
The Smell of Pork Spending Sizzling in Congress Unappetizing to Nets

May 6th, 2021 11:03 PM

As Congress prepared to slink into their smoke-filled backrooms to craft the next federal budget, President Biden made it clear that his old-timey ways meant that the era of wasteful earmarks and pork-barrel spending was back. And despite Democrats and some Republicans packing on millions of dollars of taxpayer money in spending for their pet projects in their home districts, the flagship…


ABC/CBS Blind to Biden Administration’s ‘Shell Game’ With Migrant Kids

May 6th, 2021 8:50 PM

As the Biden administration released new images Thursday from inside a Border Patrol facility to show how they were allegedly getting a hand on the border crisis, Democratic Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar called them out for playing a “shell game” with migrant kids by just shuffling them around. Of course, Fox News, and surprisingly NBC Nightly News highlighted the administration’s…


Nets Censor Proof Teachers’ Unions Dictating Biden Reopen Policy

May 4th, 2021 11:21 PM

Earlier this year, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) defended President Biden from the obvious fact that he was beholden to Democratic special interests like the teachers’ unions, who were holding the welfare of students hostage by refusing to reopen schools. But over the weekend, the New York Post broke a major story that exposed how teachers’ unions were influencing Biden’s…


At It Again! NBC Hides Alleged Juror Misconduct in Chauvin Trial

May 4th, 2021 8:39 PM

Almost two weeks after NewsBusters caught NBC Nightly News deceptively editing 911 audio from a police shooting, they were back it again on Tuesday. That evening, anchor Lester “fairness is overrated” Holt failed to share a breaking development that could possibly throw the murder and manslaughter verdicts against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin into question. In…


Trump Still Banned on Social Media; Celebs Still Free to Post Violence

May 4th, 2021 2:36 PM

In light of the fact that a social media tribunal will decide on May 5 whether Trump can get his Facebook account back, it’s good to take note of all the famous people who should have had keys to their own accounts taken from them for promoting actual violence.


Nets Ignore GOP Slamming Door on Dems in TX Special Election

May 3rd, 2021 8:49 PM

Turning Texas blue has been a saucy dream for liberals for countless cycles now, and every two years the media fantasize about the day it would. But on Saturday, Republicans slammed the door on Democratic efforts to flip the sixth district as two Republican candidates edged out them out and leading to a runoff. And in addition to locking out Democrats, voters in the district sent multiple…


NBC Reports on Multiple Crises Without Mentioning Biden Once

May 3rd, 2021 12:55 PM

In a classic example of leftist media corruption, on Monday, NBC’s Today show reported on multiple international crises occurring on the Biden administration’s watch without mentioning the President’s name even once. The topics ranged from the U.S. imposing a travel ban on India amid a massive surge in coronavirus cases there, to a boat full of migrants capsizing off the California…


DISINFO: Univision Falsely Claims FL Elex Law Cuts Early Voting Times

May 2nd, 2021 8:11 PM

In rushing to scare their viewers and smear Florida’s just-passed election security law as “restrictive”, Univision makes several baseless claims and delivers a whopper of a false assertion. 


ABC Decries FL GOP ‘Flexing Their Muscles’ With Anti-Censorship Bill

May 2nd, 2021 10:20 AM

Florida Republicans were apparently showing some real toxic masculinity lately; because the so-called journalists on ABC’s Good Morning America spent part of their Sunday morning attacking them for “flexing their muscles” with bills targeting censorship on social media and increasing election integrity. They chided the bills as “controversial” and eagerly sought retaliation from their…


NBC Leans on Biden to Lecture Tim Scott About Racism in America

April 29th, 2021 10:47 PM

South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott exposed the radical left for who they truly were with his Wednesday address following President Biden’s to Congress, including his statement that “America is not a racist country.” It unleashed a tsunami of hate and racism from the left as CNN and MSNBC lashed out and Twitter let “Uncle Tim” trend for far too long. NBC Nightly News continued…


Nets Censor New Evidence of Cuomo’s Cover-Up of Nursing Home Deaths

April 29th, 2021 9:00 PM

On Wednesday, The New York Times broke yet another story about how Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his aides went to strenuous lengths to cover up nursing home deaths, keeping their secret from federal investigators, state lawmakers, and the public. Of course, the broadcast networks fell into their bad habit of censoring liberal corruption as they chose to ignore the…


CNN Laughs, Accuses Sen. Tim Scott of Tokenism, an Uncle Tom for GOP

April 28th, 2021 11:56 PM

Casual racism was the disgusting tone CNN decided to go with following South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s delivery of the Republican response to President Biden’s address to Congress Wednesday night. Together, chief political correspondent Dana Bash and senior political correspondent Abby Phillip cackled as they attacked Scott as a liar for defending Republican election integrity efforts and…


Cuomo Teams Up With Holder: GOP ‘Have to Cheat’ to Get Elected

April 28th, 2021 6:03 PM

In a follow-up to his redistricting smears and fear-mongering from earlier in the week, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo teamed up with Obama Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday to spread misinformation and lies about Republican redistricting after the Census Bureau determined multiple red states were picking up seats from blue states. And at one point, Holder, who now…


NBC Blesses Biden Foreign Policy, 'Confronting' Russia 'Unlike' Trump

April 27th, 2021 9:08 PM

Ahead of President Biden’s address to Congress tomorrow, NBC Nightly News spent part of its Tuesday newscast gaslighting the American people about the President’s foreign policy successes in his first 100 days and trying to memory hole former President Trump’s seismic moves around the globe. At one point, they pushed the lie that Trump had never confronted Russia in any way and then…