Kimmel’s diatribe got nastier, with him calling Trump “mentally ill” for not wanting gun control. “So I agree this is a mental illness issue, because if you don’t think we need to do something about it, you’re obviously mentally ill!” he said to cheers and applause from the audience. Appealing to his left-wing base, Kimmel downplayed the severe illegal immigration problem we have in this country, claiming that a singular car accident caused by an illegal immigrant was what motivated Trump’s “wall”:
It is amazing to me that If one illegal immigrant causes a car accident, we've got to build a wall to keep the rest of them out, why are you looking for solutions to that problem and not this one? Somewhere along the line, these guys forgot they work for us, not the NRA. Us. And this time, we’re not going to allow you to bow your head in prayer for two weeks.
He ended his tirade by urging viewers to visit the left-wing Michael Bloomberg gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety even leaving the activist group’s website url up on the screen.
ABC’s morning news program, Good Morning America, touted Kimmel’s emotional rant on their show Friday morning. In her report, ABC’s Cecilia Vega again misled viewers, as she did on last night’s World News Tonight and Kimmel did on his show hours later, claiming that President Trump “rolled back” Obama-era restrictions on the mentally ill being able to buy guns.
The GMA team played several clips from Kimmel’s monologue, with anchor Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos lamenting how Kimmel seemed to get that Americans wanted action on gun control, but President Trump wouldn’t address it. “You heard someone yelling out ‘Do something now’and it seems you can't even get lawmakers to utter the words gun control," Roberts gushed.
"Well, not President Trump yesterday. Kimmel, of course, spoke after President Trump's addressed the nation yesterday afternoon and as you said Robin, the president did not mention guns,” Stephanopoulos stated.