Alex Perez

The Networks Struggle to Cover Motive Behind Madison School Shooting
At this stage, the motive of the Madison school shooter seems pretty clear, but the network news seems hesitant to report what it is. Of course, this generally means that the motive is inconvenient to prevailing leftwing narratives or identity politics. This case is not the exception.

Cheerful: ABC, CBS Celebrate TN Dems ‘Have Finally Been Reinstated’
The liberals of ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS Mornings didn’t hide their enthusiasm on Thursday as they celebrated the reinstatement of Tennessee Democratic State Representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson after their district leaders voted to send them back until a special election is held. Each network also pushed accusations of racism against Tennessee…

Nets Celebrate Dem Insurrection Leaders Returning to TN Legislature
Judging from the liberal media’s behavior, insurrections are good when leftists carry them out. That’s the gist of the tone shared by the broadcast networks on Monday as ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS Mornings, and NBC’s Today celebrated the likely return of former Democratic state Representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson after they led a violent and…

Shock: ABC Honors 'Hero' Who Killed Mass Shooter With His Legal Gun
A good guy with a gun saved countless lives at an Indiana mall on Sunday night, stopping a mass shooter before he could cause more mayhem and carnage. CBS Mornings on dispatched that inconvenient part of the story in one sentence and allowed just 26 seconds to the story overall.

CBS & NBC Ignore 10-Year-Old Girl Raped by Illegal Alien
On Wednesday, it was reported that the 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped, had been raped by an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. While most of the leftist media wants to focus on the fact that she had apparently sought an abortion in the neighboring state of Indiana because of Ohio's law protecting the life of the unborn, this disturbing news that a man who was in the United States…

Nets Abandon Parade Slaughter, Censor Bigoted Hate of Wisconsin Killer
It has now been 22 days since a bigoted, anti-Semitic killer drove his SUV into a Wisconsin, parade, murdering six. Yet, not long after the Waukesha slaughter, the networks stopped mentioning the name of alleged killer Darrell Brooks. By December 7, ABC, CBS, and NBC had completely abandoned the story altogether.

ABC Deceives Viewers: Suggests Biden in Chicago to Address Crime Wave
During Wednesday’s World News Tonight, sensationalist ABC anchor David Muir and correspondent Alex Perez teamed up to try to pull the wool over the eyes of their viewers; trying to make it seem as though President Biden flew to Chicago, Illinois to fight crime when in reality he was more interested in peddling his massive spending agenda.

At It Again! NBC Hides Alleged Juror Misconduct in Chauvin Trial
Almost two weeks after NewsBusters caught NBC Nightly News deceptively editing 911 audio from a police shooting, they were back it again on Tuesday. That evening, anchor Lester “fairness is overrated” Holt failed to share a breaking development that could possibly throw the murder and manslaughter verdicts against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin into question. In…

Media Mostly Ignore a Key Reason Kenosha Cop Was Not Charged
Between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, as all the broadcast evening and morning news casts informed viewers of the news that the Kenosha police officer who shot Jacob Blake in August would not be charged in the incident, most shows ignored one of the most critical details given for why his actions were considered justifiable self-defense.

CNN Gives 23 Mins to Nurse’s Dubious Claims Trashing COVID Patients
In the latest blow to CNN’s claim to be a news organization, National Review and Wired found last week that their much-heralded November 16 interview with South Dakota nurse Jodi Doering trashing her patients had more than a few holes. While Doering’s story drew widespread attention by over a half dozen CNNers, neither outlet find anyone to confirm Doering’s claims of coronavirus…

ABC Avoids Reporting Police Shooting Victim Was Armed and Fired Weapon
On Thursday morning, ABC News correspondent Alex Perez was again doing his part to stoke racial strife as he informed viewers that a police officer in Milwaukee will not be charged for shooting a 17-year-old African American teen, Alvin Cole.
Double Standard: Nets Tout Biden Kenosha Visit After Hating Trump's
After President Trump visited the riot-torn city of Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, the liberal media were outraged because state and local leaders (who they failed to label as Democrats) had asked him not to come. And before Trump’s arrival, the networks treated him like a hurricane, saying the residents were “bracing” for landfall. That was in stark contrast to how they praised the Thursday…
Hurricane Trump: Nets Fear for His 'Controversial' Visit to Kenosha
Using the same language they would use for an impending natural disaster, ABC, CBS, and NBC all feared for the safely of Kenosha, Wisconsin because President Trump was set to survey the damage left by leftist extremists. Failing to mention that the governor and mayor are both staunch Democrats, the networks also boosted their opposition to Trump’s arrival and not their lack of leadership that…

Nets LIE About Kenosha Shooting, COVER-UP Attacking Rioters
Just after midnight, in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin turned deadly after a teenager allegedly killed two and injured a third. The protracted incident was an apparent case of self-defense (though he was charged with first-degree intentional homicide), as the teen was fleeing from a mob of violent rioters. But the viewers of ABC, CBS, and NBC were treated…