Ending DACA

Univision alimenta aspiraciones del 2020 de Gutiérrez
December 12th, 2017 3:58 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, el congresista saliente de Chicago quien a mediados del año en curso comparó al terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar López Rivera con George Washington y quien en el 2015 tachó la muerte trágica de Kate Steinle de "cosa pequeña", compareció en Univision para hablar de una posible candidatura presidencial en el 2020.

'Snarlin' Luis' Stokes 2020 Presidential Run on Univision
December 11th, 2017 4:36 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, the retiring Chicagoland congressman who earlier this year compared convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera to George Washington and who in 2015 dismissed Kate Steinle’s tragic death as “a little thing”, appeared on Univision to discuss a potential 2020 presidential candidacy.

Luis Gutiérrez se retira del Congreso: No se le va a extrañar
November 30th, 2017 3:58 PM
Luis Gutiérrez, el congresista por Illinois que en una ocasión comparó al terrorista convicto de las FALN Oscar López Rivera con George Washington y quien describió el asesinato de Kate Steinle por un indocumentado como “una cosa pequeña”, ha anunciado su retiro del Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

ABC Drama Pushes Crazy SJW Agenda by Shooting Gay Dreamer
November 17th, 2017 12:14 AM
If there was a competition for how patronizingly a show could shoehorn the term "DACA kid" into one hour-long episode, I would have to think the November 16 episode of How to Get Away With Murder, titled "Live. Live. Live.," would take the gold medal by doing it twice in four minutes. That's not all, though. This episode actually managed to hit the rare social justice hat trick, by having one…

MSNBC Logic: Let's Knock 'Autocratic' Trump for Deferring to Congress
October 23rd, 2017 4:47 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough decided to attack Donald Trump, once again, as having an administration full of “a lot of little autocrats running around.” Not that much later in the show, in a whiplash-inducing reversal of positions, Scarborough mocked Trump for repeatedly deferring to Congressional authority on legislative matters and said that Trump is “the weakest leader” that…

NYT's Haberman Begins & Ends Immigration Rant on ‘Xenophobia' Smear
October 10th, 2017 3:51 PM
New York Times’ Clyde Haberman decided that it was prime time to bash Proposition 187, the 1994 California ballot initiative restricting government aid to illegal immigrants which passed into law, only to be declared unconstitutional, but which nonetheless spawned similar acts nationwide: “Failed Referendum That Propelled Policy on Migrants.” Haberman virtue-signaled this would be no objective…

September TV Coverage: Bashing Trump on NFL, DACA and Cabinet Flights
October 5th, 2017 1:15 PM
With September’s news coverage now in the record books, the latest Media Research Center analysis finds TV’s hostility to the Trump presidency continues unabated. According to our analysts, the President received 92% bad press, vs. just 8% good press on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows last month.

Univision activa la maquinaria de cabildeo para DACA
September 27th, 2017 3:27 PM
Vuelve a encenderse la maquinaria de cabildeo de Univision, entrando así la principal cadena de habla hispana de los Estados Unidos en un esfuerzo activista abarcador a través de todas sus plataformas y a favor del Programa de Acción Diferida para los llegados en la infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés). De ese modo, la cadena sigue operando de un modo más consistente con un lobby de…

Univision Fires Up DACA Lobbying Machine
September 25th, 2017 9:25 AM
Once again, Univision has shifted into full-activist mode by engaging in an all-platform push in support of the preservation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (aka, DACA). In so doing, the network continues its practice of operating in a manner more consistent with a special interest lobbying firm than that of a national news media outlet.

Hollywood Even More Unhinged
September 20th, 2017 8:36 PM
Since he was a candidate, President Trump has been constantly sending the media into a tizzy with pundits, anchors, and reporters accusing the President of racism. Last week, he made a deal with Democrats to keep some parts of DACA. The problem is balancing young people who came here through no fault of their own with violent criminals who start committing crimes once they emigrate here – and…

After Touting Angry Anti-GOP Crowds, ABC Ignores Pelosi Disruption
September 18th, 2017 9:20 PM
During a press conference in San Francisco, California on Monday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was shouted down by a mob of immigration activists who were demanding amnesty. Angry that she would negotiate with President Trump to save the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), they refused to let her speak. And interestingly enough, ABC was the only network in the Big Three (…

Morning Joe: Time to Put ‘Right-Wing Media’ 'Out of Business'
September 15th, 2017 10:54 AM
On Thursday's Morning Joe, former senior campaign strategist of the unsuccessful 2008 Presidential campaign of John McCain and current MSNBC Political Analyst Steve Schmidt decided to tap deep into his political bloodlust. He labeled those who support deporting “dreamers” as “extreme,” purveyors of “cruelty,” and “loons screaming out there on the fringes” who are “gonna have no impact.”

CBS Lauds ‘Clean’ Dem Deals With Trump Over ‘Messy’ GOP Options
September 14th, 2017 1:13 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Thursday hyped a potential DACA deal between Donald Trump and Chuck Schumer as a “clean” plan in comparison to all the “messy” GOP options. Co-host Charlie Rose touted the idea of geography being a good reason for a deal between the Democrat leader and the President: “Is he simply more comfortable with Chuck Schumer because they're both New Yorkers, one from…

Oh Now They Like Him: ABC, NBC Tout Trump Dining With Chuck and Nancy
September 13th, 2017 9:31 PM
On Wednesday night, President Trump had dinner at the White House with Senate and House Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. And in the wake of that development, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and NBC), who had been almost exclusively negative about Trump for the last several months, suddenly found nice things to say about him.