Katie Glueck

NYT Reveals Inner Circle Protected 'Faltering' Biden--But They Did Too
The front page of Saturday’s New York Times featured a 2,700-word investigative report by Katie Rogers, Adam Entous, Maggie Haberman, and Carl Hulse, “How Biden’s Inner Circle Protected a Faltering President.” Better late than never? The four reporters made it quite clear that the president’s inner circle was quite aware of his mental decline. But the Times told quite a…

SAD: NY Times Blames Sexism for Kamala's Campaign Woes on Page One
Desperation time? The front page of Thursday’s New York Times bluntly blamed sexism for Kamala Harris’s campaign woes. Reporters Lisa Lerer and Katie Glueck bitterly lamented “The Quiet, Stubborn Aversion To Putting a Woman in Power.”

New York Times: ‘Trump’s Opponents' Cast GOP as ‘Team Misogyny'
In Sunday’s New York Times, reporter Katie Glueck hyped up a new way for Democrats to smear Republicans: “Trump’s Opponents See New Ways to Cast the G.O.P. as ‘Team Misogyny.’” It’s hard to imagine a more slanted lead sentence than this: "In a race between a Democrat who could be America’s first female president and a Republican who has been found liable for sexual abuse, the issue of…

NY Times Gets Religion: Embraces Warnock, ‘Who Sees Voting as Prayer'
Respect for religion reigned over the front page of Thursday’s New York Times, at least the progressive strain, focusing on U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock, the reverend who recently won reelection in Georgia runoff. The Times has found its latest left-wing “rising star,” as revealed in the fawning profile by Katie Glueck, “Raphael Warnock Is a Pastor and Politician Who Sees Voting…

NYTimes Lets Dems Push Abortion Rights in Campaign Ads, Feminist Press
The New York Times is trying its hardest to make abortion a winning “freedom” issue for the Democrats in November. The latest push came on Monday’s front page, “Why Abortion Has Become a Centerpiece of Democratic TV Ads in 2022,” and in a front-page Business Section story that plugged fiercely pro-abortion feminist news outlets in “After Roe v. Wade Reversal, Readers Flock to…

NY Times: One-Issue 'Freedom' Voters Good for Dems, Dangerous for GOP
See the New York Times ideological hypocrisy regarding single-issue voters: When Democrats cynically employ the word “freedom” but apply it only to the single issue of abortion, it’s a praiseworthy political tactic. But when it’s Democrats joining Republicans to support actual freedom by opposing harmful vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and school closings, it’s potentially dangerous…
NYT: GOP Pushing Mean-Spirited Issues to 'Inflame...Base at All Costs'
The New York Times consistently portrays Republicans as marauding culture war aggressors, even when it’s the hard-left that fires the opening shots. In “Republicans See an Opening as Identity Issues Divide Americans,” Katie Glueck and Patricia Mazzei presented Republicans as callous and divisive for pushing legislation in various states that: halt the use of puberty blockers and…

After Ignoring Riots,NYT Says Trump 'Throwing Accelerant' on US Unrest
The New York Times’ front-page “news analysis” by Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, “Fanning Strife With Kenosha In His Sights,” continued the paper’s pathetic pivot from ignoring violence at the “mostly peaceful” demonstrations in U.S. cities to blaming it on Trump, who is visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, cite of the latest rioting, on Tuesday. The distortions started in the lead sentence…

NYTimes Engages in Awful Fact-Checking, Tars GOP 'Alternate Histories'
The New York Times set the table for Night Three from the Republican National Convention by accusing Republicans of “using selectively edited scenes to exaggerate violence from the summer protest movement….warping momentary scenes of violence from largely peaceful protests earlier this year into scenes of chaos.” A convention recap tried to gin up sympathy for poor Joe Biden: "The…

NYT Spins: Trump's Tulsa Rally ‘Terrible Idea,' Black Protests Awesome
The New York Times on Saturday hypocritically hectored Trump supporters before their rally Saturday night in Tulsa. Reporter Matt Flegenheimer’s “news analysis” in Saturday’s edition used the gathering as an unflattering metaphor for the administration’s high-risk strategy in general: “‘What Do You Have To Lose?’ Best Read The Fine Print.”

New York Times Front-Page Sugar Puff on Biden's Tender Loving Eulogies
The New York Times somehow thinks it's front-page investigative reporting to do a deep dive....into Biden's self-selected pile of eulogies so they can tout him as the anti-Trump, an "Emissary of Grief" who demonstrates the "capacity to heal."

NYT No Longer Believes All Women: 'Doesn't Mean Every Woman Is Right'