Scott Walker
NYT Fuels 'Furious Backlash' to WI Gov. Scott Walker's College Cuts
February 17th, 2015 4:28 PM
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a reformist conservative and Republican presidential hopeful for 2016, has become a media target, from making a stink of Walker evading an evolution question to obsessing over his college years. Next up: Ripping Walker's proposed cuts to the state university system's operating budget. New York Times reporter Julie Bosman took advantage of Tuesday's front page to…

NY Times Corrects Column Which Blamed Walker For 2010 Layoffs
February 16th, 2015 10:25 AM
It took well over 24 hours, but the New York Times finally corrected (HT Instapundit) op-ed columnist Gail Collins's ignorant Saturday contention about how Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker caused teacher layoff in 2010: "As well as the fact that those layoffs happened because Walker cut state aid to education." Collins was so sure of herself that she emphasized how Walker's 2010 state aid-caused…

Walker Refuses to Answer Off-Topic Evolution Query; AP, Time Pounce
February 15th, 2015 11:41 PM
In London, England earlier this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker delivered a speech about global trade at the Chatham House think tank. Given that the group's mission is "to help build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world," and that it encourages "open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs," it seemed a reasonable…

Reporters Mock Walker Punting Science Questions, But Not Nancy Pelosi
February 15th, 2015 8:25 AM
T. Becket Adams at The Washington Examiner drew up a list of people shocked, shocked, that Scott Walker punted on a “gotcha” evolution question at a London Q&A.
Adams noted that these same liberal journalists don’t blink when liberal politicians punt on gotcha abortion questions. Conservatives are "climate deniers" or Darwin deniers, but when liberals are baby deniers? The media can only…

NY Times: Walker, Who Became Gov in 2011, Caused Layoffs in 2010
February 14th, 2015 11:47 PM
What an ironic title New York Times op-ed columnist and former editorial page editor Gail Collins used — "Scott Walker Needs an Eraser" — in her February 13 opinion piece blasting Wisconsin's Republican governor.
In her nitpicky, selective mind, Walker must already have an eraser, one that's so powerful that it could reach back to the year before he became Badger State chief executive and…

Matthews: London Mayor Can Run for POTUS; Constitution Disagrees
February 12th, 2015 8:52 PM
Buttering up his February 12 guest Boris Johnson, Hardball host Chris Matthews told the London mayor that he's eligible to run for president, given that he was born on U.S. soil. But Matthews apparently forgot the residency stipulation in the Constitution, one criterion that Johnson doesn't meet.

WashPost Never Probed Candidate Obama's College Years Like Walker's
February 12th, 2015 5:02 PM
The Washington Post published a 2,223-word story on Thursday's front page on the college career of Scott Walker -- it ended abruptly without a graduation. One obvious question: when did the Post publish a long story on candidate Barack Obama’s undergraduate college years before he was elected in 2008? The answer: They didn’t.
Obama attended Occidental College in California for…
WashPost Devotes 2223 Words to Probing Scott Walker's College Life
February 12th, 2015 4:55 PM
The Washington Post on Thursday conducted another of its obsessive investigations into the younger life of a Republican presidential candidate. This time, it was 2,223 words probing Scott Walker, his activities while at Marquette University and why the future governor did not graduate. Writer David A. Fahrenthold focused on allegations that Walker didn't work hard in French class and that his…

Least-Known, Scandal-Plagued Governor in U.S.: Oregon Dem Kitzhaber
February 12th, 2015 1:27 PM
The establishment press has obsessed over Republican Governor Chris Christie's non-scandals in New Jersey for 18 months. Anything appearing to be problematic during the past four years for Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker, including a "John Doe" fishing expedition driven by a power-abusing Democratic prosecutor, has been national news.
Meanwhile, the press appears to have lost interest in…

Lefty Blogger Calls Scott Walker a ‘Republican Porn Star’
February 8th, 2015 9:40 PM
Jon Perr of Daily Kos writes that Walker, like the Republican base, “believes his Democratic foes aren't just wrong, but unambiguously evil...He talks and fights tough, which for the right wing is not a means but an end in itself.”

NY Times's Correction on Vaccines Fixes Misattribution of Walker Quote
February 4th, 2015 11:45 PM
Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh believes that because the center-right media and blogosphere pushed back against the vaccine vendetta campaign against Republicans and conservatives, the establishment press is sharply backing away from trying to capitalize on it, especially because both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been shown to have played to the anti-vaxxer crowd during the 2008…

Daily Beast Writer: ‘Stupid’ GOP Base Likes ‘Vacuous’ Scott Walker
February 3rd, 2015 9:36 PM
Michael Tomasky opines that the Republican candidates are “hostil[e] to actual ideas that might stand a chance of addressing the country’s actual problems,” and that even if one of them were “Lincoln and TR and Reagan all rolled into one, with a little bit of Thatcher on the side…it wouldn’t matter. He wouldn’t be able to demonstrate the breadth of his vision, because that isn’t what the GOP base…

Daily Kos: Conservatives Have a Persecution Complex
January 31st, 2015 3:42 PM
Hunter contends that right-wingers feel that the left is “out to get” them, and that they “consider…breaking the law itself to be a noble thing, when done in service to conservatism, which is why the various Fox News talking heads spoke of armed standoffs at the Bundy Ranch in approving tones and with references to the Founding Fathers.”

Scott Walker 'Almost...a Liberal Caricature of a Conservative Villain'
January 29th, 2015 10:10 PM
Ed Kilgore comments that Walker may have an “especially seductive” appeal to the Republican base given that “he won over and over again in Wisconsin without compromising with conservatism’s enemies. Indeed, he behaved almost like a liberal caricature of a conservative villain…Walker tells [right-wingers that] they…can win by confrontation, not compromise or outreach, and his three victories are…