Kirsten Powers

CNN Believes Supporting Abortion Restriction Amendment Is Indefensible
June 6th, 2019 8:31 PM
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has come under fire from the left and the media after he vocalized his support of the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment, which restricts the use of federal funds on abortions unless it’s in cases of rape, incest, and protecting the life of the mother. Thursday, CNN Newsroom ran a segment on the apparent controversy with CNN chief political…

Powers Praises Buttigieg's 'Countercultural Approach to Christianity'
April 4th, 2019 8:55 PM
In the latest series of attempts to raise the profile of South Bend Mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, Never-Trumpers and liberals have attempted to highlight his Christian faith. New York Times columnist David Brooks tried to showcase the openly gay mayor’s “conservative family values” while USA Today’s Kirsten Powers hailed his “countercultural approach to…

Tin-Foil Hats: CNN Lefties Imply Barr Lied About Mueller Findings
April 4th, 2019 6:31 PM
Despite the esoteric nature of anonymously-sourced reports about how “some” of “Mueller’s team” aren’t pleased with Attorney General Barr’s letters on the Mueller report, liberal media types have used the stories to imply Barr has been lying about the report’s findings on collusion and obstruction of justice. This nonsense shined brightly on Thursday’s The Lead as CNN political commentators…

CNN Uses Shooting to Compare Trump to White Supremacist, Shooter
March 16th, 2019 4:43 PM
Throughout the morning on Friday, CNN repeatedly tied the mosque shooting in New Zealand to President Trump. This type of coverage continued well into the primetime hours; with guests on Anderson Cooper 360 comparing President Trump to a white supremacist as well as the shooter that killed dozens of Muslims in New Zealand.

CNN's Powers Defends Omar, Suggests Criticism Is Islamophobic, Sexist
March 7th, 2019 5:52 PM
Further illustrating how either CNN and Trump have broken her in recent years or that she was a fraud at Fox News, political analyst Kirsten Powers became stricken with an embarrassing case of whataboutism during Thursday’s The Lead. In a span of just over seven minutes, Powers defended Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in light of her numerous anti-Semitic comments, blasting President Trump and…

CNN Women Rip 'Outside the Mainstream' PJ Media, Starbucks Boss
February 1st, 2019 8:34 PM
CNN women were mad. How dare anyone criticize female Democrats running for President! That was the theme on CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin on Thursday. The CNN anchor was unhappy that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz praised an article by Roger Simon on PJ Media that mocked Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. CNN's Kirsten Powers denounced PJ Media (and writer Roger L. Simon) as "pretty outside the…

Assessing the Covington Catholic Critics
January 23rd, 2019 10:50 AM
Those who weighed in on this Covington Catholic High School student story include some members of the Catholic clergy, Catholic lay leaders, and non-Catholics. Some were temperate in their remarks and some were vicious. Some have issued a full-throated apology, while others have offered less than a complete apology. Others are sticking to their guns. Two persons went off the cliff.

Ingraham Points Out Powers's Complete 180 on 'Silencing' Free Speech
November 20th, 2018 4:40 PM
During Monday’s Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham and her panel discussed CNN political analyst Kirsten Powers’s characterization of white women who voted for President Trump as racists who benefit from the patriarchy. Ingraham opened the segment by playing a clip of Powers from three years ago, back when she was a Fox News contributor and promoting her book, The Silencing: How The Left is…

CNN's Kirsten Powers: 'White Men Are Very Violent and a Problem'
November 5th, 2018 10:52 AM
On a special Sunday edition of CNN Tonight, liberal contributor Kirsten Powers declared that "white men are very violent and a problem" during a segment in which host Don Lemon defended his comments from last week that "the biggest terror threat" in the U.S. is white men.

CNN's Cuomo Claims Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Legal Immigrants
November 5th, 2018 1:08 AM
On a special Sunday edition of Cuomo Prime Time, as CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon fretted over President Donald Trump sending troops to the southern border, and the possiblity that armed militias will also go into the area, to ward off the caravan of illegal immigrants, Cuomo actually suggested against all evidence that illegal immigrants are less inclined to commit crimes than legal…

CNN Democrat Voter Panel Doesn't Want Hillary Campaigning in Florida
October 25th, 2018 3:07 PM
Hillary Clinton might want to watch the video of a CNN interview with a panel of Democrat voters in Florida. If she somehow still has some notion of running for president again in 2020, their reaction to the idea of her campaigning in the Sunshine State for Democrat candidate Andrew Gillum might disabuse her of that idea.
As you can see in this episode of Anderson Cooper 360 on Tuesday most of…

CNN’s Kirsten Powers: White People's 'Feelings Don't Matter'
October 24th, 2018 1:56 PM
Halloween has not yet arrived, but Americans’ radars are already jammed with scary things. Journalists being cut to pieces by bone saw, suspicious packages popping up in the post, and our porous borders surely turn stomachs better than any ghoulish costume, but here’s something that ought to elicit a laugh.

Powers: Republicans Told 'Truthful' Ford to 'Sit Down and Shut Up'
October 8th, 2018 4:03 PM
Monday on CNN’s New Day, CNN political analyst and USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers battled it out with fellow CNN analyst and Republican strategist Alice Stewart over how women reacted to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Host Erica Hill didn’t even pretend to be giving a fair, unbiased question to her guests, asking, “What message does the nomination of Brett…

What Reality Are You In? CNN Pretends Dems Not Out to Get Kavanaugh
September 27th, 2018 10:29 PM
For all of CNN’s incessant insinuation that President Trump was “divorced from reality,” they sure have a really hard time with staying grounded. During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, the liberal panel just couldn’t believe that the Democrats were doing everything in their power to drag Judge Brett Kavanaugh through the mud. They even asserted that there were no problems with Dr. Christine…