
Get a Him a Map! CNNer Calls Manchin's West Virginia a 'Coastal State'
Liberal ignorance of flyover country was on full display on CNN this morning. On New Day, CNN commentator Dr. Abdul El-Sayed—a Bernie Sanders ally—suggested that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin should support the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill because it includes funds to address climate change. El-Sayed claimed that "climate change is ravaging coastal states like his." West…

Murdoch Foundation Gave $14,250,000 to Leftist Environmentalist Group
Climate activist James Murdoch has used his foundation to funnel more than $14 million to a leftist group that crusaded against America’s so-called “environmental racism.”

CRAZY! Public Radio Co-Produced New Yorker ‘Eco-Terrorism’ Propaganda
A subsidiary of a taxpayer-funded radio organization co-produced a podcast segment with the liberal New Yorker magazine that actually promoted “eco-terrorism.”

Hypocrisy! Bill Gates Uses Fossil Fuel Investor to Fund Climate Fight
One of the world’s richest practitioners of eco-hypocrisy is getting tens of millions in funding from a fossil fuel investment giant for his climate change fight. Founder Rips WashPost Blaming Climate Change for Ida Founder Steve Milloy ripped an absurd Washington Post argument that Hurricane Ida — which caused power outages to more than a million homes — is a spawn of climate change.

CRAZY: CBS Blames Climate Change for Strengthened Taliban
CBS News just proved how far down the whirlpool of nonsense it’s willing to go. The outlet actually blamed climate change for Afghanistan’s terrorism outbreak following President Joe Biden’s massive foreign policy failure.

Peak Irony! Krugman Accuses Fossil Fuel Defenders of ‘Bad Economics’
It is peak irony when New York Times economist Paul Krugman accuses fossil fuel defenders of “bad economics.”

ALARM! UN Climate Panel Continues Decades-Long Climate Fear Tradition
Run for cover! The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is warning that we only have a few years to save the planet — a nugget of fear porn the United Nations and the media have been peddling for decades.

Evening Nets IGNORE Biden Approving Russia’s Pipeline for Two Days
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks didn’t seem to care that President Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL while behaving like a Russian crony and approving the country’s controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Founder Promises to Sue Biden EPA founder Steve Milloy ripped President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency for filling a core committee with compromised eco-partisans. The junk science buster is vowing to sue the Biden administration as a result.

Oops! 1995 NYT East Coast Doomsday Prediction Goes Down Toilet
The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong.

Extremist Professor Says US Needs ‘Trillions’ to Fight Climate Change
A leftist assistant professor argued that the U.S. needs to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars to fight climate change. And spending “trillions” is just the “down payment,” according to her perspective.

NYT Tells Home-Buyers to Add ‘Climate Hazards’ to Checklist
The New York Times told home-buyers to infuse eco-extremism into their decision-making when buying their homes. The latest climate drivel for The Times was headlined, “Add ‘Climate Hazards’ to Your Home-Buyer’s Checklist.” The lede paragraph reeked of agitprop: “As global temperatures increase and sea levels rise, home shoppers are looking at more than just location, price…

Climate Depot Founder RIPS Media Still Pushing Gore’s Climate Alarmism
Climate Depot Founder Marc Morano spoke with the Media Research Center about former Vice President Al Gore’s useless 2006 eco-extremist film An Inconvenient Truth after its 15th anniversary on Monday.