan Rather loves telling people about the time he tried heroin...for journalism. Now liberal New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote in a Tuesday column about traveling to Colorado to experience the progressive new world of legalized pot. Suffice it to say, her experience was, well, quite the adventure.
Dowd detailed how she inhaled a pot-filled candy bar, and the resulting psychological…

Salon: New York Times Opinion Section Is Insufficiently Liberal
April 23rd, 2014 11:13 PM
Common-ground alert: Salon's Alex Pareene doesn't think much of the New York Times's opinion columnists as a group, and neither, presumably, do NewsBusters readers. As for the reasons why, well, let's just say most of Pareene's almost certainly aren't the same as yours.
Pareene blasts Maureen Dowd for "sloppiness, not to mention rote repetition of themes and jokes and incredibly lazy…