Bias by Omission

Cuomo Advised Brother on How to Survive Sexual Harassment Scandals
On the one-year anniversary of CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo trying to distract the public from his brother, New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s unfolding nursing home deaths cover-up scandal by pulling out giant cotton swabs, The Washington Post dropped a bombshell story detailing how Chris was part of Andrew’s sexual harassment advisory team and told his elder…

Breaking Institutions: Nets Skip First Meeting of Court Packing Panel
For four years, the liberal media would scream from the rooftops about how President Trump was “destroying our democratic institutions.” But ABC, CBS, and NBC were nowhere to be seen Wednesday night following the first meeting and swearing-in of President Biden’s commission to reshape the Supreme Court in the way only radical liberals benefitted from (either with court-packing or taking away…
Networks Censor Palestinian Extremists HUNTING Jews on U.S. Streets
Over the course of the week, there were numerous stories about “pro-Palestinian” (essentially pro-Hamas) mobs gathering around the country to “protest” the ongoing conflict in Israel devolving into wild hunts for Jewish Americans. And despite the fact these heinous acts were incited by the Hamas sympathizers in “The Squad,” none of the attacks were given airtime on ABC, CBS, and NBC’s morning…

Friends of Hamas: CBS Scoffs at Israeli Soldiers Shot at the Border
As the latest flare-up between the Israelis and Palestinians dragged on, CBS Evening News seemingly wouldn’t be happy until the Jewish State of Israel was pushed into the sea. Tuesday’s edition of their Hamas-friendly coverage featured foreign correspondent Holly Williams scoffing at how two Israeli soldiers were shot by terrorists as Palestinians took part in their “day of rage” in…

Gift to Putin! Nets Skip Biden to Lift Sanctions that Stopped Pipeline
While President Biden had stopped the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline here in America (and saw the hacking and shutdown of another come on his watch), he and his administration were ready to lift the sanctions that barred Russia from finishing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to German. Instead of reporting on the Tuesday Axios scoop, ABC, CBS, and NBC decried that Biden wasn’t doing more to…

CNN’s Cuomo Claims Being Pro-Life Is About Racism and Jim Crow
With the Supreme Court set to hear a Mississippi case to challenge Roe V. Wade next session, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo once again spit venom at those who were pro-life. He flaunted his ignorance of the pro-life movement as he suggested they didn’t understand science while also being pro-racism and akin to Jim Crow. And like a dunce, he claimed it was the Fourth Amendment…

CBS Blames Israel for the Conflict, Pushes Misinformation on Evictions
On Monday, CBS Evening News continued its unholy crusade against the Jewish state of Israel by blaming them for the conflict and pushing misinformation about the evictions in East Jerusalem. It came as the network was still using Gaza casualty numbers provided by the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry, and they scoffed at the idea that Israel’s airstrikes were “surgical.”

Todd Suggests Israel 'Targeted' Press, Not Hamas With Tower Airstrike
NBC political director Chuck Todd kicked off Sunday’s Meet the Press with a truly disgusting display of dishonesty and gaslighting. When it came to reporting on how Israel bombed a building on Saturday that housed a Hamas intelligence center along with multiple media outlets that were using as human shields, Todd completely ignored the Hamas element and suggested Israel was targeting…

Netanyahu Calls Out AP Lies About Hamas Facility Getting Bombed
In a Sunday appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called out The Associated Press for lying about the Saturday bombing of the building they willing shared with Hamas terrorists. He also schooled CBS fill-in moderator John Dickerson by noting the extra measures Israel took to reduce the number of civilian casualties in the areas they were…

How Chris Cuomo Hitched Himself to Rebekah Jones’ Sinking Ship of Lies
Last year, a website operator for the Florida Department of Health, Rebekah Jones became the liberal media’s new Michael Avenatti when she started claiming she was fired for disobeying orders to manipulate COVID data. And since she was attacking Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, CNN Prime Time host Chris Cuomo eagerly promoted her claims as it provided a distraction from his brother,…

CBS Skips Israeli Boy Killed by Hamas Rocket, Blames Violence on Jews
This week, a five-year-old boy in Sderot, Israel was killed after a Hamas rocket broke through the Iron Dome defense system and blew up his family’s house. His death went unreported on the CBS Evening News that night, even after NewsBusters called them out on Tuesday for underreporting Israeli casualties. On top of that, none of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, or NBC) retracted…

Nets Conveniently Miss Senate Hearing on Dem Election Power Grab Bill
For months, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have peddled the liberal lie that the Republican Party was trying to bring back Jim Crow via the election integrity laws being passed and worked on in many states around the country. But on Tuesday, they conveniently missed another opportunity to spread those lies and boost their Democrat pals as the Senate Rules Committee held a hearing…

CBS Underreports Israeli Casualties from Hamas Rockets, Rip Airstrikes
In her Tuesday report for the CBS Evening News, foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer doubled down on her support for Hamas terrorists by under-reporting Israeli casualties from their rocket attacks and decrying Israeli retaliatory strikes on terrorist installations. In stark contrast, ABC’s Matt Gutman noted the lengths Israel went to prevent civilian casualties in Gaza despite…

Siding with Terrorists: Nets Decry Israel Defending Itself from Hamas
Over the years, NewsBusters has extensively documented how the liberal broadcast networks had thrown their support behind terrorist groups that wanted to wipe Israel off the map. Well, they were back at it again Monday after Hamas had indiscriminately launched over 150 rockets at Israeli civilians and Israel justly responded by targeting their attacker. Between ABC, CBS, and, NBC they decried…