
CNN Special Like a DNC Ad, Pushes Anti-Gun, Anti-NRA Agenda

September 23rd, 2021 11:09 AM

On Sunday's CNN special, The Price of Freedom, focusing on the issue of gun rights, the liberal news network gave the kind of slanted presentation one would expect in which most of the soundbites were of critics of the NRA  who were given a forum to complain that the pro-gun group has been too successful in pushing its agenda.


Gutfeld, Tucker Debate: Who's Dumber? Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon?

September 23rd, 2021 7:37 AM

People tune in for presidential debates, but this debate was pure fun. On Wednesday night, Fox's Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson had a debate over which CNN host is dumber, Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon? There's so much evidence for both sides...


Lemon Claims BP Is Example of 'Systemic Racism,' Cuomo Defends Smear

September 21st, 2021 11:44 PM

After spending their Monday handoff disgustingly injecting race into the Gabby Petito murder case, CNN hosts Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo finally addressed the Border Patrol “whipping” fake news scandal together Tuesday night. Of course, Lemon ignorantly suggested the images were an example of “systemic racism” in the department. And for his part, Cuomo defended his smears from the previous night…


CNN's Cuomo Suggests Mounted BP Agent Belongs Back During Slavery

September 20th, 2021 11:48 PM

On Monday, the liberal media really started paying attention to the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border but it wasn’t the nearly 15,000 Haitians living in squalid conditions under a bridge they were concerned about. Suggesting the image of a mounted Border Patrol agent attempting to stop an illegal immigrant was “a kind of barbarism and we have to be better than,” CNN Prime Time host…


'What Did He Do Wrong?!' Cuomo RAGES at GOPers Wanting Milley's Ouster

September 15th, 2021 11:18 PM

CNN boss Jeff Zucker must have had a pretty serious sit down with Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo after he bucked the network and gave air time Tuesday night to calls for General Mark Milley to resign. Because on Wednesday, Fredo did a 180 flip and was roid-raging against anyone in the Republican Party calling out Milley's traitorous behavior by promising China to warn them of an…


CNN Defends Milley’s Alleged Treason for China, Cuomo Bucks

September 15th, 2021 12:06 AM

For much of Tuesday, CNN was fixated on claims from Bob Woodward’s new book that Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley had committed treason by promising China that he would warn them if the United States planned to attack. It even weaseled into their California recall election coverage where special correspondent Jamie Gangel openly defended Milley, suggesting he was just trying to…


Cuomo Argues Real 'Choice' for Masks/Vax Is Government’s to Mandate

September 14th, 2021 12:03 AM

CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo was in rare form Monday night as he repeatedly slammed his fist on the desk and shouted about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). Fredo had a massive problem with DeSantis’s mission to allow people to choose whether or not to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Fredo raged at the idea of people having the ability to choose for themselves suggested the…


ABC Helps State Dept Steal Credit for Saving Family, Fox/Cuomo Stop It

September 7th, 2021 11:10 PM

With the Biden administration abandoning hundreds of Americans and our allies to be victimized in Afghanistan and reports that the State Department was hampering efforts to get them out, they desperately needed some good press. And ABC’s World News Tonight was more than willing to help them steal credit for getting a Texas mother and her three kids over the border to a neighboring…


Lemon: 'Stop Beating Up' Biden, 'We Don't Know' If People Were Left

September 1st, 2021 11:24 PM

The liberal media’s fever may have finally broken after spending the last two weeks or so heavily criticizing President Biden’s unmitigated disaster of a withdrawal from Afghanistan. On Wednesday’s edition of his show, CNN’s Don Lemon spent most of the hand-off from Cuomo Prime Time demanding people be “level-headed” and “stop beating up on” the President. He even went so far as to…


'The Daily Show' Savages 'Epic News Bro' Chris ‘Mother Fredo' Cuomo

August 29th, 2021 8:40 AM

Even though host Trevor Noah was on his summer hiatus, The Daily Show was still pumping out content on their YouTube channel. On Friday, the Comedy Central program made their first foray into using their “Dailyshow-ography” bit to target a liberal. This time they decided to tear into the roid-raging CNN Prime Time host known as Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, or as they dubbed him: the…


'Familiar and Obnoxious': Fredo Ties Capitol Bomb Scare to Fox News

August 19th, 2021 11:20 PM

For five hours Thursday, a man with a history of mental health issues caused the Capitol and surrounding buildings to be put on lockdown after he claimed to have a bomb. The man had live-streamed his standoff and lunched into unhinged rants about a whole host of topics. But during that night’s Prime Time, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo declared that the man’s ramblings were “familiar…


CNN Analyst Argues AGAINST Rescuing Americans Outside Kabul Airport

August 18th, 2021 11:35 PM

First come, first serve. You snooze, you lose. Let ‘em rot. That was essentially the message CNN counterterrorism analyst and former CIA operative, Phil Mudd was sending the American citizens and Afghan allies that couldn’t make it to the Kabul airport because they’re too scared to rick going outside or live in other parts of the country. His comments were so shocking that they even took


Cuomo, Lemon Fantasize About Beating up Maskless Guy on the Subway

August 17th, 2021 11:29 PM

CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo was known for being the network’s faux tough guy; threatening to throw Trump supporters down flights of stairs and glorifying Antifa violence. But on Tuesday, Don Lemon tried his hand at the tough guy routine by suggesting he would “throw hands” with a maskless guy on the New York City subway.


Cuomo Lies About Role in Brother’s Scandal, Thanks His Supporters

August 16th, 2021 10:59 PM

After coming back from a “long-planned vacation” and ignoring it for a week, CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo finally got around to talking about his role in his brother, disgraced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s sexual misconduct scandal (only after punting it to the end of the show). Throughout his comments, Cuomo would lie and mislead his audience about his role and what he was…