What If Tea Partier Had Said It: Wis. GOP Given Detailed Death Threat

March 10th, 2011 11:18 AM
Picture this scenario: hours after the vote on Obamacare a Tea Party protester sent an email to leading congressional Democrats with a detailed description of plans to murder both those legislators and their families. The sender claimed to know where those Democrats lived, and said he had planted bombs in various places, including the capitol building. What do you suppose the media reaction…

Today Show Calls GOP 'Surprise' Vote in Wisconsin an 'Outrage

March 10th, 2011 10:51 AM
NBC's Meredith Vieira opened Thursday's Today show alerting viewers that Republicans in Wisconsin had caused a "capitol chaos" with a "surprise maneuver" to pass a "controversial budget proposal without Democrats" and her colleague Ann Curry, in teasing a John Yang story, did her one better calling the vote an "outrage." In the ensuing Yang piece, headlined: "Outrage In Wisconsin, Senate…

AP Prefers Wisconsin Dems Over GOP, 6 to

March 10th, 2011 8:26 AM
Which side of the Wisconsin battle over public-sector union bargaining does the Associated Press favor? Here's an easy way to tell. A Thursday morning report by Scott Bauer from Madison has this list of quoted people in the story: 1. Protesters (shouting "The whole world is watching!") 2. Sen. Dale Schultz, moderate Republican who voted against Gov. Walker's bill. 3. Sen. Mark Miller,…

Althouse Says It All About AP's Coverage of Wis. Collective Bargaining

March 9th, 2011 10:45 PM
Here is how the Associated Press and reporter Scott Bauer headlined and opened their 10:09 p.m. report (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on the Wisconsin Senate's collective bargaining-related vote tonight: Wis. GOP bypasses Dems, cuts collective bargaining   The Wisconsin Senate succeeded in voting Wednesday to strip nearly all collective…

Early AM Engine-Starter: Guess the Costs of Milwaukee School District

March 9th, 2011 4:22 AM
On Monday, in a story I will link after the jump, the Associated Press reported that on March 1 the  Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association (MTEA) dropped a lawsuit it initiated last year over the school district's refusal five years earlier to cover a prescription drug the union described as "an issue of discrimination, of equal rights for all our members” (that link will also appear after…

Martin Bashir Bashes Walker, Christie, and Kasich for Making Teachers

March 8th, 2011 5:29 PM
Less than two weeks into his new gig anchoring the 3 p.m. Eastern hour at MSNBC, Martin Bashir has already called the Tea Party "disingenuous," hailed Obama's response to the crisis in Libya, and supported raising taxes on the rich. This afternoon Bashir added another item to that liberal laundry list. While President Barack Obama was delivering a speech on education reform in Boston, the…

Achtung Baby! Ed Schultz Touts Nazi Construction of Autobahn as Model

March 8th, 2011 5:28 PM
Never let it be said that Ed Schultz isn't fair. Why, just yesterday he was putting in a good word for German national socialism. Schultz, who has yet to encounter an infrastructure project that didn't make him swoon (an infatuation he shares with fellow MSNBCer Rachel Maddow), had this to say on his radio show with sidekick James Holm while complaining about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker…

Ed Schultz's Incredibly Short Memory: 'Wisconsin's a Political Standof

March 7th, 2011 10:56 PM
Remember during the peak of Bush Derangement Syndrome in the previous decade when it seemed that liberal media members had forgotten all of our nation's history prior to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003? On Monday's "The Ed Show," the host went into a tirade about Wisconsin governor Scott Walker with seemingly no recollection of last year's healthcare battle (video follows with transcript…

Paul Krugman Tip-Toes Around Facts to Jam Wisconsin Debate into Leftis

March 7th, 2011 2:30 PM
In a short video on the New York Times's website, Brian Stelter, the paper's media reporter, comments on the "interesting" trend of cable news reporters "taking sides" in the Wisconsin budget battle - with Fox News on the right and MSNBC on the left, of course - and supposedly twisting facts to fit partisan narratives. Asked about commentators "looking for a certain narrative on the way in…

NYT's Kate Zernike Switches From Tea Party to Wisconsin, Maintains Hos

March 7th, 2011 1:46 PM
Kate Zernike, Tea Party-beat reporter for the New York Times, whose reporting on the movement is marked by hostility and unfounded suspicions of racism, switched to the pro-union left-wing protests in Wisconsin for the front of the Sunday Week in Review,  “As Goes Wisconsin...” The subhead: “The Midwest’s legacy of labor activism -- and conservative pushback -- are both in play today at the…

Latest Notable Quotables: Claiming 'Coordinated' GOP 'Assault on Union

March 7th, 2011 11:20 AM
The Media Research Center is out with another edition of our bi-weekly Notable Quotables newsletter, a compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. Highlights from this issue include: Network reporters contrasting left-wing union protests in Wisconsin with recent uprisings against brutal Middle Eastern dictators, and journalists suggesting a “…

Paul Krugman's Marxist Economic Fix: More Unions and Free Healthcare

March 7th, 2011 9:10 AM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman doesn't believe education is the key to solving America's economic woes. Quite the contrary, in his recent article "Degrees and Dollars," the Nobel Laureate argued that the path to a more prosperous nation is for unions to have increased bargaining power and for everyone to have "free" healthcare:

NYT: If Public Employee Costs Aren't Reined In New York Won't be Able

March 6th, 2011 11:27 AM
The New York Times on Sunday offered an extraordinarily sober prediction: if the state of New York doesn't rein in spiraling costs of public employees, it will find itself unable to provide even essential services. Despite clearly tying the problem to the power of New York's public employee unions, the Times editorial board assured readers that it's still pro-labor and is opposed to what Gov…

Newsweek's Evan Thomas Takes on Mark Shields, Nina Totenberg and the N

March 5th, 2011 7:45 PM
For the fourth time in the last five weeks Evan Thomas has taken a political position quite contrary to the other liberal panelists on PBS's "Inside Washington." In Friday's installment, Newsweek's assistant managing editor not only took on regulars Mark Shields and Nina Totenberg but also ridiculed the New York Times (video follows with transcript and commentary):