Communist Movie Award Winner: Stop CIA 'Coup' for 'Oil' in Venezuela
February 25th, 2019 7:53 AM
If you want to know what a serious radical leftist sounds like at an awards show, MRC's Brent Baker reported that when Boots Riley accepted an Independent Spirit Award for “Best First Feature,” he drew applause for this leftist rant: “The CIA is trying to have a coup in Venezuela...And we should all be putting our voices out to stop the U.S. from having regime change for oil in Venezuela.”

Get It? Scarborough Reads Hitler's Psych Profile: ‘Never Accept Blame'
October 23rd, 2018 8:30 AM
Joe Scarborough thought he was being so cute. No fewer than six times during his little spiel this on today's Morning Joe, while reading from the US government's WWII psychological profile of Adolf Hitler, Scarborough stressed that he was not intending to refer to anyone else. Joe never uttered the President's name, but coming from this world-class Trump hater, there was no doubt what parallel he…

On MSNBC, Isikoff Slams ‘Overwrought’ Coverage of Brennan's Clearance
August 20th, 2018 2:43 PM
When the person who co-wrote a Trump-Russia book suggests that the outrage over John Brennan losing his security clearance is a tad much, perhaps the rest of the liberal media should take a chill pill. Appearing on the Friday edition of MSNBC’s All In, Yahoo! News investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff spared with fill-in co-host Ali Velshi and Natasha Bertrand from The Atlantic when he…

CNN: Trump Sent His Press Secretary to 'Basically Poop on the People'
August 16th, 2018 6:32 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of The Lead, the panel found itself in a little bit of shock after learning that President Trump had revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, who has previously called President Trump treasonous in his new capacity as an NBC News analyst.

NBC Was Fuming Mad After Their Employee Lost His Security Clearance
August 15th, 2018 10:35 PM
In a Wednesday move that was both praised and criticized, President Trump revoked the Top Secret security clearance for Obama-era CIA director and major Trump-critic John Brennan. The former spook is now an NBC News analyst, so the network didn’t take too kindly to their guy losing the mighty privilege he was granted.

ABC, NBC Decry Trump Revoking Security Clearances from Obama Spooks
July 23rd, 2018 9:43 PM
Liberal ABC and NBC were in a full-blown meltdown Monday night after the White House announced the President was looking to revoke the security clearances of six former intelligence officials, whom they contend abused the privilege of retaining it after their tenure. They even tried to pretend most of the officials named weren't Obama appointees.

Nets Fret: Trump’s CIA Pick ‘Referendum on Country’s Use of Torture'
May 7th, 2018 11:44 AM
Eager to tear down another one of President Trump’s nominees, on Monday, all three network morning show’s seized on a Washington Post article claiming that the President’s nominee to be CIA Director, Gina Haspel, considered withdrawing over the weekend, before her upcoming Senate confirmation hearing. Hosts and correspondents breathlessly hyped the story and worried about Haspel’s role in the…

ProPublica Retracts Key Claims in 2017 Haspel 'Torture' Story
March 16th, 2018 10:35 AM
A February 2017 ProPublica story claimed that Gina Haspel, nominated as CIA director this week, "was more deeply involved in the torture of Abu Zubaydah" at a secret Thailand prison "than has been publicly understood." Thursday evening, the group published a correction admitting that Haspel wasn't even present when one of the program's primary targets was, according to the New York Times,…

NBC Promises ‘Brutal Senate Confirmation Battle’ Over Trump’s CIA Pick
March 15th, 2018 12:20 PM
On Thursday, NBC’s Today show predicted a “tough fight” and “brutal Senate confirmation battle” over President Trump’s nominee to head the CIA, current Deputy Director Gina Haspel. Citing Haspel’s involvement in the enhanced interrogation of terrorist detainees during the Bush administration, “which many call torture,” correspondent Kristen Welker touted critics of the pick.

NBC’s Todd Invites Memo Smears, Fights Considering Its Contents
February 4th, 2018 2:48 PM
Since the release of the bombshell House Intelligence Committee memo detailing alleged misconduct by the FBI and the DOJ to obtain warrants through a FISA court, the liberal media have been focused on combating President Trump and the GOP for releasing the memo instead of the contents within it. A clear demonstration of this occurred during NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday where moderator Chuck…

Pres. Reagan 'Extremely Pleased' with Cocaine Conspiracy on FX Drama
September 7th, 2017 1:04 AM
FX’s Snowfall has finally come to its season finale, and it honestly couldn’t get here fast enough for me. The long, drawn-out stories of characters making down-right awful choices has never been a turn-on for me, and ten episodes is ten too many. The final insult comes from one last jab at former President Ronald Reagan.

Writer: Are Red States ‘Souring’ on Conservative Economic Ideas?
April 14th, 2017 5:06 PM
Whatever was the matter with Kansas when Thomas Frank wrote his book is now less daunting for the left, believes New York magazine’s Eric Levitz, who contended in a Wednesday piece that the closeness of this week’s House special election in the Wichita-centric 4th District appears to spell trouble for conservatives.

Rachel Maddow Facilitates Charade with Closet Partisan Ex-CIA Analyst
February 23rd, 2017 7:22 PM
In a promo she does for the MSNBC channel on SiriusXM, Rachel Maddow claims she delivers the news "without fear or favor" -- but she sure provides useful cover to guests if they share her liberal politics. Such was the case Tuesday night when one of Maddow's guests was former CIA analyst Edward Price, who just quit the agency in a highly public way, accompanied by an op-ed in the Washington Post…

Kos: NPR ‘Committed to Enabling’ Trump’s ‘Propaganda’
January 27th, 2017 10:17 PM
Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas is pleased that “several media operations have decided to join reality [by] calling the Trump regime’s lies what they are -- lies.” Still stuck in unreality, according to Kos, is NPR, which, he alleged on Wednesday, “remains steadfastly committed to enabling the ruling regime’s propaganda efforts.” Kos fumed that “conservatives rally around…