NYT Laments Walker's 'Hard Right Turn,' Loved Hillary's Gay Reversal

July 3rd, 2015 8:06 PM
Labeling bias on the front page of Friday's New York Times, with one of the paper's frequent GOP targets in the sights of reporters Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin (pictured): "Scott Walker’s Hard Right Turn in Iowa May Hurt Him Elsewhere." It's the paper's latest attempt to poison the well for conservative candidates by warning them of lurching to the right. Meanwhile, the Times celebrated…

CBS Plays Up GOP Candidates 'Getting Slammed By the Musicians'

June 17th, 2015 8:50 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Jan Crawford hyped the latest "dust-up between the musician and the politician," and underlined that "rare is the Republican candidate who isn't told to stop the music – even if...they paid licensing fees." She asked a GOP strategist, "Why is it it's always Republicans who are getting slammed by the musicians for using their songs?"

Blogger: If You’re Educated, Scott Walker Probably Hates You

June 14th, 2015 12:33 PM
The Republican-controlled Wisconsin legislature may soon weaken protections for tenured professors in the state’s university system. Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Marshall believes that Gov. Scott Walker’s enthusiastic support for tenure reform is “driven in part by right-wing ideology and in part by the palpable animus Walker himself holds to people who managed to get an education.”…

NYT Blares Emotionally Pro-Union, Anti-Walker Piece As Mag Cover Story

June 14th, 2015 7:33 AM
The New York Times magazine launched another emotional attack on Wisconsin's Republican (and presidential hopeful) Gov. Scott Walker, whom the paper cannot forgive for successfully taming his state's public unions and then surviving an expensive, union-funded recall election. Contributor Dan Kaufman's romanticized, pro-union 5,700-word cover story was advertised as "Labor's Last Stand -- Scott…

Chris Matthews: 'Lazarus' Walker's Defeat of Ed Schultz Helps Profile

June 8th, 2015 8:15 PM
Doing a postmortem of the Jodi Ernst's inaugural "Roast and Ride" event this weekend in Iowa, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has positive things to say about Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) as a strong contender for next January's caucuses in the Hawkeye State, namely that he had mixed it up with his network colleague Ed Schultz in the recall election and come out on top.

Fox News, CNN Set Rules for First Two Republican Presidential Debates

May 21st, 2015 6:16 PM
Even though the 2016 presidential election is more than 16 months away, two cable news outlets announced on Wednesday the criteria for the first two GOP debates. The initial event, which will be hosted by the Fox News Channel and take place on Thursday, August 6, at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio, will be moderated by network anchors Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace.

Slate's Saletan: 'ISIS and the GOP Are in Perfect Harmony'

May 20th, 2015 10:14 PM
On Tuesday, I wrote that "Every day seems to bring in at least one new example of alleged journalists who are really propagandists insisting that what is obviously false is true." Today's entry into that category will be extremely hard to beat, and may well stand as one of the worst attempts at an argument ever made by a leftist hack. Before I excerpt William Saletan's column at Slate and his…

O’Reilly Blasts Liberal Media for Smearing Social Conservatives

May 12th, 2015 1:41 AM
Fox News Channel (FNC) host Bill O’Reilly slammed the liberal media on Monday’s O’Reilly Factor for distorting conservatives and Republican presidential candidates in what he referred to as “tough times for social conservatives in America” thanks to a press that is “overwhelmingly left” and thus “simpatico, generally speaking, with the uber-liberal thought.”

AP Covers Whining About Walker's Security, But Not 'John Doe' Thuggery

April 26th, 2015 11:35 PM
The Associated Press is one of many national establishment press outlets which has from all appearances utterly ignored National Review's chronicling of police-state tactics used by law enforcement in a "John Doe" investigation targeting Republican Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's fishing expedition, which began in 2012, has attempted but thus…

Salon Pundit: Walker’s Rightward Shift on Immigration a Big Mistake

April 22nd, 2015 9:24 PM
Four Aprils ago, polling showed Donald Trump in or near the lead in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. In a Wednesday column, Heather Digby Parton suggested that Scott Walker could wind up as the Trump of this election cycle: the guy who peaked when he wasn’t even an official candidate. Parton admitted that she’s never understood why so many Republicans think Walker’s…

Seth Meyers Mocks GOP’s Chances Against Hillary Clinton

April 21st, 2015 10:47 AM
On Monday, Late Night host Seth Meyers devoted 4 minutes of his broadcast to smearing 19 potential Republican presidential candidates who spoke at a New Hampshire Republican Party gathering over the weekend. 

Will GOP Candidates Push Back Against Media Coverage of Hillary?

April 18th, 2015 11:06 PM
Will they just stand there and take it? Or will the Republican candidates for president push back against the fawning media coverage of Hillary Clinton?

Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky: The GOP ‘Wants to Be Stupid’

April 16th, 2015 12:10 AM
Lefty pundit Michael Tomasky is no populist, at least when it comes to the Republican party. He gives props to GOP politicians like Marco Rubio who have “serious and unorthodox ideas,” but expects that Rubio, et al will soft-pedal said ideas during the presidential primaries since “you can’t be a smart candidate in a party that wants to be stupid.” In a Wednesday column, Tomasky asserted that “…

Blogger: Scott Walker a ‘Scoundrel,’ and GOP Base Is Fine With That

April 11th, 2015 11:33 PM
Esquire’s Pierce considers the web site/newspaper Politico an embarrassment to journalism (he habitually refers to it as “Tiger Beat on the Potomac”). Recently, Pierce found more fuel for his ire, a Politico story that to his disgust 1) merely hinted, rather than stated, that Scott Walker is an “unprincipled scoundrel,” and 2) virtually endorsed Walker’s “fundamental mendacity” as long as it’s…