Scott Walker
Alan Colmes: Gov. Walker Exempted Police and Firefighters From Budget
March 5th, 2011 4:48 PM
It's approaching three weeks since the budget battle began in Wisconsin and Alan Colmes still doesn't understand some of the facts.
On Saturday's "Fox News Watch," the perilously liberal commentator claimed Gov. Scott Walker exempted policemen and firefighters from his budget repair bill as a payback for their support during last November's elections (video follows with transcript and…
Rosie O'Donnell: Wisconsin Battle's 'The Most Important Issue' in USA
March 5th, 2011 1:22 PM
The Radio Equalizer blog found an amazing statement from Rosie O'Donnell on her satellite radio show: the Wisconsin budget crisis "I feel like this is the most important issue our nation is facing right now, and has for the last fifty, sixty years." Forget the civil rights struggles, the Cold War, or the impeachment battles of two presidents. Rosie also emphasized the bizarre left-wing concept …
Shep Sniffs At Scott Walker's 'So-Called' Reform
March 4th, 2011 7:52 PM
Shep Smith: putting the liberal balance into Fox News Channel's fair-and-balanced reporting . . .
On Fox Report this evening, Shep sneered at Gov. Walker's budget-repair bill, sniffing at it as "so-called" reform, sarcastically adding that as far as union members facing layoffs are concerned, "it's no repair to them."
Later, interviewing FNC's White House correspondent Mike Emanuel, a…
Ed Schultz Pines for Days When Paleo-Dems 'Would Not Even Have Allowed
March 4th, 2011 6:47 PM
Free speech? Fuggedaboutit!
Liberal radio host and reined-in MSNBC flamethrower Ed Schultz has provided another example of his erratic reverence for the Constitution, specifically that pesky First Amendment.
On his radio show Wednesday, Schultz harkened back to halcyon days of yore involving "old Democrats" made singular by their intolerance for discussion of that most sacred cow, Social…
Taxpayers Pay the Tab for Public Sector Unions Through Higher Taxes
March 4th, 2011 4:16 PM
With all of the union strife in Wisconsin, Indiana and New Jersey, and indications of more to come, it might be time to shed a bit of light on unions as an economic unit.
First, let's get one important matter out of the way. I value freedom of association, and non-association, even in ways that are not always popular and often deemed despicable. I support a person's right to be a member or…
March 3 'Media Mash': Media Celebrate Leftist Blogger, Runaway Wiscons
March 4th, 2011 11:15 AM
Leftist blogger Ian Murphy is "a liar who broke every rule of journalism," with his phone call to Gov. Scott Walker in which he pretended to be conservative donor David Koch, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told the audience of last night's "Hannity."
The Media Research Center founder was reacting to CNN having practically promoted Murphy's prank by awarding him the title "Most Intriguing…
Ed Schultz Calls Wisconsin Budget 'Racist
March 4th, 2011 11:02 AM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Thursday called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's newly-proposed budget "racist."
Not surprisingly, Schultz believes allocating more funds to school vouchers picks on poor inner-city kids (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Liberals' Accusations Against Koch Brothers Are Classic Examples of Pr
March 3rd, 2011 3:43 PM
Earlier today, my Examiner colleague Mark Tapscott wrote on the left's tendency to create political bogeymen and then accuse them of just about everything under the sun. There's a bit more that needs to be added in the context of the left's newest bogeymen, the newly infamous Charles and David Koch. Just like they did previously in their attacks on the likes of Kenneth Starr and Richard Scaife…
Newsweek Offers Up Arrow for Wisconsin 'Dirty Tricks
March 3rd, 2011 1:49 PM
Here's more evidence that Newsweek keeps sinking as a credible "news" outlet. In their "Conventional Wisdom Watch" box in the March 7 issue, their top entry is an Up arrow for "Dirty Tricks." Media ethics, schmethics. The honored trickster is so-called "journalist" Ian Murphy of the "Buffalo Beast" for calling Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and pretending to be a capitalist, which he is certainly…
CBS: Fugitive Wisconsin Dems Have 'Become Heroes' to Union Protestors
March 2nd, 2011 4:59 PM
During a report on the latest developments in Wisconsin for Wednesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Cynthia Bowers proclaimed that the 14 Democratic state senators who fled to Illinois to block Governor Walker's budget proposal from passing have "become heroes to protesters." She lamented: "Now comes word, albeit from a Republican, some may be ready to come home and concede."
Bowers used…
Media Boycott of Wisconsin Assemblyman Telling Assemblywoman 'You Are
March 2nd, 2011 9:47 AM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Laura Ingraham interviews Assemblywoman Litjens.
As NewsBusters reported Tuesday, a Wisconsin Democrat Assemblyman vulgarly assaulted a Republican Assemblywoman last week disgracefully saying to her after a procedural on the state's budget, "You are f--king dead!"
Although the story was first broken by a Wisconsin radio station at 12:53 PM Monday, America's supposedly…
Open Thread: Wis. GOP Senator Surrounded by Mob, Saved by Dem Colleagu
March 2nd, 2011 9:16 AM
Well, "saved" may be a bit dramatic, since GOP Sen. Glenn Grothman later said that he didn't feel he was in any real danger. But as you can see in the video below the jump Grothman was surrounded by a very loud and angry group of pro-union demonstrators. Democratic Assemblyman Brett Hulsey stepped in at around the 2:50 mark to try to calm the protesters down.
"This guy and I disagree on… Story on Gov. Walker's 'Overreach' Loaded with Unanimous Anti
March 1st, 2011 7:41 PM
CNN's Ed Hornick apparently couldn't find anyone who disagreed with the notion that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker "overreached" in his push to eliminate collective bargaining for public sector unions. He couldn't even quote Walker himself. Hornick's Tuesday article quoted from two political science professors, a "progressive" editorial writer, and a former United States comptroller general,…
Stern to WaPo: Labor Movement 'Had Socialist and Communist Tendencies
March 1st, 2011 2:06 PM
Retired Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern was recently interviewed by Journolist organizer and Washington Post staff writer Ezra "the Constitution is confusing because it was written more than a hundred years ago" Klein.
In response to a question from Klein about "the animosity between unions and workplaces" (that is what Klein says he said), Stern made an interesting…