Perry Bacon

WORST OF 2023: Damn Those Conservatives Award
December 26th, 2023 9:00 AM
Today we present the WORST OF 2023: The Damn Those Conservatives Award.

CNN Panelist Scolds: We Cannot Have a 'Grown-Up' Budget Conversation
March 19th, 2017 10:56 AM
Following the White House’s release of a proposed federal budget on Thursday the liberal media went into a frenzy as they framed it as an assault against old people, the poor, and cancer research. But according to The Federalist’s Mary Catherine Ham on Sunday’s Inside Politics, that’s the childish behavior Washington had become known for. “No one wants to cut anything,” told the CNN panel, “And I…

What? Matthews Hopes New Hillary E-Mails Are Requests to Buy Groceries
November 2nd, 2016 2:59 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews made his feelings clear on Tuesday night about the latest revelations in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal as he expressed his hopes that they just turn out to be pleas by Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner or even Hillary Clinton to “remember to pick up bread on the way home.”

MSNBC Guest Wrongly Claims 'Vast Majority' Killed By Police Are Black
September 24th, 2016 3:09 PM
On Thursday's MTP Daily on MSNBC, during a discussion of recent high-profile cases of black suspects being shot and killed by police, panel member April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks made a blatantly wrong claim that the "vast majority" of criminal suspects who were killed by police officers in 2015 were black. In fact, the source that she actually cited -- the Washington Post -- found…
MSNBC Whines: GOP Will Keep Court from ‘Governing the Country’
February 14th, 2016 1:31 PM
Anchoring live coverage of the death of Antonin Scalia on Saturday night, MSNBC’s Ari Melber whined that the GOP not approving a successor to the conservative would impede the “governing of the country.” Reporter Perry Bacon agreed, echoing Democratic talking points: “I think you're right. I think you're already hearing that.”

Bacon: Foreign Policy Flops A Reason Hillary's Mum On SecState Tenure
June 15th, 2015 9:44 PM
In what amounted as the only significant whiff of criticism of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday's Hardball program, NBC News senior political reporter Perry Bacon noted that the failure of bama/Clinton foreign policy was the reason that Clinton is not emphasizing her four years at Foggy Bottom on the campaign trail.

Meet the Press Panel Eagerly Hits GOP Over Religious Freedom Laws
April 5th, 2015 12:17 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, an all liberal panel repeatedly took shots at the Republican Party over its support for religious freedom laws with Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report going so far as to suggest that on the issue on the issue of gay marriage “if we took everybody over the age of 50, and just moved them out of this country, this wouldn't be an issue at all.”

'It's Like Obama's Got Ebola,' Matthews Says About Democrat Candidates
October 23rd, 2014 6:16 PM
During Tuesday night's edition of Hardball on MSNBC, liberal host Chris Matthews vented his exasperation regarding the many Democratic candidates running across the country in this year's election who are distancing themselves from the unpopular current occupant of the White House.
“It's like Obama's got Ebola,” he said, referring to the deadly disease that originated in West Africa and has…
MSNBC’s Ball and Bacon Suggest Political Sensitivity is Real Problem
November 4th, 2013 6:05 PM
A recent Washington Post report handed MSNBC an opportunity to blame their rivals for the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare, and the Lean Forward network appears to be taking advantage.
On Monday’s The Cycle, MSNBC contributor Perry Bacon was on to discuss Saturday’s report that fear of Republican criticism caused the Obama administration to work slowly and secretively on the development of…

Time: CPAC Is 'Carnival' of 'Red-Meat Throwers,' But Liberal Netroots
February 10th, 2011 11:59 AM
Today marks the opening of the 38th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Regardless of where you may stand on internal debates about some of this year's co-sponsors, there's no denying that for nearly four decades its been an enduring legacy of conservative political activism.
But to liberal journalists like Time's Adam Sorensen, CPAC is casually dismissed as a "three-day…
WaPo Warns GOP's 'Ideological Fissures Loom,' Sees No Similar Trouble
November 4th, 2009 4:35 PM
This afternoon, the Washington Post's Web site offers readers two looks at how the Democrats and the GOP will proceed following the 2009 elections, but, surprise, surprise, the paper only forsees internecine squabbles for the GOP."Republicans revel in wins but ideological fissures loom," the headline to Washington Post staffer Philip Rucker and Perry Bacon's news piece filed at 2:30 p.m. EST…
WaPo Plays Up Colin Powell Smacking 'Right-Wing Critics' on CBS Sunday
May 23rd, 2009 11:43 AM
It’s uncommon for newspapers to hype Sunday morning TV interviews in advance, especially if presidents aren’t involved. But Saturday’s Washington Post carries this page 3 story: "In TV Appearance, Powell Plans to Answer Right-Wing Critics." Reporters Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr. play up a GOP feud: "Under intense fire from the right, former secretary of state Colin L. Powell is preparing…
Contessa Brewer: Republicans 'Think Americans Are a Bunch of Idiots
May 20th, 2009 12:22 PM
MSNBC host Contessa Brewer derided Republicans for using the word socialist in reference to Barack Obama's economic policies on Wednesday, complaining, "Well, maybe they think Americans are a bunch of idiots." Speaking of an upcoming vote by the Republican National Committee over whether or not to label the current Democratic leadership as socialist-leaning, the "MSNBC News Live Host" worried, "…
Unanimous: Hardball Panel Agrees Obama Playing Race Card
July 31st, 2008 7:14 PM
You might say nothing could be more unsurprising than a panel of political pundits admitting the obvious: that Barack Obama is playing the race card when he accuses John McCain of saying the Dem candidate "doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency."But what makes the punditry panel's unanimity notable is that no one would accuse them of being McCain backers, and what's more, that…