Jim Avila
FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists
24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”

FLASHBACK: Cheering Obama’s ‘Historic’ Embrace of Castro Dictatorship
Nine years ago this week, President Barack Obama chose to establish formal relations with the Communist dictatorship in Cuba. Instead of worrying that Obama was handing a much-needed and undeserved lifeline to the decades-long Castro dictatorship, the liberal media applauded the “historic” decision.

Flashback: Media’s Tearful Eulogies for Cuba’s Communist Dictator
Six years ago today, November 26, 2016, news broke of the death of Fidel Castro, the former communist dictator of Cuba. His death was an opportunity for journalists to salute the prison state’s advances in health care, and to mindlessly babble about how Cubans supposedly preferred donkey carts to modern automobiles.

FLASHBACK: Media Enabled Castro’s Brutal Communist Regime
As Cubans bravely defy the tyrannical government in Cuba, it is important to remember that many lefty journalists spent decades enabling the communist regime, ignoring human rights abuses in favor of celebrating communist Cuba’s “free” health care and high literacy rates. They offered bouquets to the “charismatic” “revolutionary hero” Fidel Castro.

HATE: ABC Hypes George Lopez Sliming ‘Self-Loathing’ Latino Trump Fans
Not content being banished to the wasteland of a post-midnight timeslot, the hack journalists at Nightline on Tuesday strove for relevance by featuring far-left comedian George Lopez smearing Trump-voting Latinos. He seethed at “self-loathing” people who have forgotten where they come from. Lopez is campaigning for Joe Biden and attempting to get Hispanics to vote Democrat. How…

Media Loved Castro As Much As Bernie – Maybe More

There’s The Beef! Disney Smacked With Huge $177M+ Beef Settlement

Nets Ignore ABC Defamation Settlement With Beef Company

Beef Expert: ABC’s Jim Avila Hung Up, Said ‘F*** You’

Where’s the Beef? Networks Ignore Start of ABC Defamation Trial

TV News vs. President Trump: The First 30 Days

Notable Quotables Special Edition: Fawning Over Fidel

Bozell & Graham Column: Still Honoring Castro and His Debacle