Scott Walker
Nation Writer: ‘Wisconsin Badgers Deserve Better Than Scott Walker'
April 7th, 2015 1:32 PM
In a Tuesday post, The Nation blogger Dave Zirin argued that it’s politically unseemly for Gov. Scott Walker to root publicly for certain Wisconsin sports teams, including the University of Wisconsin basketballers, who came up just short in last night’s men’s national title game against Duke.
Zirin claimed that it’s “almost flagrantly irresponsible” for the media to publicize Walker’s support of…
Barnicle: GOP 'So Angry' Due to Relying on Party's 'Mentally Ill Wing'
April 6th, 2015 5:53 PM
Mike Barnicle, a frequent liberal guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe weekday program, hammered Republicans on Sunday in a posting at the Daily Beast website entitled “Why Is the GOP So Angry at Everything These Days?” His answer: Republicans “are furious at the world. Their solution: Declare war on it.”
Barnicle's article started out innocently enough, with the writer noting that during the past week…
PolitiFact Wisconsin Vets Scott Walker's Sweater
April 5th, 2015 8:11 PM
Does anybody know what Barack Obama was doing during his college years? We know that he was the president of the Harvard Law Review but do we even know what articles, if any, he wrote for it? Beyond that his college years are almost completely blank as to his grades or activities to the extent that his time at Columbia University has been almost completely erased from memory. Compare that big MSM…
NY Times Dogs Scott Walker With Front-Page Silliness
April 1st, 2015 10:35 PM
After several slanted stories seemingly designed to cripple the nascent Scott Walker for president campaign before it has even been launched, the New York Times descended into utter silliness in its latest snipe at the Wisconsin Governor: He's allergic to dog dander. That was the actual subject of a front-page Times story on Wednesday by political reporter Jason Horowitz.
NYT Wowed by Jeb Saying GOP Must Accept Diverse 'Changing Country'
March 30th, 2015 11:11 PM
New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin hit the New Hampshire hustings for his condescending Page 1 story, "Bush and Walker Point G.O.P. to Contrary Paths." Martin made it clear where those paths lead: Either up to the sunny moderate climes of colorful diversity with Jeb Bush, or down a dispiritingly white conservative lockstep path with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. In Martin's condescending take…
USA Today: 'Hundreds of Thousands' Could Lose Their Vote In Wisconsin
March 23rd, 2015 12:57 PM
Today the U.S. Supreme Court, as the Associated Press's Scott Bauer reported, "turned away a challenge to Wisconsin's voter identification law," meaning that "the state is free to impose the voter ID requirement in future elections." Bauer then focused on the impact of the state's off-year primary elections on April 7.
Bauer's relatively tolerable (for him) report tagged the law as "a political…
Former NYT Reporter Egan Goes Full Marxist on GOP Class 'Traitors'
March 22nd, 2015 3:06 PM
Timothy Egan, liberal New York Times reporter turned left-wing Times columnist, made Friday's paper accusing some conservative Republicans born disadvantaged as being "Traitors to Their Class." Egan's columns are typically online only, but the paper liked this one enough to feature in print. One can see why; it has the easy, superior mockery of Republicans who grew up poor but have the audacity…
Bloomberg News Hypes Scott Walker's 'Gun Control' Moment in 1995
March 22nd, 2015 2:09 PM
Bloomberg’s Jonathan Allen sounds a little desperate to make a controversy for Scott Walker with Second Amendment voters. His headline was “Scott Walker Once Backpedaled After Supporting Wisconsin Gun-Control Bill: His flirtation with the issue could create an opportunity for competitors.”
Briefly, Walker backed a bill that “could have jailed gun dealers who sold weapons without trigger locks—…
Letterman Whines About Clinton E-Mail Scandal; Fallon Mocks Presser
March 17th, 2015 12:49 AM
In a contrast of how two network late night comedy hosts addressed the Hillary Clinton email scandal on Monday, CBS’s David Letterman whined about the attention and effort being devoted and given to the scandal while NBC’s Jimmy Fallon took to mocking Clinton’s long-winded, confusing responses during her press conference as to why she used just one account and one phone.
Indiana's 'Anti-Union' Right to Work Has Led to Increased Membership
March 6th, 2015 10:50 PM
One mantra that the left and most of the establishment press continually recites — and it's not surprising, given that so many people in both groups are forced to be members themselves — is that right to work laws are "anti-union." They cling to that position despite that fact that the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation accurately insists that it "is neither 'anti-union' nor 'pro-…
Bruni Bait and Switch: NYT Uses Media Criticism to Slam Conservatives
February 28th, 2015 10:48 PM
Frank Bruni's latest for the New York Times sported an intriguing title: "Despicable Us -- Scott Walker, the Media and the 2016 Presidential Campaign." Would Bruni be apologizing on behalf of both his paper and other outlets, which have had to retract false criticisms of Wisconsin's GOP governor? No. His media criticism was simply window dressing, an excuse to mock conservative candidates past…
Spiteful: Jezebel's 'Update' to False Walker Assault Reporting Story
February 28th, 2015 7:45 PM
As noted this morning (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), Jezebel's Natasha Vargas-Cooper wrote a Friday morning hit piece directed at Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican Governor, calling him a "conservative werewolf" for including a provision in the Badger State's latest proposed budget to eliminate the requirement that universities report campus sexual assault statistics to the state.
Jezebel Smear: Walker Wants to Stop Campus Sexual Assault Reporting
February 28th, 2015 9:45 AM
On Friday morning at Jezebel, a Gawker-affiliated web site, Natasha Vargas-Cooper thought she had Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by the — well, you know.
In a post tellingly tagged "Conservative Werewolves," Vargas-Cooper was absolutely sure — so certain that she apparently felt no need to check any further — that Walker's proposed budget would allow its colleges to "to stop reporting sexual…
AP Report on Wisconsin Right to Work Move Presents Union Side Only
February 27th, 2015 11:28 PM
A couple of thousand protesters have showed up to rail against the Wisconsin Legislature's move to pass right to work legislation this week.
That number is far smaller than what was seen four years ago, when Badger State Governor Scott Walker championed Act 10, a budget repair bill which limited — but please note, contrary to frequent press assertions, did not eliminate — most public-sector…