Terry Schilling, Jack Posobiec Call for Action Against Big Tech Bias

July 19th, 2024 2:37 PM

Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec and American Principles Project President Terry Schilling want action to protect the free speech rights of Americans on social media. 

MRC Vice President Dan Schneider spoke to Posobiec and Schilling during the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, asking them about their thoughts on the legacy media and anti-conservative bias on Big Tech platforms.

Schilling responded to this bias with a call for action. “Big Tech has been in the bag for the Democratic Party, which is a big deal because Big Tech combined is worth trillions and trillions of dollars and that’s just what they’re worth on paper. Their social and cultural impact is much bigger than that. But this is why we need to reform Big Tech,” he said. 

“This is why we need to pass laws to rein them in so they can’t tip the scales or at least force them to start including these in-kind contributions on FEC reports,” Schilling added, responding to a Media Research Center study on Google search results. 

Both Schilling and Posobiec agreed that conservatives should not be dissuaded from fighting censorship and Big Tech’s election interference out of misguided free market concerns. Posobiec agreed with Schneider that “common carrier” laws, which waive corporate liability for misuse of their service while prohibiting the carrier from restricting service to anyone, should apply to social media. 

Posobiec told Schneider that America needed an “internet bill of rights.” The Human Events senior editor argued that the government exists to prevent interference with our rights as Americans. 

Posobiec paraphrased author William F. Buckley to make the point that conservatives need to fight back against both public and private violations of rights: “If my rights are coming under threat from the federal government or General Motors, then it’s still my rights under threat and I will defend my rights, and I will protect my rights from wherever possible.” 

Schilling echoed Posobiec’s sentiments, pointing out the existence of several laws regulating private corporations. “We have laws to secure our rights,” he said. 

Schilling suggested that Big Tech was not only using its dominant position to harm conservatives but also to prevent free and fair competition in the market. “It is time to reign in Big Tech and you’re not going to get that from Joe Biden because they’re on his team,” Schilling said.

Conservatives are under attack! Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on hate speech and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.