CNN's Borger: Freshman GOP Reps. are 'Arrogant' and 'Dangerous

February 28th, 2011 10:00 AM
CNN's Gloria Borger ripped the 87 new Republicans in the House of Representatives in a Thursday commentary on for their "arrogance of absolute conviction" in wanting to cut the budget. Borger first labeled this attachment to principle "dangerous," and continued that the "problem" with the freshmen representatives and their allies at the state level was "their conviction that compromise…

Chuck Todd: Walker Supporters Bunch of Bitter-Clingers

February 28th, 2011 8:01 AM
Shades of bitter-clingers! Chuck Todd has developed an interesting device to delegitimize support for Gov. Scott Walker, depicting his backers as uneducated, frustrated, blue-collar people who are willing to "lash out at government workers." Yup, there's no respectable basis to support Walker and his call for reforms on a collective bargaining system that has nearly wrecked Wisconsin and…

Arguing with Rand Paul, Letterman Urges Tax Hike to Pay Wisconsin Work

February 28th, 2011 1:56 AM
Catching up with a Thursday night appearance by Senator Rand Paul to plug his new book, Paul’s segment on the Late Show exposed David Letterman as an arrogantly ill-informed ally of Wisconsin’s public employee unions: “Why don't we just raise the taxes and let these folks have their collective bargaining, have their union representation and go back to their jobs? Raise the taxes on the wealthy…

Eleanor Clift Asks McLaughlin Group "Since When Does Scott Walker Repr

February 27th, 2011 4:12 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift on Friday amazingly asked, "Since when does Scott Walker represent 'the people'?" Such happened during a heated discussion on PBS's "The McLaughlin Group" about the goings-on in Wisconsin (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Schieffer Hits Christie for How He ‘Demonized Teachers’ and Presse

February 27th, 2011 3:02 PM
CBS’s Bob Schieffer hit Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the left on Sunday’s Face the Nation, claiming he has “demonized” teachers and urging him to give some “straight talk” about the necessity to raise taxes. After asking if he thinks “Governor Walker out there in Wisconsin has gone too far?” in trying to end collective bargaining, Schieffer ludicrously asserted “…

Howard Kurtz Bashes CNN for Naming Walker Prank Caller 'Most Intriguin

February 27th, 2011 2:01 PM
As NewsBusters reported, CNN on Thursday named the blogger that prank called Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker its "Most Intriguing Person of the Day." On CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday, host Howard Kurtz noted the hypocrisy here saying, "If anybody who worked for CNN did what this guy did, they would have been fired" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

WaPo's Dana Milbank Calls Wisconsin Gov. Walker a Hooligan

February 27th, 2011 11:26 AM defines "hooligan" as a ruffian or hoodlum. This is what the Washington Post's Dana Milbank called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in his Sunday column:

AP, NYT Inflate Perception of Non-Madison Saturday Pro-Union Crowds

February 27th, 2011 11:13 AM
Yesterday was supposed to be a day of massive pro-union demonstrations nationwide designed to give Wisconsin public-sector employee moral support from hordes of their union and non-union "brothers" and "sisters" around the country. Uh, that's not exactly what transpired. The establishment press's fallback position in matters such as these when the protesters involved have their sympathies…

AP's Bauer Continues to Claim That Wis. Legislation Would 'Eliminate C

February 27th, 2011 8:52 AM
From all appearances, the Associated Press's Scott Bauer has a story, and he's sticking to it -- never mind the facts. On February 17 (covered at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), in an item which mostly told readers that pending legislation would "eliminate collective-bargaining rights," Bauer let a kernel of truth slip into his second-last of nearly 40 paragraphs: Unions still could represent…

Rachel Maddow Plays Gay Card: Defends Her Own Lies By Calling Critics

February 26th, 2011 11:46 AM
The folks at MSNBC should be deeply embarrassed and ashamed of their prime time commentator Rachel Maddow. Having been exposed by Politifact for lying last week about Wisconsin having a budget surplus, Maddow on Thursday hypocritically defended herself by playing nine cherry-picked words from the broadcast in question while disgracefully calling her critics homophobes (video follows with…

You Read It Here, First: Noteworthy Media Coverage of NewsBusters’ I

February 26th, 2011 11:36 AM
Tuesday’s NewsBusters’ piece documenting the broadcast networks’ incredible double standard on protests — how reporters zeroed in on inflammatory signs to try and discredit the Tea Party while ignoring similar or worse signs at the left-wing union protests in Wisconsin — garnered national media attention. On Tuesday evening, nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Levin cited the NewsBusters’…

'Power' More Important Than 'Purity' in Complying With Law, Ed Schultz

February 25th, 2011 9:34 PM
Ed Schultz is a firm believer in the law. Most of the time. On his radio show yesterday, Schultz demonstrated how he's willing to be flexible when it comes to legalities, especially if it helps those sharing his politics. Schultz was talking with Democratic state senator Jon Erpenbach, one of the so-called "Wisconsin 14" who have fled the state to avoid voting on what they consider union-…

NBC Jumps on Prank Call to Scott Walker, But Ignored Video Sting of Pl

February 25th, 2011 12:38 PM
While NBC was quick to cover a prank phone call to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker by a left-wing website on Wednesday, it did not give one word of reporting to a video sting earlier this month that showed Planned Parenthood employees agreeing to abortions for hypothetical underage girls involved in sex trafficking. Wednesday's NBC Nightly News featured a report by correspondent Michael…

Media Mash: Wis. Protest Edition; Bozell and Hannity Analyze Media's B

February 25th, 2011 10:53 AM
"It's like they have the same writer!" Fox News' Sean Hannity marveled after watching a montage of liberal journalists comparing the labor union protests in Madison, Wisconsin, with the anti-Mubarak demonstrations weeks ago in Cairo. "Sean, this is really goofy. These reporters should be embarrassed," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell agreed on last night's "Hannity." "If you want to find…