Ann Curry

UN-HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Why Do Journos Hate This Holiday So Much?
November 27th, 2024 1:25 PM
Over the years the MRC has tracked liberal journalists’ hatred of this very American holiday and how they’ve tried to ruin it for everybody. The following are some of the most egregious examples of lib journos attempts to wreck Thanksgiving.

Whoops! Brad Pitt’s ‘Eco-Friendly’ Homes Are Falling Apart
September 13th, 2018 1:23 PM
In 2006 Brad Pitt came to the rescue of New Orleans residents with his plan to build affordable homes for those displaced by Hurricane Katrina. There was just one problem. His liberal obsession to fight climate change – by using “cheap recycled materials” – means those homes are now falling apart.

‘View’ Defends Jane Fonda’s ‘Mistake’ Against ‘B***h’ Megyn Kelly
January 25th, 2018 1:44 PM
The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View were quick to choose sides in the feud between controversial actress Jane Fonda and former Fox News host Megyn Kelly on the January 23 episode of their show. After Kelly attacked Fonda as someone who had no moral authority to lecture others on what was “offensive,” after her history of anti-American activism in Vietnam, the View hosts gasped at Kelly’s nerve…

Curry: 'Verbal Sexual Harassment' at NBC, ‘Not Surprised' By Lauer
January 17th, 2018 10:42 AM
Ann Curry is “not surprised” at the allegations of abuse by her former Today co-host Matt Lauer. She also called out the “verbal sexual harassment” at NBC. Those were the big revelations when Curry appeared on CBS This Morning, Wednesday, to discuss the Me Too movement and her return to TV.

Nets Skeptical of McCain Health in 2008, Worried About Mental Fitness
August 25th, 2016 12:05 AM
Back in 2008 the “Big Three” demanded to know all they could about Republican nominee John McCain’s health, but now it’s Hillary Clinton’s health that’s in the spotlight and the networks want little to do with it. The networks are treating talk of Clinton’s health as like more than a nuisance, with CBS declaring it, “A Trump lie about her health,” and ABC saying it’s something she can “laugh off…

You’re Hired! How NBC Spent 11 Years Making Trump a Household Name
May 10th, 2016 9:44 AM
Donald Trump’s rise as a presidential candidate has prompted many political observers to blame TV outlets for giving him historic amounts of free air time. While it’s true the media have overwhelmingly focused on Trump in their coverage during the current election cycle, there is another media phenomenon at play. NBC has spent more than a decade building his brand as a successful businessman of…
ABC, NBC Tout ‘a New Era’ and ‘Historic Deal’ with Iran
April 2nd, 2015 10:29 PM
On Thursday night, ABC and NBC cheered the “historic” agreement of an outline for continued talks with Iran and declared that “the United States could be entering a new era in its relationship” with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reflected on the “18 months of tough negotiations” that “end[ed] with an all-nighter” with the possibility that “the United States…
NBC's Ann Curry Compares Conservatives in U.S. to Iranian Hardliners
March 30th, 2015 11:52 PM
While reporting on Monday’s NBC Nightly News with the latest from the Iranian side of the international talks in Switzerland over their nuclear program, Ann Curry smeared U.S. conservatives by likening them to radical hardliners in Iran’s Islamic regime: “As in the U.S., Iran has conservatives who don't trust the other side and they are ready to pounce if they believe negotiators give up too much…

CBS, NBC Censor Pope's Blast at Euthanasia; ABC Barely Covers
November 17th, 2014 2:45 PM
CBS and NBC's morning and evening newscasts on Saturday and Sunday ignored Pope Francis's condemnation of abortion and euthanasia during a Saturday meeting with Catholic doctors in Italy. Their omission is glaring when compared to their hype over a supposed "seismic shift towards gays and divorcees" in a proposed document from a bishops' meeting. Surprisingly, ABC's fluff-filled Good Morning…

Fancy! NBC Pays for Matt Lauer to Ride Helicopter To and From 'Today
September 4th, 2014 9:37 PM
Have you ever been stuck in “rush hour” traffic and wished you could fly to and from work in a helicopter? If so, you have something in common with Matt Lauer because NBC executives are so anxious to keep the host of its Today morning program happy that they're willing to do just that.
In an article on the Page Six website, reporter Emily Smith stated that Lauer -- who in June extended his $…
A 'Name That Party' Round-Up: The News Media’s Double Standard on Po
August 18th, 2014 7:51 AM
What’s the difference between a political scandal involving a Republican and one involving a Democrat? When it comes to news coverage, reporters almost always identify the political party of a Republican caught in a scandal, but when the culprit is a Democrat, the party label is usually left out of the story.
There are exceptions to this rule, of course, but not many. To prove the point,…

NBC Hypes 'Often-Scrutinized' Hillary's 'Uncharacteristically Revealin
June 4th, 2014 9:36 PM
Ann Curry trumpeted that Hillary Clinton supposedly gave a "uncharacteristically revealing interview" to People magazine on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News. Kelly O'Donnell filed a gushing report about how Mrs. Clinton apparently "has plenty to say," and spotlighted the former secretary of state's new book.
O'Donnell later zeroed-in on the upcoming arrival of Clinton's grandchild and asserted…
NBC Continues to Fear Monger on Climate Change: ‘A Sobering Forecast
May 5th, 2014 9:11 AM
Once again, NBC was out to scare its viewers about the threat of man-made climate change. Appearing on the Sunday, May 4 NBC Nightly News, Ann Curry narrated a 2 minute 30 second piece that attempted to instill panic in its viewers about the supposed dire state of the world’s climate.
Curry began her report by showing video of cars falling off of a street in Baltimore, Maryland after a heavy…

Al Gore: Climate Deniers 'Immoral, Unethical, and Despicable
April 18th, 2014 7:46 PM
Weasel Zippers has the latest superiority dance from Al Gore, in a speech at the University of Hawaii.
"Ultimately, we are going to win this thing," he said, one of many statements met with hearty applause from the Hawaiians, reported the Civil Beat. He displayed “a Bell Curve showing the number of hotter days over the past 80 years grow alarmingly disproportionate to the number of cooler…