Kim Severson

New York Times Covers Liberal Culture War Over Fire Spoon Eggs
March 28th, 2018 8:08 PM
So what is driving liberals into an insane rage nowadays? The easy answer is President Donald Trump. However the more discerning among you would know that the subject of fire spoon eggs has caused an almost inconsolable rift among liberals with each side raging angrily at the other.
The chronicler of this liberal civil war is one New York Times writer named Kim Severson whom we last met in 2014…
NYTimes Obit: Chick-fil-A Founder a 'Symbol of Intolerance'
September 9th, 2014 4:10 PM
Leave it to the New York Times to stir up dissension in an obituary page, describing Truett Cathy as "at once a hero and a symbol of intolerance."
NY Times Does John Edwards Rehab: He's 'Hanging Out Law Shingle Again
November 20th, 2013 2:17 PM
The New York Times went into Democratic Rehab mode on Tuesday on the front page of the Business Day section: “John Edwards Revisits His Past, Hanging Out Law Shingle Again.”
Peter Lattman and Kim Severson waited until paragraph 27 to wonder if someone with Edwards’ talent for lying about adultery to a dying wife might impede his appeal to clients. First, we must hear of “poor Edwards” having…

NY Times Hypes NAACP Protests Against GOP-Led N.C. Legislature
June 12th, 2013 12:33 PM
You can tell that members of the liberal media are uncomfortable that a southern state legislature is finally reflecting the conservative values of its electorate. For the first time in over a century, the GOP in North Carolina controls both chambers of the state legislature as well as the governorship, a feat that has the left-leaning staff at The New York Times extremely nervous and…

NYT's Kim Severson Chides 'Fat' Mississippians for Rejecting Food Regu
March 15th, 2013 2:15 PM
New York Times Atlanta bureau chief (and foodie) Kim Severson got rather insulting while writing about a new Mississippi law forbidding any locality from making rules on food size or content, passed in the wake of NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg's thwarted attempt to limit the size of sugary drinks New Yorkers could order: "'Anti-Bloomberg Bill' in Mississippi Bars Local Restrictions on Food and Drink…

NYT's Severson: 'Some' Say ID Stripe on Illegals' Drivers Licenses Are
March 7th, 2013 8:59 AM
No good deed goes unpunished? In a compromise move, North Carolina officials will issue drivers licenses to young illegal immigrants who have won deferrals from deportation, but with a distinguishing colored marking on the licenses – a pink stripe. New York Times Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson likened the stripe to "a modern-day scarlet letter" in "North Carolina to Give Some Immigrants…

NYT's Kim Severson Fears 'Controversial' Conservatives Are Shifting No
December 13th, 2012 8:28 AM
New York Times Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson sounded worried about the "controversial" conservatives taking over the North Carolina governorship in "G.O.P.'s Full Control in Long-Moderate North Carolina May Leave Lasting Stamp," seeing "an increasingly conservative agenda" since Barack Obama won the state in 2008.
With a Republican newly elected as governor and a Republican-controlled…

NYT's Severson Finds 'Radicals' and 'Conservative Christian' Protester
August 10th, 2012 12:50 PM
New York Times Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson on Friday committed her usual labeling bias describing prep work by the host city for the Democratic National Convention in "Charlotte Girds for Party And Array of Protesters."
Severson found "radical evangelical groups" composed of "conservative Christians" as well as a "conservative country music concert," but the left-wing Occupy Movement…

Disgraced Pol John Edwards, Man Without a (Democratic) Party in the Ne
April 24th, 2012 5:33 PM
The New York Times's Kim Severson is reporting from Greensboro, N.C. on the campaign finance trial of former Democratic senator, presidential candidate, and vice presidential running mate John Edwards. But in keeping with Times practice when it comes to Edwards and other Democrats in legal trouble, Edwards's party affiliation was nowhere to be found in her Tuesday report, "Testimony by Ex-Aide…

NYTimes Severson Forwards Latest Left-Wing 'Hate Group' Report From So
March 8th, 2012 3:22 PM
"Number of U.S. Hate Groups Is Rising, Report Says," New York Times Atlanta-based Kim Severson reported Thursday. But that "report" was not some government finding, but came straight from The Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing activist group whose fund-raising is based on finding as many dangerous right-wing groups as possible.
The Times has promoted the propagandists at SPLC before,…

South Carolina: Not Quite as Backward as It Used to Be, According to t
January 20th, 2012 4:27 PM
New York Times Atlanta bureau chief Kim Severson showed a little anti-Southern, anti-conservative condescension on the campaign trail in her Friday filing “From South Carolina, a Wary Welcome.” (Previously Jim Rutenberg had declared the state "famous for surfacing the dark undercurrents of American politics.")

NYT: 'Conservative Landscape' Against Illegal Immigration, But ACLU, S
March 28th, 2011 2:23 PM
There was some labeling slant in New York Times reporter Kim Severson’s take on a crackdown on illegal immigrants in Southern states in Saturday’s “Southern Lawmakers Focus on Illegal Immigrants."

New York Times Skips Pro-Life March, But Sends Writer and Photographer
November 23rd, 2010 8:49 AM
The New York Times has a funny way of defining protests as "news" or "not news" depending on who is being protested. For example, they've entirely ignored the March for Life against abortion in Washington in 2008 and 2009 (and in 2010, gave it part of a sentence). But in Monday's paper, they openly worried that a left-wing protest is dwindling in popularity. They sent Times writer Kim Severson…