First Trump Inauguration
Fake News: Rachel Maddow Invents Missing Trump Inauguration Funds
April 21st, 2017 8:34 PM
A little over a month since her overhyped non-scandal involving President Trump’s tax returns, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took to her show Thursday night to invent a controversy involving "missing" Trump inauguration funds. “We raised a question about $107 million that appears to be sloshing around right now somewhere inside the Trump administration, with nobody accounting for it,” she claimed near…
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow; Pokes Fun at Trump in Dark Reality
March 30th, 2017 12:32 AM
Apparently, subtle hatred of our president exists across many dimensions of the DC universe. In a reality-bending episode of the CW show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the icing on the top of the dark timeline cake is Donald Trump.
Tasteless NBC Marks ‘Milestone’: Trump Won’t Have Shortest Presidency
February 20th, 2017 1:28 PM
In a Monday morning post by Chelsea Bailey, sneered that President Donald Trump “will celebrate a milestone” and “small victory” in that he won’t “have the shortest term” as President following a tumultuous first month. How NBC News thought that Trump would be removed from office or worse was not surprising, but it only gives credence to those like the President arguing the media is…
CNN Mocks Trump’s Rocky Start, Compares to Others’ First 100 Days
February 16th, 2017 12:04 AM
CNN took the time during Wednesday’s edition of The Lead to take jabs at President Donald Trump for not being able to get much done during his first three and a half weeks besides create controversy. When asked by host Jake Tapper to walk him through the events of Trump’s first month in office, reporter Tom Foreman joked that “it's more like staggering than walking cause it's quite an experience…
Lower Conduct Standards for Liberals
February 2nd, 2017 2:09 PM
One can only imagine the widespread media, political and intellectual condemnation of Republicans and conservatives if, after the inauguration of Barack Obama, they had gone on a violent and vicious tear all over the nation as did Democrats and liberals after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. They committed acts such as assaulting Trump supporters, setting fires and stoning police.…
Russell Wilson: Trump Might Not Last 4 Years: ‘Barack, Come Back!’
February 2nd, 2017 7:12 AM
Who was it that demanded to know Russell Wilson’s take on current events? C’mon, fess up! Somebody asked – probably a 49ers fan wanting somebody else’s QB to look like an idiot for a change.
Ramos Ramps Up 'Racial War' Rhetoric
January 31st, 2017 4:30 PM
Univision anchor/activist Jorge Ramos laid low for a very short time in the wake of an election where he got everything wrong. But now that Donald Trump is in office, Ramos has ramped up and returned to form. Anyone expecting a chastened, humbled Ramos is in for quite a shock.
The Week That Was
January 31st, 2017 4:15 PM
Republican members of Congress met in Philadelphia last weekend for what was called a retreat. It might have been more accurately labeled an advance. Perhaps not since the days of Franklin Roosevelt's first term has so much been done by so few that will potentially impact so many (to paraphrase Winston Churchill in a completely different context).
Media Ignore Crimes of Lefty Protesters, While Smearing Conservatives
January 30th, 2017 4:42 PM
Media coverage of protests is so ideologically biased as to deceive the public. Tea Party protests were law-abiding, and so orderly that they usually left no trash behind (unlike the recent Women’s March in Washington, or attendees of the 2009 Obama inauguration, who left behind lots of trash).
Pot-Kettle Media Call Trump Insecure
January 30th, 2017 10:32 AM
The Associated Press reports that President Donald Trump is "dogged by insecurity over his loss of the popular vote" and over "media coverage," but I have a different idea about whose insecurity is on display. The entire liberal establishment and rank-and-file leftists remain in denial over Trump's victory. They convinced themselves from the beginning that Trump was a joke who stood no chance of…
Sci-Fi Director Joss Whedon Calls Ivanka a Dog; Kushner, ‘Voldemort’
January 26th, 2017 10:31 AM
Avengers director Joss Whedon, who has has been praised for empowering women on film, used his bully pulpit to demean the President’s daughter this week, proving once again that feminism only cares about liberal women.Whedon, best known for television shows like Buffy and movies like The Avengers, seems to have gone off the deep end since the election. A little over a week ago he tweeted that he…
Lefty Professor Tells MSM How to Avoid Being Trump’s ‘Hate Objects’
January 26th, 2017 8:15 AM
NYU journalism prof Jay Rosen thinks that for the time being, mainstream media outlets should give inexperienced reporters -- interns -- what’s typically considered among the juiciest of plum assignments: White House correspondent. That, he argued in a Sunday piece on his site PressThink, would be a far more effective way of covering the current administration than we have now. Rosen wrote that…
Amongst the Demonstrators
January 25th, 2017 2:06 PM
WASHINGTON — This is supposedly the week of multitudinous demonstrations in Washington, D.C. The hordes are getting more media attention than the hundreds of thousands of President-elect Donald Trump supporters who are also coming into town. Whether the demonstrations will be as multitudinous as anticipated by the media, I cannot say. Certainly, they are getting plenty of publicity already,…
No Honeymoon for Donald? The Worst Attacks on President Trump
January 25th, 2017 9:00 AM
Forget a honeymoon. The liberal media started savaging President Donald Trump even before he was sworn-in. On the day before his Inauguration, MSNBC host Chris Matthews was scared by Trump’s access to nuclear weapons as he screeched: “It’s horrible but it’s real.” On the morning of the swearing-in ceremony, ABC’s Matthew Dowd claimed the country’s mood was “more akin to where we were in 1861 and…