Scott Walker

Blogger: On Health Care, GOPers Just 'Acting' Like They Care
August 20th, 2015 10:48 AM
It’s a matter of political record that since at least 2009, Republicans have talked at length about health-care reform, especially alternatives to Obamacare. Apparently almost all of them were, as Jon Lovitz’s Master Thespian would put it, “Acting!” That’s essentially what The Week's Paul Waldman alleged in a Wednesday post.
“Republicans have faced a real health care problem for many years now,…
ABC Rediscovers Clinton E-Mail Scandal as NBC Notes Walker's Hecklers
August 17th, 2015 8:49 PM
After having ignored Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal since Saturday night, ABC emerged out of the wilderness during Monday’s World News Tonight to again cover the latest development while CBS and NBC went in the opposite direction Monday evening and ignored the story following three minutes of airtime on their Monday morning newscasts. On NBC, Katy Tur made sure to mention to viewers that…

MSNBC's Sharpton: Racial Clashes Usually ‘Sparked by Police Violence’
August 13th, 2015 7:35 PM
While a guest on Wednesday's edition of Tom Joyner's morning radio show, Al Sharpton -- the host of the PoliticsNation weekday program on the liberal MSNBC cable television channel – used the opportunity to declare that most instances of race-related violence during the past 50 years have been “sparked by police violence.”
The civil rights activist also stated that he had flown overnight to Los…
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Calls Scott Walker A 'Bad Socialist'
August 12th, 2015 12:14 PM
In his MSNBC show The Last Word Tuesday evening, Lawrence O’Donnell dedicated a segment to describing his opinion of what “good and bad socialism” looks like. Naturally his example of “good” socialism included the man and policies Bernie Sanders. It also included a 6 year old cover from Newsweek magazine that proclaimed “We Are All Socialists now,” which detailed how it's becoming normal (and…

Lefty Columnist: ‘F**k-You Republicans’ Taking Over GOP
August 9th, 2015 11:45 AM
For close to a hundred and fifty years, the elephant has represented the Republican party, but The American Prospect’s Meyerson suggests that these days, a more fitting choice for the GOP’s symbol would be an extended middle finger.
In his analysis of Thursday’s prime-time presidential debate, Meyerson, who also writes a weekly column for The Washington Post, identified several of the candidates…

CBS’s O’Donnell Repeatedly Badgers Scott Walker to Condemn Trump
August 7th, 2015 8:39 AM
During an interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker after the first GOP presidential debate, CBS This Morning’s Norah O’Donnell repeatedly badgered the Republican over Donald Trump’s performance during Thursday night’s debate.

Matthews Whines About Cruz's 'Machine Gun Bacon' Video
August 4th, 2015 9:32 PM
MSNBC host Chris Matthews kicked off his roundtable segment on Tuesday's Hardball by denouncing Ted Cruz's amusing "machine gun bacon" video for conservative media outlet Unfortunately for Matthews, no one else on his panel was as stuck in the mud, agreeing among themselves it was a clever viral video to put out in the midst of a crowded primary campaign.

Stewart Uses Sexual Gesture to Attack Walker Attending Koch Event
August 4th, 2015 2:46 PM
As Jon Stewart wraps up his final week as host of the Daily Show, he used his Monday night show to attack a recent Koch brothers event that featured numerous Republican presidential candidates in attendance. Stewart opened up his broadcast by making a crude sexual joke at the expense of the GOPers in attendance who “worked the talking points and cradled the special interests in the hopes of one…

Press Still Badgers Walker Over Refusal to Say Obama Is a Christian
August 2nd, 2015 11:48 PM
One of the more outrageous chapters during presidential campaign season so far, the press harassment of 2016 GOP candidate and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in February over his statement that he "doesn't know" whether President Barack Obama is a Christian, is back.
Nobody in the press seems interested in asking Obama himself how he can still profess to be a Christian and support homosexual…

Seriously? MSNBC Host Mocks Scott Walker for Philly Cheesesteak Order
July 29th, 2015 2:20 PM
On Wednesday, MSNBC host Tamron Hall jumped on a non-story about Governor Scott Walker’s recent visit to Philadelphia in which the GOP presidential hopeful allegedly “got a tough lesson” for, wait for it, ordering a Philly cheesesteak with American cheese rather than cheese Whiz. She lectured Walker that “[if]f you're going to order Philly cheesesteak in Philly, you gotta do it the right way.…

WashPost's Milbank Is Paranoid About How 'Dangerous' Scott Walker Is
July 28th, 2015 5:05 PM
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank is obsessed with tearing Wisconsin Governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker down, and is clearly not above distorting the facts to make his pathetic points.
Milbank's latest tirade is about how Walker is allegedly "so dangerous" because he doesn't like unions. That's based on quite a bit of direct experience, which has included death threats…

Fiorina Skips 'Rape/Incest' Bait, Blasts Hillary's Abortion Extremism
July 23rd, 2015 3:18 PM
The press's favorite abortion questions usually have nothing to do with the 700,000-plus terminations of preborn babies' lives which take place each year in the U.S. (Note: The real figure is likely quite higher, because reporting is voluntary.) Especially when the person interviewed is a Republican or conservative, abortion questions focus heavily on the fewer than 1% of all abortions which are…
MSNBC Bemoans Wisconsin's 20 Week Abortion Ban, Hammers Scott Walker
July 21st, 2015 9:15 AM
MSNBC’s online coverage of Scott Walker’s new 20-week abortion ban is about as biased as they come. The story was featured with a screen-filling headline which boldly stated “WALKER BANS CHOICE.” This blatant attempt to slam Walker was eventually changed to “NO CHOICE,” omitting the Republican hopeful’s name.

Mark Shields: Scott Walker Has a ‘Lingering’ Resemblance to Paliin
July 19th, 2015 9:09 PM
During an appearance on Friday’s PBS NewsHour, liberal columnist Mark Shields questioned Scott Walker’s readiness to be president as he argued “there’s a lingering sort of “I can see Alaska from my front porch” of Governor Palin with him.” Shields played up liberal criticism of the Wisconsin governor and asked “Is he really ready for prime time?…So, I think Scott Walker has a great story to tell…