NBC's Todd Can't Call Obama a Liberal but Labels GOP Governors 'Conser

March 1st, 2011 12:23 PM
NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd, on Tuesday's Today show, had no problem labeling Republican governors like Scott Walker, "conservative," but for some reason just couldn't get his lips to utter the word "liberal" when referring to the President. In a piece about Barack Obama meeting with the nation's governors, Todd observed that in his first two years in office "when the…

CBS Suppressed Public Support for Arizona Law But Eager to Hype Public

March 1st, 2011 10:21 AM
Last May when a CBS News poll first asked about Arizona’s immigration enforcement law and found majority support for it (52 percent), the CBS Evening News didn’t report the finding. Two months later, when backing jumped five points higher, the newscast gave it a sentence. And a month after that, when those favoring the Arizona law had risen to 59 percent in August, the evening newscast ignored…

Wisconsin Dem Assemblyman Tells GOP Assemblywoman 'You Are F--king Dea

March 1st, 2011 12:42 AM
A Wisconsin Democrat Assemblyman turned to a Republican Assemblywoman in the middle of a legislative session Friday and said, "You are f--king dead." Despite the following report from the Northwestern at 12:53 PM Monday, no major media outlet other than Fox News has covered this disgusting story:

Maddow Continues to Misrepresent Union Campaign Contributions

February 28th, 2011 11:22 PM
It is said that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Maybe this is Rachel Maddow's intention behind continually saying the following on the MSNBC show bearing her name (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Missing Wisconsin Dems Rely Heavily on Union Campaign Dollars - Where

February 28th, 2011 7:33 PM
Since the budget battle began in Wisconsin, so-called journalists have attacked Governor Scott Walker as a union-busting shill representing big corporate donors such as the Koch brothers. The much bigger story media have ignored - that the 14 Democrat senators who fled the state all have serious financial connections to public employees and unions - was revealed Monday by the Milwaukee…

Pro-union Demonstrators Assault FNC's Mike Tobin, Attempt to Shout Dow

February 28th, 2011 6:24 PM
The campaign by pro-union demonstrators in Madison, Wisconsin to silence Fox News and prevent it from reporting continued over the weekend. Protesters did their best to prevent FNC's Mike Tobin from reporting on the protests, all the while shouting - apparently oblivious to the irony - "Fox News lies!" A few protesters even struck Tobin, though he later downplayed the assault, and said he had…

Hacker Group 'Anonymous' Attacks Americans for Prosperity Over Wiscons

February 28th, 2011 4:38 PM
A group of hackers attacked the website of conservative activist group Americans for Prosperity on Monday. The attack used a simple but effective method known as a distributed denial of service attack. The group, which calls itself "Anonymous", has attacked a number of websites in recent months that it perceives as political enemies. Those have included the websites of MasterCard and Amazon,…

Joe Scarborough: Scott Walker's Stand Against Collective Bargaining 'S

February 28th, 2011 3:45 PM
Joe Scarborough's "intuitive gut reaction" to the mess in Wisconsin is that Gov. Walker's holdout against union pleas for collective bargaining "seems kind of un-American" to him. It supposedly pained the self-described small-government conservative to say it, but he held to his opinion on Monday's "Morning Joe." "I'm going to get killed for saying this," Scarborough hesitantly prefaced…

New York Times Skips Inconvenient Facts to Insist on 'Peaceful,' 'Nonv

February 28th, 2011 3:08 PM
The New York Times took pains over the weekend to emphasize the nonviolent nature of the ongoing pro-union protests in Madison, over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to limit collective bargaining for government unions and increase the amount they pay for their health care and pension plans. From Monday’s report by Richard Oppel in Madison on Wisconsin state authorities capitulating to…

CBS Proclaims: 'Workers of the Nation Unite' in MoveOn.org-Backed Unio

February 28th, 2011 1:28 PM
At the top of Saturday's CBS Early Show, co-host Russ Mitchell cheered unions protests across the country: "Workers uniting. 50 rallies are planned in 50 states today, as organizers show solidarity with Wisconsin state workers, fighting to preserve their right to collectively bargain for benefits and work conditions." Introducing the segment later, fellow co-host Rebecca Jarvis noted how the…

NBC Reporter Hails the 'Weary Resolve' of Wisconsin Protestors

February 28th, 2011 1:18 PM
NBC's Mike Taibbi, on Saturday's Today show, portrayed the pro-labor union protestors in Wisconsin in almost heroic terms as he hailed "The crowds of overnight campers and protestors keep up their vigils. A weary resolve still evident" and depicted them as victims that were "taking the hits." On the other hand the GOP was painted as the bad guys with Taibbi detailing "Republicans used an…

The Vulgar Rage of the Left

February 28th, 2011 1:09 PM
Barack Obama's new era of civility was over before it began. You wouldn't know it from reading The New York Times, watching Katie Couric or listening to the Democratic manners police. But America has been overrun by foul-mouthed, fist-clenching wildebeests. Yes, the tea party movement is responsible — for sending these liberal goons into an insane rage, that is. After enduring two years of…

At Rainbow PUSH, Walker Has Wisconsin 'For Sale Like a Two-Bit

February 28th, 2011 11:36 AM
The new civility demanded by liberals suffered a setback at Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Saturday morning forum this week.  As televised on the WORD Network, featured speaker Democratic Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor told a cheering audience that Gov. Scott Walker (R) "got our state for sale like a two-bit. . . "  Taylor's PUSH appearance was reported by, among others, the Chicago Sun-…

Maddow: Fox Isn't a News Channel - It's a 'McCarthyite Chamber of Horr

February 28th, 2011 10:34 AM
The presumptive face of the most biased and propagandist television news outlet in America had some harsh words for the media organization that bests hers in ratings virtually every hour of every day. In a piece published by the Daily Beast Sunday, Rachel Maddow hypocritically told Howard Kurtz that Fox News has "become a McCarthyite chamber of horrors… You can't really call yourself a news…