Scott Walker
NYT's Paul Krugman, Inspired By Leftist Paranoia, Sees 'Shock Doctrine
February 25th, 2011 10:28 AM
Paul Krugman’s New York Times column for Friday, “Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.,” used for both headline and text fodder a book of far-left paranoid propaganda by Naomi Klein to push Krugman’s pet idea: That Wisconsin’s Republican Gov. Scott Walker is trying to make a “power grab” in order “to destroy the last major counterweight to the political power of corporations and the wealthy.”
Here’s a…
Daily Kos: In Wisconsin, the Plutocrats Plot 'Walkercide
February 25th, 2011 8:36 AM
The hatred of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker continues in the fever swamps of the Daily Kos. The blogger "Patience John" posted an article Wednesday headlined "Walkercide: Killing the American Dream for Corporate Paymasters." Try not to pay attention to the mangled syntax: that "Walkercide" sounds like a plot to kill the governor, not the other way around, or that the headline suggests a plot to…
Blogger Who Prank Called Scott Walker, Now a Media Darling, Has Sordid
February 24th, 2011 4:49 PM
Since lefty blogger Ian Murphy prank called Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Wednesday, various media outlets have devoted significant coverage to the prankster. None have seen fit to mention some of Murphy's more colorful antics - proclaiming "f**k the troops," for instance, or pretending to be autistic to gain access for a story.
CNN has been out front covering the prank and its…
CNN Names Walker Prank Caller 'Most Intriguing Person of the Day
February 24th, 2011 1:32 PM
On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux announced that Ian Murphy, the blogger who prank-called Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by pretending to be billionaire David Koch, was her network's "Most Intriguing Person of the Day." Murphy is the latest liberal hero to receive this designation from CNN.
Malveaux devoted a half-minute segment 21 minutes into the 11 am Eastern hour to the…
NBC and CBS Tout Prank Call on Gov. Walker as 'Evidence' He Wants to
February 24th, 2011 12:59 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Michael Isikoff claimed a prank phone call on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker "provided his critics with evidence that his real motivation is what they've been saying all along, to crush public unions." On Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Erica Hill declared the "embarrassing" call revealed Walker's "plan for putting pressure on the big unions…
Networks Skip Democratic Congressman's Call for Union Protesters to 'G
February 24th, 2011 12:45 PM
Wednesday's nightly newscasts and Thursday's morning shows completely ignored video of a Massachusetts congressman exhorting union protesters in Wisconsin to "get a little bloody" in the fight against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's Today and CBS's Early Show all skipped the extreme rhetoric by Democratic Representative Michael Capuano. Fox News on…
Rachel Maddow Lies to Leno About Republican Campaign Contributions
February 23rd, 2011 11:10 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Tuesday told a staggering amount of nonsense to "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno concerning what's going on in Wisconsin with the unions and Tea Partiers.
After some additional investigation, it turns out the juiciest whopper of all came a few minutes earlier when she totally misrepresented Republican and Democrat political…
Elderly 'Teabaggers' Not Dying 'Fast Enough' Laments Libtalker Mike Pa
February 23rd, 2011 9:41 PM
Looks like yet another left-winger missed the meme on the New Civility.
Attorney and "Ring of Fire" radio show co-host Mike Papantonio, guest-hosting on Ed Schultz's radio program yesterday, revealed two things -- he hates old people and wants tea party retirees to hurry up and die.
Don't take my word for it, listen to Papantonio's remarks after a caller said he saw "one of these baggers…
Slippery Cenk Suggests Public Employees Need Unions To Negotiate With
February 23rd, 2011 9:34 PM
James Taranto could be the best columnist around. Every day at his Best of the Web at the Wall Street Journal online, Taranto turns out an original, often unconventional, conservative take on the news, regularly managing to leaven the message with humor.
Rush today rightly extolled Taranto's column of yesterday, in which he made the point that there is a vast, inherent difference between…
Fleebaggers: The New Cut-and-Run Democrats
February 23rd, 2011 4:03 PM
First lady Michelle Obama said, "Let's Move!" Who knew Democratic politicians in Wisconsin and Indiana would take her literally?
Faced with stifling debt, bloated pensions and intractable government unions, liberal Midwestern legislators have fled those states — paralyzing Republican fiscal reform efforts. Like Monty Python's Brave Sir Robin and his band of quivering knights, these elected…
Maddow Tells Leno Total Nonsense About Wisconsin, Unions and Tea Party
February 23rd, 2011 10:49 AM
Last Monday, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman ironically asked his readers why voters are so ill-informed.
Eight days later, MSNBC's resident Rhodes scholar Rachel Maddow, while chatting with the "Tonight Show's" Jay Leno about what's going on in Wisconsin, demonstrated perfectly why so many in our country have little factual knowledge of current events (video follows with transcript and…
Networks Stand with Wisconsin Unions, Ignore $1-3 Trillion Pension Def
February 23rd, 2011 10:18 AM
For roughly a week, a battle has been raging in Madison, Wis. Evening news programs on the three broadcast networks framed these as "citizen uprisings" over pay cuts and "eliminating unions' collective bargaining powers to negotiate wages and benefits."
Reporters also portrayed this as a national union issue, but mostly failed to point out the national problem of pension underfunding…
Proposed Wisc. Voter ID Law Would Make Registering to Vote 'Really Har
February 23rd, 2011 7:08 AM
Curse those wascally Wepublicans in Wisconsin, you'll never believe what they're up to now.
Bad enough for the Badger State GOP to abet Gov. Scott Walker in his nefarious scheme to prevent public-sector unions from bankrupting the state. Worse, they are hatching even more diabolical plots while Dem state senators continue their courageous evasion of the law to avoid voting on Walker's…
Bozell Column: The Media on Wisconsin? A Bad Joke
February 22nd, 2011 11:00 PM
The battle in Madison, Wisconsin between new Gov. Scott Walker and the public-sector union hacks offers an amazing study in journalistic double standards. The same national media that have spent the last two years drawing devil’s horns and Klan hoods on the Tea Party protesters have switched sides with lightning speed. In the Wisconsin protesters, they find sweetness and light, “hope and change…