
Five New Biden Family Scandals ABC, CBS, NBC Are Censoring
The following are five brand new Biden family scandals (from the last three months) that ABC, CBS, NBC refused to report.

Soros Funded Group Begs Big Tech to Censor Disinfo After Trump Verdict
An organization repeatedly funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is pressuring Big Tech to target free speech after the guilty verdict against Donald Trump.

WATCH: Rachel Bovard Calls Weak Section 230 Hearing ‘Slap in the Face’
Conservative Partnership Institute Senior Director of Policy Rachel Bovard dressed down Members of Congress and thinkers on the right who are wedded to an outdated mindset that allows for Big Tech censorship, debanking and ultimately the death of the free market.

ABC and CBS Skip Trump's Post-Verdict Speech
Former President Donald Trump gave a speech on Friday to denounce his conviction and the preceding trial, but of the three main networks, only NBC bothered to break into their regular scheduled programming and carry it live and give their audience Trump’s perspective.
WIN! Texas Senate Committee Subpoenas Big Tech After MRC Testimony
The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs unanimously voted to authorize subpoenas to Big Tech companies, aiming to hold them accountable for censorship and election interference. The companies include Alphabet, the parent company of Google and YouTube, Meta Platforms Inc., parent company of Facebook and Instagram, and TikTok among others. The decision followed a hearing in which industry…

WATCH: MRC VP Offers Solution on Big Tech Censorship Problem
MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider called out Big Tech for censorship, discrimination and election interference during a hearing at the Texas Capitol.

TWITTER FILES:The Disgusting CIA Effort to Control Social Media
The latest installment of The Twitter Files details how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) targeted Americans’ free speech, in violation of its restriction against domestic operations.

AI Chatbot Changes Tune on Biden ‘Lies,’ Quickly Listed Them on Trump
Artificial Intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, was questioned over its ability to recall specific lies President Joe Biden has told, but could not provide any without context or verification. However, it was able to list five debated comments made by former President Donald Trump. MRC Free Speech America VP, Dan Schneider emphasized that the AI technology is built upon human-generated algorithms.…

Here We Go Again! New News Credibility Study Attacks Free Speech
The Indiana University Observatory on Social Media (OSM) has conducted a study identifying 10 so-called "superspreaders" of misinformation who generated nearly one-third of what it deemed “low-credibility content” on Twitter. Although the study did not name the 10 accounts, OSM researchers claimed to Donald Trump Jr., Sean Hannity, Steve Milloy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health…

Guess Which Lawmakers Stood Up for Free Speech at Big Tech Hearing
The House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing supposedly to discuss sunsetting Big Tech’s tightly clutched liability shield that allows for censorship. But free speech and Big Tech censorship were hardly part of the discussion.

EU Commissioner Makes Online Censorship Key Campaign Pledge
The president of the European Commission is openly advertising her commitment to censoring speech as part of her re-election campaign, touting a “European Democracy Shield.”

LAME! Media Bias/Fact Check Attempts to Smear MRC Free Speech America
Another ministry of truth operation tried to go after MRC Free Speech America’s credibility with a big swing and a miss.
Oh, Really? Jankowicz Admits DHS Disinfo Police Can’t Define Disinfo
Nina Jankowicz, former director of the now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), criticized the lack of a unified definition of 'disinformation' within the Biden administration during her sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee. She revealed that the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency and other entities within the department operated…