Elisabeth Hasselbeck

Over-Honoring Barbara Walters: NY Daily News Claims 'The View' Was Fai
May 12th, 2014 6:58 AM
In the last week of Barbara Walters appearing regularly on "The View" on ABC, beware of those who badly keep tabs on Babs. Start with the New York Daily News and TV writer David Hinckley, who unleashed this whopper.
"You hope people can feel comfortable when they go on ‘The View’,” says Walters. “It’s a show that should let you relax and be yourself.” Hinckley added: "That seemed to work for…

Attkisson Charges ‘Well-Orchestrated Strategy' Underway to Diminish
May 5th, 2014 10:53 PM
Former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson had some harsh words to share about the Obama administration and its supporters while she was a guest on Monday morning's Fox & Friends program.
After viewing some clips from Sunday's edition of ABC's This Week With George Stephanopoulos in which conservative pundit Laura Ingraham and Democratic analyst David Plouffe clashed over the…

Laura Ingraham Slams Tepid Response to John Kerry's 'Apartheid' Commen
April 29th, 2014 8:20 PM
During Tuesday morning's edition of the Fox & Friends program, conservative radio host Laura Ingraham hammered the lack of political fallout over secretary of state John Kerry's remarks that Israel could become an “apartheid” state if that nation doesn't adopt “a two-state solution” to achieve peace with their Palestinian neighbors.
“He's kind of apologized,” Ingraham noted before…

Barbara Walters Suggests 'The View' Will Get Some Political Balance Ag
April 27th, 2014 1:43 PM
MRC's Scott Whitlock found a newsy tidbit from an April article in Variety magazine. Former Newsweek writer Ramin Setoodeh reported from a Barbara Walters interview that "The View" lost both its edgier political personalities -- right-leaning Elisabeth Hasselbeck and leftist insult comedienne Joy Behar -- due to network pressure on her and the show's producer Bill Geddie.
“These are not…
Palin Responds To Bashir Resignation: Don’t Let Personal Attacks Kee
December 5th, 2013 10:55 AM
As NewsBusters revealed Wednesday, Martin Bashir has resigned from MSNBC due to vile comments he made in November about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin first reported here.
Palin responded on Thursday's Fox & Friends saying amongst other things, "I just hope that unprovoked attacks like that don't result in people being hesitant to jump in the arena anyway, to get out there and serve…

Barbara Walters Claims 'The View' Was Never Intended to Be 'Political
November 5th, 2013 2:20 PM
During an interview on Sunday's edition of the new Fox News Channel program Media Buzz, Barbara Walters told host Howard Kurtz that The View -- the weekday program she created for ABC on August 11, 1997, and is retiring from next summer -- is neither political nor news-oriented since it was intended to be “entertaining and upbeat.”
“The View is not Meet the Press,” Walters said even though…

Hannity: Sebelius Keeps Her Job But ObamaCare Operator Gets Fired for
October 25th, 2013 10:42 AM
By now you’ve likely heard the story of Earline Davis, an ObamaCare operator who got fired because she talked to conservative radio host Sean Hannity while she was on the job earlier in the week.
Hannity was on Fox & Friends Friday morning, and he discussed the irony of Davis, who makes $11.69 an hour, getting fired, yet Health and Human Resources secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who’s…

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leaving 'The View' for Fox News Channel
July 9th, 2013 8:18 PM
After several years of being the lone conservative voice on "The View," co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck will be leaving the daytime talk show.
According to the New York Post, Hasselbeck will be joining Fox News as a co-anchor of the morning program "Fox and Friends" in mid-September.

Barbara Walters Defends Maher Calling Trig Palin Retarded: 'Don't Thin
June 17th, 2013 4:59 PM
As NewsBusters reported last week, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin called out vulgarian comedian Bill Maher for referring to her Down Syndrome son Trig as "retarded."
On ABC's The View Monday, co-host Barbara Walters astonishingly defended Maher saying, "I don't think he intended it to be mean-spirited" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Joy Behar Claims ‘You Can't Really Stay On TV Unless You're Likable
March 11th, 2013 3:00 PM
Following her announcement that she will be departing the cast of ‘The View’, co-host Joy Behar has taken it upon herself to reach into the depths of absurdity in her final few months on the daytime talk show. On March 11, the five co-hosts were discussing Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s recent book Lean In, and the role women have in the workplace.
Following Whoopi Goldberg quoting Sandberg’…

Roger Friedman: Brooke Shields 'Likely' to Replace 'Extremely Right Wi
March 8th, 2013 11:07 PM
This posts builds on another by Noel Sheppard which appeared earlier today at NewsBusters. At ShowBiz411.com, Roger Friedman, who worked at Fox News for a decade until he was fired in 2009 over alleged film piracy, claims that Brooke Shields is “Likely” to join “The View” as Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck depart. "Likely"? Wow, Rog, way to put yourself on the line.
Friedman went heavy on…

Report: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Booted From ‘The View’ for Being ‘T
March 8th, 2013 5:32 PM
ABC might be getting rid of the lone conservative on its daytime talk show The View.
So claimed Us magazine Friday in a piece titled "Elisabeth Hasselbeck Leaving The View After Nine Years, Viewers Found Her Too Extreme and Right Wing'":

The View Welcomes Guest Host Stacey Dash, Challenges Her Conservative
November 15th, 2012 5:49 PM
In what was a transparent attempt to scrutinize how conservative a black actress can really be, the ladies of The View invited Stacey Dash on the program to substitute for Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Immediately following her summary of what was to come, Whoopi Goldberg inquired how Dash was doing after the vicious attacks she had endured on Twitter for simply endorsing Mitt Romney.

Whoopi Goldberg Falsely Claims Koch Warned Employees They'd Lose Jobs
October 15th, 2012 5:45 PM
As NewsBusters reported last week, Westgate Resorts CEO David Siegel recently warned his employees that he will likely have to lay people off if Barack Obama is re-elected.
With total disregard for the truth, ABC's Whoopi Goldberg on Monday's The View said it was "the president of Koch Industries" that did this (video follows with transcript and commentary):