John Nichols

PBS Guests Fret 'Dangerous' Trump, Sessions, FNC Jabbing Al Gore
September 8th, 2017 9:47 PM
Twice this week, PBS's Tavis Smiley show has hosted guests from the far-left The Nation magazine, giving them an unchallenged forum to promote their views of the Trump administration and Republicans. On Tuesday, John Nichols -- promoting his book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse -- fearmongered about "militant anti-immigration" Attorney General Jeff Sessions having a "nefarious" record on civil…

MSNBC Guest: Cruz Is ‘Maybe Less’ Attractive for November Than Trump
April 18th, 2016 5:16 PM
A frequent guest on now-cancelled MSNBC program The Ed Show, The Nation’s national affairs correspondent John Nichols appeared on MSNBC Monday afternoon and proclaimed that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz “is no more attractive to the Republican establishment” than Donald Trump and “maybe less” so since he’d do worse geographically.

Joy Reid Outraged Wis.College Students Have to Prove Residence to Vote
April 5th, 2016 10:56 PM
Discussing the Badger State's newly-implemented voter ID law on tonight's Hardball, MSNBC's Joy Reid was perplexed as to why student IDs for University of Wisconsin students are insufficient to establish residency for voting in the state's elections.

Nation Writer’s Dream Debate Moderator: Ralph Nader
August 7th, 2015 8:45 PM
If you watched Thursday night’s Republican debate and wished that a onetime Green Party presidential nominee had been asking the questions, then you agree with Washington correspondent John Nichols, who thinks Ralph Nader would be the “ideal prospect” to moderate presidential debates for both major parties.
Spoilsports might argue that Nader’s fifty-year record of lefty activism would make him a…

Ed Show Compares Scott Walker on Harley to Dukakis in Tank
June 8th, 2015 9:18 PM
Apples and oranges: or shall we say, Harleys and Abrams.
On this evening's Ed Show on MSNBC, guest John Nichols of the far-left Nation mag and guest host Michael Eric Dyson lamely tried to analogize Scott Walker riding a Harley to the infamous episode of Michael Dukakis in a tank. The difference? Walker is a for-real biker and Harley owner. Dukakis did serve two years in the Army, but there's…
Bill Press and Lefty Scribe Agree: Obama Foreign Policy is 'Most Nuanc
February 14th, 2014 12:19 PM
Never thought I'd see the day that a prominent member of the liberal media establishment praised the Prince of Darkness himself, aka Richard Milhous Nixon, and one of his liberal media cohorts agreed.
Moreover, Nixon was described favorably while being compared to the erstwhile would-be Messiah occupying the Oval Office, Barack Hussein Obama. Strange days indeed, to borrow from John Lennon,…
Ed Schultz Steps In It, Boasts That Housework 'Obviously' Beneath Him
November 7th, 2013 5:35 PM
Looks like Ed Schultz won't be a guest speaker at any upcoming gatherings of the National Organization for Women. He remains quite willing, however, to let its members clean up after him.
The blustery radio host and self-appointed MSNBC football coach revealed something about himself on his radio show yesterday that surely didn't go over well with roughly half his listeners. (Audio after the…
MSNBC's Harris-Perry: 'We Want to Politicize' Newtown, Calls for Paren
June 12th, 2013 12:54 PM
Governor Dan Malloy (D-Conn.) recently signed a bill preventing photos and videos of the Sandy Hook shooting victims from being released to the public. The bill had broad support from the victims’s families, and was the subject of a petition on that gained over 100,000 signatures.
But MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her Sunday panel’s desire for gun control apparently trumps…

'Ed Show' Returns With Pep Rally for Schultz in Guise of 'Town Hall' M
May 7th, 2013 2:40 PM
Yes, MSNBC has booted Ed Schultz from its primetime lineup to the the penal colony that is the network's weekend schedule.
Now MSNBC wants to show you how popular Schultz is -- and what better way to do that than record the first weekend broadcast of "The Ed Show" before a live audience of rowdy liberals in Madison, Wisc., one of the most left-wing towns in the country. While MSNBC viewers…

Ed Schultz's Advice on Dealing with North Korea: What Would Reagan Do
April 16th, 2013 7:20 PM
That month-long hiatus enjoyed by Ed Schultz since MSNBC put "The Ed Show" on hold has made him unusually perceptive, if only momentarily.
On his radio show Friday, Schultz made a suggestion about handling the crisis on the Korean peninsula that will have many liberals spitting up their decaffeinated double lattes. (Audio clip after page break)

Better Late Than Never - Ed Schultz Finally Grasps That Bush Tax Cuts
December 6th, 2012 5:00 PM
Sometimes the obvious stops being elusive even to a liberal.
For most of the young millennium, use of the term "Bush tax cuts" by anyone left of center has more often than not been accompanied by the words "for the rich." The pair have been joined at the hip so often that a Google search for them yields more than 5 million hits. (audio clips after page break)

Chris Matthews on Hurricane: How Long Before Trump Accuses Obama of En
October 29th, 2012 6:42 PM
For at least 24 hours, the mainstream media have been trying to figure out a way to make Hurricane Sandy an aid to Barack Obama's re-election.
On Monday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews had a related concern asking guest John Nichols of the Nation magazine, "How long do you think it’ll take for Donald Trump to take a crack at the President for engineering this?" (video follows with transcript and…

Ed Schultz and The Nation's John Nichols Duped by Politico's 'Stench
September 27th, 2012 5:45 AM
Libtalker Ed Schultz and The Nation magazine's John Nichols could soon be receiving a flood of offers to buy swampland in Florida. Perhaps by then they will each be a bit more skeptical.
Both were among numerous liberals who yesterday took hold of a bogus story by the hook and swam for all it was worth. (audio clips after page break)

MRC Study: Ed's Obsession, Anti-Scott Walker Guests Dominate The Ed Sh
May 31st, 2012 9:33 AM
Tuesday’s recall election in Wisconsin marks the end point of MSNBC’s Ed Schultz’s 15 month-long mission to destroy Scott Walker. The conservative Republican governor’s attempt to fix that state’s budget crisis, by reigning in the public unions’ influence, sent Schultz on a rampage. The liberal talk show host turned his self-titled program, The Ed Show, into a hyper-partisan platform from which…