NY Times Goes 'Conservative' Label-Crazy on Kavanaugh in Lead Story

September 21st, 2018 10:08 PM
The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation saga has led the New York Times back into its bad old distorted labeling habits, in which stories included the term “conservative” as often as they included conjunctions. Friday’s front page led off with “Religious Right Wary of Delays On Court Pick – Threatening to Sit Out Midterm Elections.” The 1,600-word story contained a whopping 15 “conservative” labels, a “…

Hypocritical NYT: Trump ‘Seizing’ on Murder By Illegal for Politics

August 24th, 2018 3:25 PM
Friday’s New York Times featured political reporter Jeremy Peters hypocritically worrying President Trump and Republicans were politicizing the murder of Iowa woman Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant: “Lament Quickly Turns Into Politics In Wake of Young Woman’s Death.” Yet the paper didn’t hesitate a millisecond before politicizing the school shootings in Parkland, Fla. to push stricter gun-…

MSNBC Targets and Mocks Amy Coney Barrett’s Faith

July 3rd, 2018 12:44 PM
On Tuesday, MSNBC hosts and correspondents displayed their religious intolerance by attacking the faith of potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. During one hour after another, Barrett’s membership in a faith group was ridiculed and listed as one of her “potential weaknesses” in a Senate confirmation fight.

Stunned NY Times: 'Numb to Outrage,' Trump's GOP Approval Has Grown

June 25th, 2018 9:44 AM
Saturday's New York Times story on President Donald Trump's popularity reads like a tortured liberal's lament. Jeremy Peters is astonished that Trump's support in the Republican Party has grown, and doesn't understand the "protective" reaction to the unhinged attacks on him. The Times reporter also overstated the significance of a tiny drop in reported GOP affiliation in Gallup's long-running…

NYT Hits Trump 'Sound and Fury,' Likes Obama 'Lofty Approach'

April 24th, 2018 11:35 AM
In Monday’s New York Times, Washington bureau Jeremy Peters tsk-tsked the new tastelessness among GOP candidates in “Forget About Restraint, G.O.P. Candidates Echo Trump’s Sound and Fury" -- as in "signifying nothing." The text box: “Greater ease talking about vanquishing foes than governing.” Peters much preferred "the lofty approach of the Obamas."

Classy: Brian Williams Slams GOP Lacking ‘Courage’ to Impeach Trump

March 21st, 2018 12:44 AM
Showing viewers on Tuesday’s 11th Hour his liberal bias and how it’s absurd that he remains on television, host and disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams blasted Republicans for not only lacking “courage” to discuss impeaching President Trump, but possessing “the opposite of whatever a profile in courage is.”

Andrea Mitchell on Infrastructure: But 'What About' Rob Porter?

February 12th, 2018 1:56 PM
On Monday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell repeatedly redirected any coverage of President Trump’s infrastructure plan back to discussions about the domestic abuse allegations against former White House staffer Rob Porter.

NYT Petulantly Covers March for Life, Frets for Planned Parenthood

January 20th, 2018 11:21 AM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters covered the annual pro-life march in Washington, D.C. under this petulant headline in the print version: “President Reaches Out To Foes Of Abortion.” (Otherwise known as the annual March for Life.) The paper has traditionally ignored the annual march entirely, while devoting copious space to much smaller left-wing protests like those supporting amnesty for…

NYT’s Peters: Flake ‘Trying to Save’ GOP By Comparing Trump to Stalin

January 15th, 2018 5:18 PM
Appearing on the 1:00 p.m. ET hour of MSNBC on Monday, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters proclaimed that Arizona Senator Jeff Flake’s outrageous comparison of President Trump to mass-murdering Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was actually an attempt by the retiring Republican lawmaker to “save” the GOP.

MSNBC Republican: Trump’s Tweets Display ‘Textbook’ ‘Authoritarianism’

January 3rd, 2018 6:20 PM
On Tuesday’s Deadline: White House, MSNBC’s pundits continued their pattern of shameless anti-journalism coverage. While in the midst of a discussion about the latest Trump-Russia collusion story, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes went on the warpath against Trump for his recent tweet calling for an investigation of longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin…

Tom Brokaw: Conservative Media on a ‘Jihad’ Against FBI, Mueller

December 21st, 2017 4:38 PM
On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal pundits continued their smear campaign targeting congressional lawmakers and journalists who have been trying to reveal the full extent of political bias within the FBI that may have adversely affected its investigations of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Working with the knowledge that there is now an official…

MSNBC's Mitchell Pushes Democratic Spin Against GOP Tax Cut

December 21st, 2017 11:11 AM

Between Tuesday and Wednesday this week, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell has been pushing Democratic spin during discussions of the Republican tax cut plan as she has wrongly claimed that tax cuts on individuals expire in "a couple of years," and characterized it as a tax increase if some taxpayers choose not to purchase health insurance and therefore intentionally reject Obamacare subsidies. …


MSNBC's Tur Brags Media Purposefully Buried Uranium One Stories

November 16th, 2017 11:11 AM
After conservative media forced the networks and liberal cable news to finally cover the latest FBI revelations over the Clinton Foundation’s financial dealings with Russia, they’ve changed tactics from ignoring the story, to dismissing it as bogus.

NYT Chides Fox News for Actually Reporting on Hillary Scandals

November 4th, 2017 11:34 AM
New York Times political reporter Jeremy Peters on Saturday joined the odd new trend in the mainstream press of attacking Fox News for actually covering political stories besides Donald Trump -- especially those involving Hillary Clinton’s and Russia. Fox and other right-leaning outlets were also mocked for not obsessing as much as the rest of the press on President Trump’s Russia controversies…