
Here to Save the Day: MSNBC Lauds ‘Presidential’ Biden’s ‘Best Night’

February 25th, 2020 11:45 PM
MSNBC was a better mood following Tuesday night’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate, expressing hope going forward because former Vice President Joe Biden “looked presidential,” “had his best night,” “had his act together,” and came across as “substantive.” Further, the panel seemed giddy at the fact that socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) finally faced more than an occasional jab and some…

Not Sorry: Matthews NUKES Bernie on Praise for ‘Terrible' Castro

February 25th, 2020 7:58 PM
He’s not too sorry. Just a day after offering an on-air apology for comparing Bernie Sanders’s Nevada win to the Nazis, the staunchly anti-communist Chris Matthews ripped into the socialist’s deputy campaign manager, Ari Rabin-Havt.. Highlighting newly unearthed comments where Sanders said he wanted to “puke” over John Kennedy’s anti-Castro comments in 1960. 

Matthews Apologizes to Bernie; NO Remorse for Saying Worse About Trump

February 25th, 2020 9:52 AM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews offered a mea culpa to 2020 Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders Monday night, after comparing his win in Nevada to the Nazis taking France in World War II. But the Hardball host did not feel the need to apologize to President Trump, or his family, for comparing them to Mussolini, Hitler, Sadam Hussein, or a whole host of other despicable dictators.

Matthews: Sanders Win in Nevada Is Like France Falling to the Nazis

February 23rd, 2020 3:37 PM
As The Hill media reporter Joe Concha reported on Sunday, Hardball host Chris Matthews was the latest target of the so-called Bernie Bros as they demanded MSNBC fire him for a comment he made about their dear leader, Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) win in the Nevada caucus. According to Matthews, Sanders’ blitzkrieg through the first three states, and his increased momentum, reminded him of the…

Matthews, Pals: ‘Dictator’ Trump Is ‘Collaborating with the Soviets’

February 20th, 2020 10:05 PM
The Deep State and liberal media had quite the night on Thursday in light of a New York Times report that “Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected.” In the first 27 minutes of MSNBC’s Hardball, the narrative was that, without citing direct evidence, President Trump was a “wannabe dictator” “collaborating with the Soviets” to carry out “Russian attacks…

MSNBC: Candidates ‘Savaged Each Other’ Like Boxers at the Coliseum

February 20th, 2020 12:30 AM
MSNBC wasn’t sure whether to react with approval or horror Wednesday night after the 2020 Democratic presidential debate. In the first 15 minutes, MSNBC analysts, hosts, and pundits offered debate descriptions ranging from “a presidential version of Survivor” to “the most expensive night in Vegas” to an event at “the Roman Coliseum” to “boxing in the 1950s.”

Matthews to Dems: Tell Bernie He's 'Full of It,' Could Lose 49 States!

February 18th, 2020 7:40 PM
On Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show, Chris Matthews urges Bernie Sanders's primary opponents to "punch" at him, and tell him, "you're full of it." He warns that with Sanders as their candidate, Democrats could lose 49 states, as they did in 1972 with far-left  George McGovern. 

‘Thrill’ Is Gone: 12 Years Later, Grumpy Chris Unhappy With 2020 Dems

February 12th, 2020 10:15 AM
The thrill is gone. Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews isn't happy with Bernie Sanders. This is quite a contrast to the Matthews of exactly 12 years ago tonight. On February 12, 2008, the liberal journalist swooned for Barack Obama, telling the country that the charismatic Democrat sent a “thrill” up his leg: 

‘Frustrated’ Matthews Laments: ‘Tough to Beat Trump’

February 12th, 2020 12:18 AM
As New Hampshire’s election returns continued to come in, Chris Matthews grew more frustrated. After comparing some Democratic primary voters to drunks who “want a ride home,” the Hardball host admitted to being “frustrated” and not having the answers on how to beat Donald Trump. After Brian Williams turned to Matthews for answers, the MSNBC host lamented, “So I'm a bit frustrated, and I'm not…

Matthews Compares Some Dem Voters to Drunks Who Want ‘a Ride Home’

February 11th, 2020 9:08 PM
The early results have been coming in for New Hampshire and the cable reaction is split. Chris Matthews, who has raged against the socialism of Bernie Sanders, on Tuesday compared some Democratic voters to drunks: “There seem to be a civil war between those who want a revolution, which I think is a minority in the party, and those who want a ride home. They want a designated driver. Get ‘em home…

Joy Reid Admits: Trump Ads Hitting Bernie's Socialism Would Be 'True'

February 9th, 2020 3:26 PM
On her MSNBC show, Joy Reid tells Bernie Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir that the ads President Trump will run against Sanders should he be the nominee, hitting him on socialism and showing him praising Castro and the Soviet Union, will be "true."

Chris Matthews GOES OFF About Evils of Bernie’s Beloved Socialism

February 8th, 2020 1:29 AM
During MSNBC’s Friday night post-debate coverage, Hardball host Chris Matthews behaved like a man possessed, hellbent on informing all about the deadly dangers posed by communism and socialism, how concerns during the Cold War were real, and Bernie Sanders might not be looking to just remake America into a socialist country a la Denmark.

MSNBC Hails ‘Wonderful’ Klobuchar’s ‘Audacity,’ Having Lasted This Far

February 8th, 2020 12:34 AM
Continuing her penchant for drawing media accolades, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) was the candidate of discussion on MSNBC after Friday night’s latest 2020 Democratic debate. Mostly led by Hardball host Chris Matthews, Klobuchar was praised as “wonderful,” showing “audacity, spontaneity,” and behaving presidential who’s been “amazing” for having lasted longer than higher “voltage” senators like…

Matthews: Fascist ‘Black Mamba’ Trump ‘Cult’ Ready for ‘Violence'

February 6th, 2020 9:54 PM
Chris Matthews came completely unglued on Thursday night. Here’s just a few of the descriptions he had for Donald Trump and his supporters: “Violent,” “cult,” “violent purge,” “goose steppinng,” “dictator.” Regarding Trump’s comments made at the White House, Matthews suggested that, given a few less constitutional restrictions, the President would be preparing for violence: “As I jotted down…