Elisabeth Bumiller

NYT Overboard: Trump Crash Comments ‘Recalling Extremes of First Term'
Elisabeth Bumiller has returned to the reporting beat after a long stint as the paper’s Washington bureau chief, and her seething, even paranoid hostility toward Republican president’s remains intact. The front page of Friday’s New York Times, “Blaming Diversity Hiring, Trump Turns Accident Into Grievance.” The text box read: “Recalling the Extremes of His First Term.” Predictably,…

PBS: Trump’s Cabinet a ‘Rogues' Gallery,’ with Russia’s ‘Girlfriend'
PBS’s weekly political roundtable Washington Week with the Atlantic gathered for the second time since Donald Trump’s reelection reeling from his proposed cabinet picks. New York Times Washington Bureau Chief Elisabeth Bumiller used aggressively antagonistic language to describe the picks. It's a "rogues' gallery," including Tulsi Gabbard, a "girlfriend" of the Russians.

Everyone Laugh at Team Biden Hating NYT for Not Being Liberal Enough
In need of a laugh? Check out this unintentionally comical story running 3,850 words from Thursday in Politico about the Biden regime’s apparently disgust with The New York Times: “The Petty Feud Between the NYT and the White House; Biden’s people think they’re ‘entitled.’ The Times says ‘they’re not being realistic.’” In short, Politico’s Eli Stokols revealed the…

Morning Joe Despairs on 'AWOL' Lloyd Austin: Ignatius Sighs Say It All
On Morning Joe, David Ignatius, the Washington Post columnist and Morning Joe regular, repeatedly sighs while trying to defend Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for his failure for several days to inform the White House of his ICU hospitalization for complications from cancer surgery.

PBS Roundtable Can't Believe 'Extraordinary' Biden Achievement Ignored
For the second week in a row, PBS’s weekly journalistic political roundtable Washington Week with The Atlantic defended the elderly President Biden’s “mental acuity,” with the author of a new Biden biography, who also lectured the press on how to properly cover the president: By emphasizing how bad Trump is. Foer gave away his partisan leanings with a choice of pronoun: "...the recent…

Morning Joe On Musk Twitter: 'We All Believe In Free Speech, BUT...'
Morning Joe has given a general thumbs-down on Elon Musk's Twitter takeover. there was an exchange between Mika and NYT Washington bureau chief, Bumiller. The latter uttered that classic line, "we all believe in free speech, BUT . . . " Bumiller went on to fret about the "guardrails" coming down, and claimed Twitter has become "a platform for a lot of misogyny." A terrified Mika recited a…

PATHETIC NY Times Covers for Biden: Bad Jobs Numbers a 'Real Fluke'
Joe Biden was all geared up to go out last week and boast about the one million jobs the economy had added in April. But then the actual numbers came out, and . . . psych! Only 266,000 new jobs, 73% less than Biden was planning to brag about! But not to worry, Joe: the New York Times has got your back! Appearing on today's Morning Joe, Elisabeth Bumiller, the NYT's Washington bureau chief,…

NYTimes Snarks at ‘Earpiece’ Conspiracy on Right, Skips When THEY Did!
New York Times reporter Kevin Roose, eternally hypersensitive to the dangers of the right-wing on the internet, elevated some brief online scuttlebutt about an alleged Biden debate “earpiece” into a full-blown history that mostly mocked the right: “The Long History of ‘Hidden Earpiece’ Conspiracy Theories.” But one of the left-leaning conspiracists could be found very close to home.…

Morning Joe Wishin' & Hopin' for Nasty Hill GOP Break from Trump

NYT Salutes John McCain, But 2008 Campaign Coverage Was Classless

Scarborough Claims 'Most People Have Hardly Covered' Stormy Daniels

MSNBC: Trump Is Like Kim-Jong-un, Journalism Is Having a 'Renaissance'

NY Times Won't Take Responsibility for Its Error on Climate 'Scoop'