Does the outing of a previously almost unknown basketball player really deserve a half hour's coverage on a broadcast television Sunday political talk show?
The folks at CBS certainly felt it does as Face the Nation actually devoted the entire second half of its program Sunday to Jason Collins and gay issues.
As the second half of the show began, host Bob Schieffer introduced former tennis greats Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova to discuss the significance of Collins' annoucement via satellite.
After that, NFL player and gay rights activist Brendon Ayanbadejo and former NFL player Esera Tuaolo (who outed himself after he retired) joined Schieffer also via satellite.
Following a commercial break, Schieffer was joined by Domonique Foxworth, the president of the NFL Players Association, Ted Leonsis, the owner of three Washington sports franchises, Chris Stone, the managing editor of Sports Illustrated, and New York Times sportswriter Bill Rhoden.
The discussion of course was again about Collins and the significance of his announcement.
One half hour - including commercials - on this issue.
What made this even odder is that Schieffer concluded his first half hour with a 90-second commentary on the Collins issue saying, "The news about this story is that it didn't cause all that much news, at least not all that much controversy. Most Americans accepted it and went on about their business. My grandchildren wouldn't even know why it made the news."
If that's the case, why spend 30 minutes on something that your grandchilden "wouldn't even know why it made the news?"
But something that REALLY hasn't made news on Face the Nation is the Kermit Gosnell murder trial. Schieffer has yet to discuss the subject. His network has also still not mentioned it on its Evening News broadcasts.
With air time so precious, news outlets must have their priorities.