Bob Schieffer

The 2016 Debates: How the Media Hailed Hillary and Trashed Trump
Using the media's coverage of Donald Trump’s three debates with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 as a guide, expect the press on Tuesday night to adore Kamala Harris’s performance, while deriding Trump as someone out of a “third world” “banana republic.”

FLASHBACK: How TV News Botched Clinton’s 1996 ‘Filegate’ Scandal
After the confidential files of hundreds of Republicans were found in Democrat Bill Clinton’s White House safe, journalists decided quickly to chalk it up to the “general incompetence” of Clinton’s youthful staff, and instead blasted Republicans for making “ugly” charges in an election year.

FLASHBACK: Lib Reporters Championed ’06 Illegal Immigrant Protests
Eighteen years ago this week, the liberal networks donated their airwaves to the cause of protesters seeking to kill a bill which would have increased the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws, with fawning and emotionally-charged coverage of left-wing political marches — “people draping themselves in the American dream,” as one over-the-top morning host anchor enthused.

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Slanted Farewell to Pope John Paul II
After Pope John Paul II died 19 years ago this week, liberal journalists praised his “charisma” and “magnetism” but rejected what they characterized as his “extremely conservative” policies, as if long-standing Catholic Church doctrines were merely one Pope’s personal opinions that could be discarded on a whim.

FLASHBACK: Barack Obama, ‘An Evolutionary Flash Point For Humanity’
Fourteen years ago tomorrow (December 10), liberals were ecstatic as President Barack Obama accepted the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. Obama had been president for a mere 11 days before the window for nominations closed on January 31, but his media fan club nonetheless celebrated the “towering honor” bestowed upon their hero.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Long History of One-Sided Shutdown Coverage
Journalists’ shutdown playbook is straightforward: single out Republicans for blame; highlight “victims” of the shutdown to build public anger; and then claim Democrats won because they were the “grown-up” party.

FLASHBACK: In 2004, Lib Journos Actually Swooned Over... John Kerry!
Nineteen years ago tonight, the liberal media were in full swoon over Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, with the hope that their effusive praise might propel the liberal Massachusetts Senator into the White House.

Flashback: The Liberal Media vs. Wisconsin’s Scott Walker
Twelve years ago, the national media became a mouthpiece for left-wing union protests, as reporters smeared Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker as akin to abusive dictators in the Middle East, while turning a blind eye to the nastiness of the left-wing union protesters who besieged the capitol building.

FLASHBACK: Media Slobbering Over Obama’s SOTU Speeches
Joe Biden can never hope to garner the gushing praise the media habitually lavished on his onetime boss, former President Barack Obama. Liberal reporters were always thrilled whenever they were privileged to hear their hero delivering predictable liberal platitudes from the well of the House of Representatives.
The 2021 Debt War: Brace for Nasty Media Name-Calling
There’s a new battle brewing over the federal debt ceiling. Ten years ago, after the Obama administration instigated massive federal spending to deal with the Great Recession, Republicans insisted on long-term deficit reduction, and the liberal media slammed them as nihilists, hostage-takers, terrorists, suicide bombers and zombie vampires.

FLASHBACK: Remember That 49 State Democratic Landslide in 2016?

FLASHBACK: Media’s Agenda-Driven Columbine Coverage, 20 Years Later

The Liberal Media’s Perpetually Skewed SCOTUS Coverage