Showing viewers on Tuesday’s 11th Hour his liberal bias and how it’s absurd that he remains on television, host and disgraced former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams blasted Republicans for not only lacking “courage” to discuss impeaching President Trump, but possessing “the opposite of whatever a profile in courage is.”
Williams was discussing the Russia investigation and speculating with New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and The Washington Post’s Robert Costa about the President firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller when he invoked the liberal pipe dream.
Williams first observed to Costa that “more and more people are comfortable tossing around the ‘I’ word, impeachment” but, thus far, “they are mostly a group of Republicans who have announced they’re not running again, but there are some exceptions.”
The President mentioned the word on Tuesday night at a National Republican Congressional Committee fundraiser in slamming far-left Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Calif.) for her rabid desire to impeach him.
Instead of stopping there, Williams bemoaned: “Do you see any more Republicans getting courage?”
Costa observed that he noticed Senate Republicans leaving their weekly lunch “tight-lipped” and some weren’t going to discuss impeachment because “some of them are running for reelection” and want to avoid “a public war the President.”
Therefore, he decided that the real “mirror” to “anxious discussions inside of the GOP” would be liberal media darling and retiring Senator Jeff Flake (Ariz.).
“He’s retiring, he’s out there against President Trump and in sitting down with him tonight talking with him for an interview. He said now it’s the time to talk about impeachment, to warn the President about impeachment if he moves on the Mueller investigation without cause,” Costa added.
Williams resurfaced to go to Peters, acting as though he’s a Waters aide in shaming House Republicans for not following her lead: “And, Jeremy, how about the House? How about Republicans in the House? It appears to be the opposite of whatever a profile in courage is.”
Peters exhibited what’s at sake in the November midterm elections, placing the odds of Democrats winning the House at “at least a 60 to 70 percent chance” according to Republicans. If that happens, Peters touted impeachment as a sure thing:
If they lose the House, the impeachment of Donald Trump is almost certain. Not removal from office, of course, but impeachment as we saw happen with Bill Clinton...Republicans are looking at November right now and they are terrified.
The pompous host and serial liar ended the segment by basking in his own supposed glory, telling Costa and Peters that impeachment is “one of the discussions that we have from time to time reminds you of exactly the stakes of what we talk here about for an hour each night.”
Speaking of “a profile in courage,” this harkened back to July 28 when Williams gushed that Republican Senator John McCain (Ariz.) voting to save ObamaCare was a “profile in courage,” ensuring that “the people of this country” had “their voices heard.”
To see the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on March 20, click “expand.”
MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
March 20, 2018
11:29 p.m. Eastern
BRIAN WILLIAMS: Hey, Robert, I do note more and more people are comfortable tossing around the “I” word, impeachment. So far, they are mostly a group of Republicans who have announced they’re not running again, but there are some exceptions. Tonight in a speech in Washington, by way of taking a swing at Maxine Waters, accusing her of having a low I.Q., the President used the word impeachment when quoting Waters, saying he ought to be impeached and then he defended himself, saying there’s no evidence. Do you see any more Republicans getting courage?
ROBERT COSTA: What happened today on Capitol Hill was that Senate Republicans met for their lunch and most of them, Brian, they left that room tight-lipped. Some of them running for reelection. They don’t want to have a public war with the President but I said to myself, as a reporter, what’s Senator Flake saying? He’s retiring, he’s out there against President Trump and in sitting down with him tonight talking with him for an interview. He said now it’s the time to talk about impeachment, to warn the President about impeachment if he moves on the Mueller investigation without cause. And Flake, in some ways, is a mirror to these anxious discussions inside of the Senate GOP. How are they going to handle if the President does move forward and ends this investigation, regardless of the excuse he may use if that decision is ever made? And it's a delicate time for these Senate Republicans because they know the President’s there tonight raising money at the National Building Museum. He owns the party, but they know that the party's future could also be on the line if this thing unravels. That's why Flake is out there tonight along with Senator Graham saying, if you do that without cause, you could be impeached.
WILLIAMS: And, Jeremy, how about the House? How about Republicans in the House? It appears to be the opposite of whatever a profile in courage is.
JEREMY PETERS: I don't know many Republicans, Brian, these days who feel like there isn't at least a 60 to 70 percent chance that they lose the House. That's just the reality. If they lose the House, the impeachment of Donald Trump is almost certain. Not removal from office, of course, but impeachment as we saw happen with Bill Clinton and so, I don't really see much coming together, really, on either side. I mean, the parties are at such odds, at such lagerheads right now, and the antipathy for President Trump is running so high on the left that it has been a motivating factor in primary — in special election after special election across the country right now. Republicans are looking at November right now and they are terrified.
WILLIAMS: Gentlemen, it’s one of the discussions that we have from time to time reminds you of exactly the stakes of what we talk here about for an hour each night.