MSNBC's Brzezinski Hits Gov. Walker From Left, Wonders Why He's Not Ra

February 22nd, 2011 7:25 PM
"Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski and regular guest John Heilemann both pulled the class warfare card and pressured Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) Tuesday on why he did not raise taxes on the wealthy to cover the state's budget shortfall, rather than pushing to require union members pay into their pensions. "You're receiving a lot of criticism for only asking the other side to give,…

Bob Schieffer Wonders if Union Protests Make Wisconsin 'The Tunisia of

February 22nd, 2011 5:18 PM
On CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, host Bob Schieffer interviewed Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan and compared union protests in that state to the democracy movements spreading across the Middle East: "There are also reports that this could spread to at least nine other states....Is Madison, Wisconsin, Congressman, the Tunisia of American politics now?" At the top of the…

WaPo's Robinson: 'Standoff in Wisconsin Nothing to do With Balancing B

February 22nd, 2011 4:27 PM
"Let's be clear: The high-stakes standoff in Wisconsin has nothing to do with balancing the state's budget." So began Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson's not surprisingly one-sided piece Tuesday:

ICYMI: MRC's Graham Discussing Wisconsin Protest Bias on Feb. 21 'Your

February 22nd, 2011 4:12 PM
The liberal media have virtually ignored the scandal of medical doctors handing out fraudulent sick notes to labor union protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham noted on yesterday's "Your World with Neil Cavuto." What's more, while the media have been quick to portray Wisconsin public sector employees as victims, media outlets have ignored the perspective of…

Carl Bernstein Rips Gov. Walker for 'Demagogic' Stand Against Collecti

February 22nd, 2011 3:37 PM
On MSNBC's "Jansing & Co." Tuesday, liberal journalist Carl Bernstein criticized the continued stance of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) against the right of public unions to collectively bargain. The liberal Watergate journalistic "legend" labeled the governor's efforts as "ahistorical" and "demagogic." When the governor cut into benefits and pensions of state employees to solve a…

Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard

February 22nd, 2011 3:11 PM
Loud protests by Wisconsin public employee unions against a budget reform proposal from new Governor Scott Walker have drawn considerable national network news attention since Thursday, the day Democratic state senators fled the state in a last-ditch gambit to prevent the bill from becoming law. A story-by-story analysis by the Media Research Center shows the Wisconsin protests are a perfect…

Daily Kos: Scott Walker Like a Southern Slave Holder

February 22nd, 2011 1:57 PM
While the mainstream media finds it tolerable to compare Gov. Scott Walker to Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, the bloggers at Daily Kos can always stretch the slander further. The blogger "Dengre" finds Walker and his conservative ilk are quite similar to Confederate slave holders: What thing becomes clear--as you consider the modern Republican Confederate Party's effort to attack workers,…

CNN's Carol Costello Warns 'Corporate America is About to Win' in Wisc

February 22nd, 2011 12:31 PM
On the February 22 edition of "American Morning," CNN's Carol Costello framed the ongoing budget debate in Wisconsin as a struggle between embattled middle class workers and corporatist Republicans with ulterior motives, parroting SEIU President Mary Kay Henry to warn viewers that "corporate America is about to win big time." "Henry says corporate America save themselves money in wages by…

Wisc. Union Protestors Shouting Down FNC Fit Pattern of Leftist Censor

February 22nd, 2011 12:11 PM
Nothing more cogently demonstrated the left's apparent strategy in Madison, Wisconsin thus far than a group of pro-union demonstrators silencing a Fox News report on a budding scandal there with cries demanding that Fox "tell the truth." Demonstrators, and much of the left over the past week, were unconcerned with the content of Fox's report. The fact that Fox was doing the reporting meant that…

CBS's Wragge Frets: 'Should Unions Be on Alert All Around the Country

February 22nd, 2011 11:51 AM
In an interview with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge worried about the fallout from budget cutting in Wisconsin: "It seems to look like this governor [Scott Walker] is trying to basically break unions and that other states may then follow suit. Is this – should unions be on alert all around the country?" Huckabee pointed out: "I think…

David Brooks: Gov. Walker Excluded Wisconsin Cops and Firefighters for

February 22nd, 2011 10:34 AM
New York Times columnist David Brooks published a truly must-read piece Tuesday about what's going on in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, out of some odd desire to appear balanced, Brooks advanced the totally erroneous liberal meme that Governor Walker's budget repair plan exempted cops and firefighters because they typically support Republicans:

CBS Decides Wisconsin State Workers Underpaid, FNC Shows Doctor’s No

February 22nd, 2011 9:33 AM
CBS on Monday night tried to corroborate the case for the position on protesting Wisconsin state union workers, claiming without citing any source that they earn less than comparable private sector works, while FNC put the union workers in a less oppressed light, showing how “apparent doctors” were “handing out doctor’s notes for sick days. Our undercover producer got a medical excuse, no…

From Coolidge to Reagan to Scott Walker

February 22nd, 2011 4:00 AM
When three-fourths of the Boston police department went on strike in 1919, leading to broken shop windows and looting, then-Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge called out the state militia and broke the strike. Coolidge declared, "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time." His courage propelled him to the vice presidency and eventually to the…

Feds and Unions: Foes of Educational Reform

February 22nd, 2011 2:00 AM
"The fate of our country won’t be decided on a battlefield. It will be determined in a classroom." Do you believe that? Last week, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker called on 14 state Senate Democrats, who had fled the state instead of voting on a deficit-cutting anti-teachers-union bill, to return and do their jobs. Senate Republicans hold a 19-14 majority there but can't vote on the bill unless…