Jason Collins

Into Left Field: 5 of the Most Obnoxious Political Intrusions on Sport
April 3rd, 2014 10:32 AM
It’s Opening Day week and all things are new again. Except the fact that liberals won’t let us just be happy watching our sports. That’s not new. In fact, as anyone who’s read Roger Kahn’s “The Boys of Summer” knows, determined liberals have been trying to suck the joy out of the sporting endeavor for decades.
But it does seem that the space carved out for the care-free enjoyment of our…
ESPN Ombudsman Finds ESPN Isn't Airing Enough Advocacy Against 'Jock C
March 25th, 2014 3:02 PM
In case you’re one of those conservatives that doesn’t want liberal social crusades constantly mixed in your sports journalism, see D.C. sports radio host Steve Czaban. He has a blog post titled “ESPN Will Force You To Care! Resistance Is Futile.”
ESPN ombudsman Robert Lipsyte – a former New York Times columnist whose more recent home is Mother Jones – is lecturing the less-than-…

Uh-oh: NBC News President to Discuss Future of 'Meet the Press' With D
March 13th, 2014 8:11 PM
During a brief visit to Washington, D.C., Deborah Turness – the president of NBC News – is slated to discuss the fate of the network's Sunday morning program with host David Gregory and executive producer Rob Yarin regarding possible changes to the format of Meet the Press, which recently saw its ratings tumble to their lowest point since the third quarter of 1992.
According to Dylan Byers,…

Networks Hype 'History-Making Moment for the NBA' After Jason Collins
February 24th, 2014 11:43 AM
Despite openly gay NBA player Jason Collins only spending 10 minutes on the court during a game Sunday night, all three network morning shows on Monday hailed his non-scoring time off the bench as a momentous occasion. On ABC's Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos proclaimed: "A history-making moment in the NBA. Jason Collins broke through a big barrier last night when he suited…
Howard Kurtz Leaves CNN for Fox News
June 20th, 2013 5:50 PM
Veteran media reporter Howard Kurtz is joining the Fox News Channel on Monday, July 1, to serve as the anchor for a new version of the “Fox News Watch” Saturday program that has looked at media issues.
“I’m excited to be bringing my independent brand of media criticism to Fox News,” Kurtz stated in an article in the New York Times. “The chance to create a revamped program and establish a…

Gay NBA Player’s Twin Brother Gets ‘I’m The Straight One’ T-sh
May 16th, 2013 3:21 PM
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel invited recently self-outed gay NBA player Jason Collins on his program Wednesday evening along with twin brother Jarron.
At the end of the interview, Kimmel gave Jarron an “I’m The Straight One” t-shirt.

'Face the Nation' Spends 30 Minutes on Gay NBA Player, Still No Mentio
May 5th, 2013 4:13 PM
Does the outing of a previously almost unknown basketball player really deserve a half hour's coverage on a broadcast television Sunday political talk show?
The folks at CBS certainly felt it does as Face the Nation actually devoted the entire second half of its program Sunday to Jason Collins and gay issues.

Bozell Column: P.C. and the NBA
May 4th, 2013 8:11 AM
Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III started tongues wagging when he posted this cryptic message on Twitter: “In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.”
This was in response to liberal activists showing their rabid intolerance by demanding, so obnoxiously, that the Washington Redskins be renamed the “Redtails.” But the sentiment absolutely…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Pink Flag on the Play
May 3rd, 2013 11:10 PM
To many, Jason Collins's coming-out was a major sociocultural breakthrough. To one Kossack, however, true progress will wait for the day when an NFL franchise fields "an entire team of ass-kicking gays" who defeat homophobia one touchdown at a time.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

NBC Pundit: Jason Collins Like 'Rosa Parks,' A 'Gay Hero' Starting A
May 2nd, 2013 4:38 PM
During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today, attorney and regular pundit Star Jones compared gay NBA player Jason Collins to a civil rights icon: "I don't think that, say a Rosa Parks, set out to be the person that people will call the mother of the civil rights – civil rights era. I don't think that Jason Collins started out thinking, 'I'm going to be this gay hero.' But if it becomes a…
MSNBC’s Roberts Laughably Compares Jason Collins With Jackie Robinso
May 2nd, 2013 4:00 PM
The folks at MSNBC are still getting thrills down their leg at the thought of a out-of-the-closet gay man playing in the NBA.
Today, openly gay news anchor and MSNBC Live host Thomas Roberts -- who on a regular basis runs gay marriage advocacy segments on his program -- treated viewers to a puff piece in which he compared Washington Wizards center Jason Collins to the African-American athlete…
Anderson Cooper on Gay NBA Player: 'The Tide of History Is Moving Forw
May 1st, 2013 4:53 PM
Hosting liberal filmmaker Spike Lee on his Tuesday show, CNN's Anderson Cooper supported Lee's prediction that more professional athletes will come out as gay like NBA player Jason Collins.
"The tide of history is moving forward," the openly-gay Cooper remarked in a not-so-subtle boost of the gay rights movement. On Monday, Cooper hailed Collins as "a true pioneer" and lauded his…

WaPo Sports Columnist Rails at ‘Heterosexual Religious Zealots
May 1st, 2013 1:21 PM
Woe unto you who haven’t joined the rhapsodic hymns to Jason Collins’ heroism and genuflected before the altar of diversity. You have incurred the wrath of Mike Wise.
The Washington Post sports columnist, who is rumored to sometimes write about sports, doesn’t like Christians or conservatives (“Bible-thumpers” to him and Charles Barkley), and he’s not shy about it. His May 1 column was a tour…

MSNBC's Hayes Marks 'Real Milestone' of Jason Collins Coming Out
April 30th, 2013 5:53 PM
On Monday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes celebrated the coming out of gay NBA player Jason Collins as he tagged the development as a "real milestone," a "watershed moment," "something momentous," and "big, big news." He later hosted a panel that included liberal gay activist Dan Savage, known for trying to spread the flu to a GOP presidential candidate headquarters in 2000, and with…