Ending DACA

MSNBC Touts Deported Immigrant, But Ignored Illegal Hostage Taker
January 16th, 2018 10:04 PM
On Tuesday morning, MSNBC's Velshi and Ruhle show devoted a segment to the sympathetic case of an illegal immigrant with a wife and children who was just recently deported to Mexico because he entered the country illegally as a 10-year-old 30 years ago. But, while this MSNBC show was willing to spend six and a half minutes on this story, it completely ignored the illegal immigrant who, over the…

Scarborough Implores Dems to Shut Down Government: ‘No DACA–No Deal’
January 16th, 2018 4:25 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough made three separate impassioned pleas to Democrats to use Trump’s “shithole countries” comments as a pretext to seize the moral and political high ground and demand passage of a clean DACA bill. In demanding amnesty for Obama’s “dreamers,” Scarborough called on Democrats to vote for shutting down the government instead of giving any concessions to…

NYT: Conservatives Complaining About Liberal Bias ‘Embrace Ignorance'
January 16th, 2018 3:30 PM
Leftists in the media don’t like to be called out for their liberal bias. When that happens, their knee-jerk response is to lash out with petty ad hominem attacks. A perfect example of this reaction came in The New York Times’ Paul Krugman’s January 15 column, “Know-Nothings for the 21st Century.”

MSNBC's Rubin Slams GOP Guest As 'Inhumane Beast,' 'Raised by Wolves'
January 14th, 2018 3:37 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, as frequent guest Jennifer Rubin was finally being credited as an "MSNBC political analyst," the alleged "conservative" Washington Post columnist demonstrated that she will continue to use her new MSNBC contributor status to deliver liberal analysis as she demonized a Republican guest by asking her if she is an "inhumane beast" who was "raised by wolves."

AP Predictably Botches Reporting on Immigration-DACA 'Negotiating'
January 14th, 2018 1:14 PM
One reason a coherent debate about immigration is almost impossible in this country is that the press fails to honestly and accurately report even the most basic facts. A Saturday Associated Press report on the topic by Nicholas Riccardi exemplifies this consistent failure.

Ingraham: Illegals Arrested in Denver Could Have Been DACA-Eligible
January 12th, 2018 10:56 PM
Thursday evening's Ingraham Angle show on Fox News spent much of its time on immigration and DACA, the Deferred Amnesty for Child Arrivals program which was unilaterally created without congressional approval by the Obama administration in 2012. In one particularly telling exchange, host Laura Ingraham highlighted a major drug bust in Denver after she learned that all six men arrested or wanted…

CBS Touts DACA With Med School Illegals: ‘Dream in Jeopardy’
January 11th, 2018 1:01 PM
CBS journalists, who have downplayed the problem of illegal immigration, on Thursday chose the sympathetic story of DACA medical school student Dreamers. The on-screen graphic for the segment read, “Dream in Jeopardy.” Co-host Norah O’Donnell introduced reporter Adrianna Diaz as “outside of Chicago where a group of future doctors is watching the DACA debate very nervously.”

Nets Applaud Lefty Judge’s Injunction Blocking Trump Action on DACA
January 10th, 2018 9:01 PM
On Wednesday, a federal judge from the radical Ninth Circuit issued an injunction blocking the White House from reversing the Obama-era executive order that created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). And like the good little Democratic cheerleaders that they were, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) welcomed the judge’s ruling with open arms despite the fact that it…

'Morning Joe': Trump Listens to 'Voices in His Head'
January 10th, 2018 3:00 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, reacting to President Trump’s comments during an open door meeting with top members of Congress about DACA and immigration reform, co-host Joe Scarborough argued that Trump’s performance was indicative of his supposedly deteriorating mental state and even stooped to mocking Trump as a doddering, forgetful, and schizophrenic old man who listens to “voices in his head”…

Jorge Ramos reduce cirujano de renombre a ficha migratoria
December 31st, 2017 3:23 PM
En un episodio reciente de “Real America” transmitido en la cadena Fusion, el presentador Jorge Ramos muestra el grado al cual las historias de éxito individual no son sino un accesorio de frente a una agenda más abarcadora- y ni siquiera se salva un brillante neurocirujano .

Jorge Ramos Reduces Renowned Neurosurgeon To Immigration Prop
December 29th, 2017 2:43 PM
In a recent episode of “Real America”, host Jorge Ramos shows the extent to which an individual life story is but an accessory to a broader agenda- even that of a brilliant brain surgeon.

Univisión se alista a culpar republicanos de fracaso de DACA
December 18th, 2017 4:58 PM
No es un secreto que altos niveles de inmigración a los Estados Unidos son críticos para la sobrevivencia a largo plazo de la cadena Univisión. Por tanto, la posición de la cadena requiere que se echen a perder posibles acuerdos migratorios de consenso que podrían ser tan solo un pedazo de la "enchilada completa" cuando se trata de lograr una aministía migratoria para millones de personas…
Still Dawdling Over Deadly Diversity Visas
December 14th, 2017 2:36 PM
Capitol Hill's national security priorities are screwier than a Six Flags roller coaster. Instead of immediately shutting down one of America's stupidest visa programs, which helped bring us yet another murder-minded jihadist this week, bipartisan Beltway politicians are pushing to preserve and expand the illegal immigration pipeline. Republicans and Democrats in Congress want a "fix" for the…

Univision Sets GOP Up for Blame on Failure to Reach DACA Deal
December 13th, 2017 4:42 PM
It is no secret that high levels of immigration are crucial to the long-term survival of Univision. Accordingly, the network’s position requires the scuttling of potential compromises that could potentially constitute less than “the whole enchilada” when it comes to securing a massive amnesty for millions of people currently unlawfully present in the country. The current battle over the future of…