NBC's 'Nightly News' Avoids Obama in 'Serious Legal Blow' to NSA Spyin
December 17th, 2013 12:54 PM
All three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning covered the "major blow" a judge delivered by ruling that the National Security Agency's massive data collection is likely unconstitutional. Yet, NBC's Nightly News managed to mention the President only once in passing. Instead, anchor Brian Williams kept the nearly three and a half minute segment politically vague: "Privacy violation:…
Obama Brags: 'I've Been More Deeply Involved In Intelligence Than Just
November 8th, 2013 10:56 AM
President Obama's narcissistic hits just keep on coming. Yesterday, we noted that in his interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, President Obama cast himself as the victim of the ObamaCare mess, complaining that "I've been burned" by the bad website.
In a new clip from the interview, aired during today's Daily Rundown, President Obama bragged "I can guarantee you that I have been more deeply…

Libtalker Rejects Apologia for Obama Spycraft - 'Who The Hell's In Cha
October 29th, 2013 6:51 PM
Liberal radio talker and ex-"Crossfire" host Bill Press has awakened from his half-decade long slumber when it comes to dubious actions by the Obama administration.
The longtime Obama butt-kisser complained on his radio show yesterday that it's bad enough for Americans to learn the NSA has been eavesdropping on foreign leaders long considered allies of the US. Even worse, Press complained, is…
CBS Allows a Scant 21 Seconds to Revelation That NSA Is Snooping on Mi
October 15th, 2013 12:50 PM
CBS This Morning on Tuesday allowed a scant 21 seconds to the newest revelations about the National Security Agency. The government organization has been secretly collecting millions of internet address books and instant message accounts from around the world, including Americans. In contrast, ABC and NBC highlighted the story in full reports and news briefs. [See video below of ABC's Good…
Feds Went After Snowden Like 'Far Right' East German Police, John Cusa
September 5th, 2013 4:45 PM
Enough years have passed since the demise of the Soviet Union that the politics of one of its closest allies is forgotten when convenient.
Among those with selective memory is actor, filmmaker and outspoken liberal political activist John Cusack. When not appearing on either side of a camera, Cusack is a prolific tweeter as anyone following his Twitter feed is aware.

MSNBC's Finney Suggests Bush War on Terror Wasn't About 'Unseen Foes
June 18th, 2013 5:15 PM
If you need any further proof that the Lean Forward network is all in for the Democratic Party, look no further than the weekend program Disrupt. The newly-minted show is hosted by Karen Finney, frequent MSNBC contributor and former Director of Communications for the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Finney decided to rewrite history on Sunday, suggesting to guest Heather Hurlburt that…

Media Research Center Scarier Than NSA, Claims Delusional Ed Schultz
June 17th, 2013 8:25 PM
Whatever it takes to divert attention from Dear Leader as he struggles through yet another scandal.
Once again Ed Schultz resorts to misdirection, trying to deflect attention from the burgeoning controversy over domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency and its damaging fallout for the Obama administration. (Audio clips after the jump)
NB ToonsDay | Life in Obama's USA (Under Surveillance, Always
June 11th, 2013 7:35 PM
For today's NB ToonsDay, what else but a collection of cartoons about the Obama administration snooping around on civilian phone calls, emails, etc.
Click "read more" to see them, but beware, the government is watching you laugh!

Intelligence Leaks: Greenwald Accuses Mika Brzezinski Of Using 'Comple
June 10th, 2013 8:57 AM
Things got feisty on Morning Joe today, as Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian clashed with Mika Brzezinski over the leak of the NSA phone surveillance program by Greenwald's informant, Edward Snowden. H/t NB reader Jeff M.
When Brzezinski alleged that wiretapping or the review by the NSA of emails required an additional judicial review and warrant, Greenwald accused Mika of using "White House…