2020 Congressional
CAUGHT! Facebook Contractor Claims ‘It’s Common Sense’ to Censor MAGA
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently stressed the company’s commitment to freedom of speech in an op-ed for USA Today. But an undercover investigation by Project Veritas into the world of Facebook’s third-party content moderators casts doubt on that commitment.

‘The Politician’ Battles ‘Climate Catastrophe’ This Election Year
Even though this is 2020, we apparently need to talk more about elections. At least, that’s what The Politician would have us believe. We’re still more than four months away from November, but the Netflix series is determined to remind us of everything we hate about election season. Namely, it’s once again filled with lies, smug liberals, and countless scandals.

Shrill ‘Comedian’ Sam Bee: GOP ‘Punishes Black’ Voters for Voting
Left-wing comedian Samantha Bee devoted her opening monologue on Wednesday’s edition of Full Frontal to accusing Republicans of orchestrating voter suppression and trashing voter ID laws. Bee’s analysis made it perfectly clear that she did not tune into Cuomo Prime Time last week; where a Georgia election official put the myth of voter suppression to bed.

George Soros Group Part of $59M Mail-In Voting Effort to Help Left
Liberal billionaire George Soros is pouring it on in a multimillion-dollar effort to help Democrats turn out their voters in the 2020 election. The Associated Press reported that “A network of deep-pocketed progressive donors is launching a $59 million effort to encourage people of color to vote by mail in November.”

New Yorker: 'Embarrassment of Democrats Wearing Kente-Cloth Stoles'
Did you find the sight of Congressional Democrats kneeling while wearing kente-cloth stoles on Capitol Hill to be a cringe-worthy example of virtue signaling? Well, you are far from alone. Even many liberals shuddered at the sight including Doreen St. Félix of the very liberal New Yorker.

Hypocritical: China-Apologist LeBron James Forming Voting Rights Group
Known liberal multimillionaire NBA star LeBron James appears to want in on the SJW action. James is joining a group of other prominent “black athletes and entertainers” to start “a new group aimed at protecting African-Americans’ voting rights,” The New York Times reported June 10. James, along with others, are reportedly “seizing on the widespread fury against racial injustice that…

Joe Scarborough Slimes McConnell as 'Chokehold Mitch'
The left has tried to pin a variety of epithets on Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. First came "Cocaine Mitch." The allegation was so absurd that the wily Leader was actually able to fundraise off it with T-shirts mockingly embracing the moniker. Next, Joe Scarborough, alleging McConnell's alleged ties to Russia, tried out "Moscow Mitch." Meh. But on today's Morning Joe,…
Excited NY Times: 'Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?'
The New York Times could barely hide its excitement in the full-page lead slot of Tuesday’s National section: “Could This Be the Year Georgia Flips Blue?” (Don’t bother waiting for the Times headline, “Could This Be the Year Minnesota Flips Red?”) Reporter Astead Herndon began with a quip about Atlanta’s luckless sports teams, then pivoted to another group of beloved…
'You're Just Incorrect': Cuomo Gets DESTROYED By GA Election Official
Georgia’s primary election hit a few snags Tuesday as compounding complications (coronavirus, new machines, and problem counties) caused long lines and delays. Of course, the liberal media reacted by crying racism and voter suppression. But, in a schooling reminiscent of when he got embarrassed by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo got utterly demolished by…

Liberal Media Suddenly Love Republican-Loathing George Will
Washington Post columnist George Will is just another pseudo-conservative pundit in the Bezos bubble, like Jennifer Rubin. Liberal outlets like CNN and NPR delighted in his column recommended Senate Republicans "must be routed" in November for their "Vichyite collaboration" with the apparent Nazi president of the United States. He also compared them to affection-starved dogs. What a…

Bernard Shaw: Trump Is an 'Aberration,' But CNN Is 'Balanced'
Monday’s Erin Burnett OutFront ended with Burnett interviewing former CNN anchor Bernard Shaw to help mark CNN's 40th anniversary. However, he ended up spending most of his airtime trashing President Trump. According to Shaw, “the critical focus of history will judge Donald Trump as a presidential aberration. Walking from the White House through the tear gas-laden Lafayette…

Blitzer Marvels at Bash’s ‘Excellent,’ Social Distance Biden Interview

Humorless Scolds in Press Bash Ben Sasse's Commencement Speech