NY Times Front Page: Race-Baiting Trump Has Doomed GOP (Once Again)

August 17th, 2017 12:03 PM
Republicans are doomed, once again, this time on the front of Thursday’s New York Times: Split in Party After Remarks on Racial Past -- Political Class Recoils; Voter Base Cheers.” The online headline is blunter: “Trump’s Embrace of Racially Charged Past Puts Republicans in Crisis,” reported by Jeremy Peters, Jonathan Martin, and Jack Healy. None of those reporters are renowned for giving…

NYT’s Peters Sneers, Snarls About Trump’s Charlottesville Response

August 15th, 2017 6:14 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters’ story on President Trump’s controversial response to the racist violence and killing in Charlottesville was posted online Tuesday: “Theories Abound Over Meaning of Trump’s ‘Many Sides’ Remark.” Peters did talk to some conservative media and was thus able to provide some useful countervailing facts about left-wing protester violence from the likes of the…

Matthews, Peters Whitewash History, Hype GOP as the 'Putin Party'

July 18th, 2017 5:16 PM
On Monday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters decided to whitewash history and deceive viewers, painting all Republicans as unmistakably belonging to “the Putin party” dead-set on “putting their interests ahead of the country’s” (which means not joining Democrats in seeking to remove Trump from office).

NY Times Strikes Out in Claiming Conservative 'Veneration' For Putin

July 15th, 2017 2:29 PM
There's fake news, and then there's fake analysis. Jeremy Peters at the New York Times published a particularly odious example of the latter ("Reverence for Putin on the Right Buys Trump Cover") Friday evening (for Saturday's print edition). Longtime blogger and particularly effective Time critic Tom Maguire had this succinct but understated take: "He (Peters) paints with far too broad a brush…

NYT's Peters Relishes Downfall of GOP Idol: 'Blind Faith' in Tax Cuts

July 5th, 2017 1:45 PM
Monday’s New York Times featured reporter Jeremy Peters sounding awfully pleased about the apparent failure and unpopularity of Republican tax cuts in “Cut Taxes? In States, G.O.P. Goes Other Way.” Peters’ long hostility to the Republican Party is well documented, and he seemed to relish knocking down a GOP idol, a "dogmatic belief" based in "blind faith."

Matthews, Guest Swoon: History Will View the Liberal Media as ‘Heroes'

June 22nd, 2017 3:11 PM
Further illustrating the blatant collusion between the Democratic Party and the news media, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews and Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) spent Wednesday night predicting that history will look back on the Trump era and conclude the liberal media were “the heroes” who stood for decency and truth.

NYT Reporter: Comey Exonerating Trump 'Fake News'

June 12th, 2017 1:23 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters arrived on the scene of Monday’s Morning Joe to continue propagating the mainstream media narrative denying that James Comey has made contradictory statements regarding alleged interference by the Trump administration in the Russia investigation. Despite the then-FBI Director testifying before Congress in May that he had not experienced any political attempt…

MSNBC Reporter Panel Complains Some Not Listening to Their Narrative

May 16th, 2017 1:45 AM
Monday night news broadcasts were dominated by a Washington Post report that claims that President Trump may have disclosed classified information to top Russian officials in the Oval Office. Many in the media were quick to pounce on the report and condemn the President. On MSNBC’s The 11Th Hour, host Brian Williams and some of his guests bemoaned how some Americans weren’t buying into their…

NYT Slams Conservatives for ‘Throwing Themselves’ Into Campus Violence

April 27th, 2017 5:22 PM
On the same day conservative author Ann Coulter announced she would not speak to a campus group at the University of California in Berkeley, the New York Times blamed the victim and claimed that conservatives facing violent riots and protests on campuses across the country have no one to blame but themselves.

NYT Reporter Hints: Hannity Should Be Dumped Next

April 20th, 2017 4:00 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters hinted on Thursday's Morning Joe that Fox News's Sean Hannity be fired next after the network showed anchor Bill O'Reilly the door, Wednesday, in response to sexual harassment allegations. He lectured, "I think you have to look at somebody like Sean Hannity and question whether or not his -- almost propaganda-like attitude and programs every night is going to…

Matthews: All Trump Does Is ‘B**ch, B**ch'; While Obama Was Justified

April 18th, 2017 9:35 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews is notorious for saying stupid things, but salty language is not usually associated with him. While trashing President Trump and his criticism of President Obama, Matthews whined to his panelists that all Trump does is “bitch, bitch.”

Slanted NYT Uses Health Care Loss to Pile ‘Far Right' Epithets on GOP

March 28th, 2017 8:18 AM
New York Times political reporter Jeremy Peters used the failure of President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress to repeal Obamacare in order to pile on the hostile ideological labels in his Monday post-mortem, particularly on top of those “Republican hard-liners” who don’t believe in good governance: “G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump.” In all…

Morning Joe Panel Terrified That Trump Wants to Win Wars

February 28th, 2017 11:10 AM
On Morning Joe Tuesday, the panel discussed President Donald Trump's upcoming address Tuesday evening to a joint-session of Congress. His speech is expected to cover his latest budget proposal, which includes a $54 billion increase in defense spending from which the panel deduced that the Commander-in-Chief "does not sound like a peace-time president."

MSNBC: GOP Handed Elizabeth Warren 'Political Valentine's Day Gift'

February 9th, 2017 9:56 AM
On Wednesday morning, the hosts of Morning Joe all went to bat to defend Senator Elizabeth Warren after the Massachusetts Democrat was admonished Tuesday night for violating Senate rules by attacking fellow Senator and Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions, accusing him of racism. Co-host Joe Scarborough said: “Senator Warren was given the best political gift... An early political Valentine's…