
NBC, People Magazine Stick to the Legend on Matthew Shepard
Once again, our leftist media are using the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard to push the LGBTQ causes, like putting men in women's sports and "gender affirming care" for minors. It doesn't matter to them that there are reports that Shepard wasn't killed in an "anti-gay hate crime," but over a drug deal. "Print the legend," skip the rebuttals.

Anderson Cooper: CNN Was 'Hurt by All the Drama' of Licht, It's Over
CNN host Anderson Cooper dished on the Chris Licht era to People magazine. He said “morale was hurt by all the drama, and that’s unfortunate, but I think things feel like they are back on track.”

PEOPLE Pours Out Tub of Goo for Young Socialist Rep. Maxwell Frost
The new edition of People magazine is the latest example of a liberal media organ celebrating new socialist Congressman Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.), elected at age 25. The headline is “GEN Z GOES TO WASHINGTON: Last year, he drove an Uber in Orlando. Now he’s in Congress – the fact of a new generation rising to power.”

PEOPLE Loads 5 Pages on Afghanistan, With One Lame, Vague Biden Quote
The cover of the September 6 issue of People magazine is all about actor Val Kilmer and his “harrowing cancer battle.” But there in the table of contents was this surprise on page 50: “Crisis in Afghanistan: Veterans and refugees reflect on the end of America’s longest war.” This was amazing: in five pages of text and pictures, Biden only shows up in one pull quote: "The scenes...they…

Pregnant Actress 'Excited' to Take Baby to Pride March
This is probably obvious advice by now, but no one, and we mean NO ONE should be modeling their parenting skills off of Hollywood celebrities.

Liberal Outlets Hype Non-Peer Reviewed Study to Whine About Alcohol
Liberal outlets are trying to scare readers again about alcohol consumption. They are pushing a study that hasn’t been peer-reviewed to claim any alcohol consumption will damage the brain.
CRAZY! Google Launches Inclusive Language Warnings for Offensive Words
Google announced new warnings for Google Workspace to help users avoid so-called “offensive” and “gendered” words. The company introduced its “inclusive language” warnings in Google Workspace apps at its I/O Developer conference on Tuesday. Javier Soltero, Vice President of Google Workspace, offered as an example the word “chairman.”
CHILD ABUSE: Another Child Star Tells Horror Story
“Toddler to trainwreck” is far too common a story for child actors-turned-adults in Hollywood. Another young actress is telling hers. In a raw op-ed for People, coupled with a YouTube video, actress Alyson Stoner offers her own “toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline” narrative. Stoner is commonly known from her lead roles in “Cheaper by the Dozen,” the “Camp Rock” movies and as a lead voice…

PEOPLE Pours Another Bottle of Syrup on Buck-Raking Michelle Obama
Just five weeks after their latest puffball cover story on Joe and Jill Biden, People magazine offers a cover story on Michelle Obama. The excuse for another six-page spread of sugar is a new “young readers edition” of her 2018 memoir Becoming.
Singer Cabello in Race Reeducation Camp Over 10 Year-Old Tumblr Posts
Singer-songwriter Camilla Cabello has a dark past of racism and bigotry for which she must atone. Repenting of these past sins is not enough. No. The 24-year-old Cabello must undergo a life-long, painful process of racial rehabilitation, and she’s subjecting herself to “racial healing classes,” according to Teen Vogue.

Axios Reporter Covering Biden Reveals She's Dating White House Aide
There’s an old saying that the media’ are in bed with Democrats, but sometimes that’s quite literally the case. Twitter was ablaze today after People Magazine published last night a “heartwarming” story of love found between a reporter covering the Biden campaign….and the president’s deputy communications director.

People's Gushy Joe & Jill Biden Cover Story Has a Weird Hunter Twist
People magazine has a new Joe & Jill Biden cover story for its February 15 issue (a true Valentine’s Day treat for liberals). The cover copy is syrupy publicity: “Faith, Family & Finding Strength Together: The President & First Lady on surviving tragedy, keeping romance alive – after 43 years! – and starting the nation’s new chapter.”

Leftists Celebrate Abortion on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Today’s a high holy day for lefties. On this date, January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade and mass infanticide became the law of the land.