Timothy Egan

NYT Goes Down on the Farm to Fawn Over Montana Sen. Jon Tester
June 4th, 2018 9:29 PM
New York Times reporter Nicholas Fandos hiked out to Montana to talk to Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana for Monday’s edition. Tester, who may be tested in the fall as he’s up for re-election in a state Donald Trump carried by 20 points, was fawned over on his farm by Fandos, both in the main story, “Senate Democrat in Deep-Red Montana Isn’t Sweating Trump’s Threats,” and also an “Inside the…

NYT's Egan Perpetuates Obama-As-Uniter Mythology to Attack Trump
October 28th, 2017 9:12 PM
Timothy Egan at the New York Times is so enamored of the mythology surrounding Barack Obama that he claimed in a Friday column that the 44th President's rhetoric "was the best American music" which "celebrated" a United States where, in Egan's words, "people from all races, ideologies and religious sects would check their hatreds at the door after becoming citizens." He pretended that the nation'…

NY Times: Trump on Immigration Was 'Hate Speech'; O'Reilly Hits Back
September 9th, 2016 8:38 PM
On September 2 (appearing in the Sept. 3 print edition), New York Times op-ed columnist and correspondent Timothy Egan moved the smear meter to 11 reacting to Donald Trump's August 31 speech in Arizona on immigration. Thanks to the intervening holiday weekend, it took Bill O'Reilly at Fox News a bit of time to hit back at Egan — but when he did Thursday evening, he made it count.
NYT: 'Angry...Seething...Almost Apocalyptic' GOP Raises 'Islamophobia'
December 6th, 2015 11:18 AM
The front page of Saturday's New York Times, next to the paper's already infamous front-page gun-control editorial, claimed that "Shootings in California Reshape the Campaigns." The language used by reporters Michael Barbaro and Trip Gabriel, was quite revealing. See how the Republican presidential candidates "angrily demanded...[rode a] rising tide of bellicosity... seethed with disgust for…

NYT's Egan Rages at 'Rabid Brown Shirts in Dockers' at Trump Rally
November 29th, 2015 9:03 PM
Two recent opinion pieces in the New York Times, one by a veteran reporter turned columnist, another featured in the Times' Sunday magazine, launched viciously hard-left attacks on Republicans on the issues of immigration and refugees. Timothy Egan's column, "Donald Trump's Police State," went so far as to compare Republican attendees at a Trump rally to "rabid brown shirts in Dockers" and that…

NYT's Angry Egan Insults 'Fanatic' Republicans, Defends Democrats
August 15th, 2015 8:14 PM
Timothy Egan's liberalism, badly concealed in his previous guise as a news reporter for the New York Times, is in full and angry bloom in his columns, like "The Junk Politics of 2015," from the upcoming edition of the New York Times Sunday Review, mocking the Republicans with personal insults while dismissing Democratic problems. It included this howler: "At least one Republican wants to sic the…

NYT Cherry-Picks Stats, Claims Places With Stricter Gun Laws Are Safer
July 31st, 2015 4:03 PM
It’s another day and that means another day for the media to make false claims about guns while mocking 2nd Amendment advocates as “crazies” and “fanatics.”
In today’s New York Times Opinion section, author and contributor Timothy Egan argues that gun-related mass shootings is on the rise and it’s due to lax laws on obtaining them. He manages to weave in slams against “the fanatics” and the “gun…

NYT's Egan Sees Trump Inevitable 'Monster' of Racist, Vet-Smearing GOP
July 26th, 2015 1:43 PM
Timothy Egan, who wrote liberal screeds for the New York Times as a reporter before finding a more fitting habitat as one of the paper's stable of left-wing anti-Republican columnists, piled on the GOP's current presidential front-runner in "Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted," in the paper's Sunday Review. Egan suggested Trump is only the inevitable end result of toxic GOP racism and…

NYT's Timothy Egan on Trump, Cruz, Pursuing 'Immigrant-Hatred' Vote
July 11th, 2015 9:24 PM
Timothy Egan, liberal New York Times reporter turned left-wing Times columnist, portrayed the Republican field as avidly chasing the "red-faced" "immigrant-hatred vote," calling out not only Donald Trump but Ted Cruz, a Cuban-American: "It will only get better as Republican primaries move into all-white, anti-immigrant strongholds. Here, you can expect to see clusters of red-faced older men…

Trump Sues Univision; Most Media Skip Scabrous Trump-Roof Pic Scandal
June 30th, 2015 9:47 PM
Donald Trump fought back on Tuesday by filing a $500 million lawsuit against Univision. The Spanish-language network replied the suit was “both factually false and legally ridiculous.”
What’s been missed in all this hubbub is that large chunks of the national media have completely ignored Univision executive Alberto Ciurana’s post on Instagram comparing Trump to Dylann Roof, the mass murderer in…

Former NYT Reporter Egan Goes Full Marxist on GOP Class 'Traitors'
March 22nd, 2015 3:06 PM
Timothy Egan, liberal New York Times reporter turned left-wing Times columnist, made Friday's paper accusing some conservative Republicans born disadvantaged as being "Traitors to Their Class." Egan's columns are typically online only, but the paper liked this one enough to feature in print. One can see why; it has the easy, superior mockery of Republicans who grew up poor but have the audacity…

AP Covers Fire Chief's Sacking, Ignores Religious Discrimination Claim
January 30th, 2015 11:48 PM
Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran, who alleges he was fired from his position solely because of his Christian beliefs, has filed a religious discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
That's not news at the Associated Press's national site, and it appears that the AP has not even carried a local story about Cochran's EEOC complaint — omissions that reek of…

After Dem Loss, NYT Columnists Cry 'Broken Politics,' Sabotage' by GOP
November 8th, 2014 7:46 AM
The New York Times liberal columnists (redundant?), given a night to marinade in the bitterness of enormous losses on every level of government for the Democrats, responded with various shades of bile, bias, and unconvincing happy talk.

NYT Columnists Lament Stolen Democracy, GOP 'Dim Bulb...Plutocrats'
October 24th, 2014 9:25 PM
Two New York Times columnists took turns recently insulting Republican leaders as "dim bulbs" and plutocrats, while throwing around accusations of stolen democracy. Paul Krugman claimed "the political right has always been uncomfortable with democracy" because it believes "only the wealthy should have political rights," while former reporter Timothy Egan said that thanks to the Supreme Court…