Howard Fineman

The 2016 Debates: How the Media Hailed Hillary and Trashed Trump
Using the media's coverage of Donald Trump’s three debates with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 as a guide, expect the press on Tuesday night to adore Kamala Harris’s performance, while deriding Trump as someone out of a “third world” “banana republic.”

FLASHBACK: Decades of Lib Media Fawning Over Democratic Veeps
Any day now, we’ll learn who Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen as her 2024 running mate. But there’s no suspense about how the media will react, since liberal journalists have consistently praised and promoted every Democratic vice presidential nominee since the early 1990s.

FLASHBACK: Reporters Adored Jesse Jackson, “King” of America’s Left
In the 1980s and ’90s, liberal reporters openly cheered the left-wing Rev. Jesse Jackson as “inspirational,” a “king” and a “rock star,” the “conscience of the country” and America’s “charismatic national symbol of human rights.”

Leftists Viciously Attack Melania Trump’s Rose Garden Design
Christmas apparently came early for the usual suspects when First Lady Melania Trump put out her new design for the Rose Garden. Of course, liberals celebrated this occasion with their annual hate-fest of all things FLOTUS. I guess COVID-19 didn’t cancel EVERYTHING.

Matthews Hails Pelosi’s ‘Biblical’ Rhetoric, Blasts GOP ‘Puppets’

Todd Complains Democrats Don't Focus Enough on Impeachment

Bozell & Graham Column: Media Can't Stand Trump Winning, Ever

This MSNBC Analyst Runs into Left-Wing Buzzsaw with Brag-Tweet

NY Times Writer Hits His Own Paper's ‘Despicable' Attack on Jews

Rush Gloats Over Liberal Media’s Obsessing with Him as D.C. ‘Villain’
Seeing as how he had been the bane of the liberal media’s existence for the last 24 hours plus as he’s supposedly the real president, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in an ebullient mood for his Friday show. He said that he was supposedly “the new villain in Washington D.C.” ahead of a possible government shutdown that was portrayed as if the world was “end[ing] even before…

Fake News to Smearing the Defector: Four Awful Moments from ‘Hardball’

MSNBC’s Steele Declares: GOP Will ‘Rue the Day’ It Questioned the FBI

Fineman: 'Drunk' GOPers in 'War' on Middle Class, Tax Cuts Hurt Them