Justin Moyer

WashPost Misleads: Gun-Control Rally Wasn't 'Bumped' by Park Service
March 3rd, 2018 12:46 PM
On Thursday afternoon, a Washington Post email carried a very misleading headline, which was “‘March For Our Lives’ gun-control rally bumped from Mall by ‘talent show’.” The headline in Friday's newspaper was similar, "'March for our Lives' rally bumped from Mall." It sounds like a Trump conspiracy to interfere. The word “bumped” would imply the gun-control activists had secured a permit from the…

Cross-Dressing Reporter Attacks 'Conservative Loudmouth' Schilling
April 21st, 2016 12:16 PM
Justin Moyer contended that ESPN's firing of former baseball pitcher Curt Schilling "seemed destined" in a Thursday article for the Washington Post, which detailed the supposed "radicalization" of the former Phillies player turned "conservative loudmouth." Moyer spotlighted how "Schilling went fangs out" after Tweeting out a controversial image that "many deemed transphobic." However, the…

Media Hype Professors Scared of Students After Gun Law Passes
February 25th, 2016 2:36 PM
A law meant to give students the right to protect themselves from dangerous criminals is now being called a threat to “free speech and safety” by the anti-gun rights media. Both CBS This Morning and The Washington Post hyped the fear that professors now faced on the University of Houston campus after a concealed-carry law goes into effect later this year.

'Lifelong Catholic' Michael Moore Bashes Pro-Lifers as 'Really, Reall
September 5th, 2011 3:17 PM
When the Washington Post promoted snippets from Michael Moore's forthcoming book on Sunday, they portrayed Moore as a "lifelong Catholic" -- which is a bit of a strange label when a paragraph later, the Post was bashing the "uterus police" who oppose abortion as "really, really weird."
But then, the "Catholic" blurb the Post picked let Moore imagine himself as a playwright composing an "avant…

Michael Moore Threatened Bill Hemmer: My Family Will Come After You
September 4th, 2011 8:56 AM
The Washington Post promoted Michael Moore's latest book in Sunday's Outlook section. Justin Moyer's promotional piece was headlined "We read so you don't have to," but it reads like a cover blurb. He called him a "reliable liberal gadfly," which is apparently what the Post calls someone who thinks Cuba had a lot to teach the United States. Just "liberal"?
Moyer plugged the book, "to be…